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September 26Th: Community Hot Topics!


September 26th Community Hot Topics  

2,408 members have voted

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Should Mastery Rank influence more things in game?

Mastery rank should be used as a multiplier for reducing foundry cost and maybe build time a little. We are after all showing more loyalty towards lotus, why does she take as much credits from me, as that tenno the just joined our ranks and looks alot like a Corpus crewman?


What do you like least in an event? (can choose more than one)

playing the same node over and over. For me 5 times on the same node is the tipping point between "OK" to "Too much", still do it though. The tactical alert for the hyena factory was overkill in-terms of required hyena kills.


just as a note: In my mind, the rarer the enemy is, the less common mods it should be able to drop and more equalized drop rates across the rarities (includes bosses to some extent)

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I really dislike that all nekros is currently good for is survivals.

i further dislike that you actually need a specific frame to do 15+ min. runs.. (mostly solo runs, but also team runs)

the lifesupport drop system could definetly do with an adjustment, so you only have to leave, when you cant survive against the enemies anymore,..

and NOT just because theres not any more LS cannnisters.

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My favorite event by far was the survival event. I played it over and over again just for fun.

The defense maps worked really well for fighting a never-ending horde of enemies without having to hug a cryopod. I really hope we get to see them used more in the future, perhaps in a new game mode or a derivation of survival.

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I would love to see Mastery influence more things in the game than just what weapons you can use and how many times you can trade in a day. An idea I recently had would be to give players a weapon that has very low stats once they hit Mastery Rank 3. After every additional Mastery Rank, you can improve a stat on the weapon, making it more powerful as you continue to gain mastery. It would become a very personal weapon that grows in strength as the player grows in Mastery. 

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Nekros is more akin to a slot machine than he is to a Necromancer. Desecrate is a great farming ability but it just feels out of place...

And Mastery Rank should give bonuses, like ability bonuses, drop bonuses, special stuff.
Or maybe auras that would be unlocked at certain level that can only be acquired that way, and give either new bonuses that compliment gameplay, some focused on melee, some on gunplay and so on, or boost existing auras / mods.


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Proper mastery needs to be about accomplishing various feats and accomplishing things with various Frames and perhaps accomplishments within a specific category of weapon to get mastery points.

This. This so much. It would also be nice if Mastery could take into account if you use certain equipment regularly, spend Forma on it to improve it and actually master it. Currently, it's just about becoming a jack of all trades, master of none.

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Please DE do me a favor.Change something with the survivals in the Void.Sometimes you could easily doing 1 hours,another try you have to leave at 13 minutes.Its to punishing when anyone in your team fails with life support or dont do much.Its survival because of the enemies and the whole life support thing is annoying.

Please change something.


I think Mastery Ranks should be more rewarding.Veteran skins or idk.You will find a good reward.


The Login Rewards needs a overwork.I dont even care them.I have 9 million credits and get most times credits or xp.XP i dont need anymore.The most rewards are useless.

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My vision of Nekros' bag o' tricks:


Soul Punch:


Either a cone or horizontal cylinder (preferably cylinder, since few frames use one) where Nekros is aiming (damage is fine and effect is fine, it's like reverse Pull [i think it's called a "push"]). Having to get that little dot right on an enemy from across a room is a pain, so I'd just like some free aiming with this.




Spammable. It's energy cost already limits abuse. And maybe not have number of targets affects by Power Strength. Aside from Vauban, Nekros is the only frame to use this weird modifier (makes sense on Vauban's Bastille). Just have it be all enemies in a sort of small (like 10-12m) area.




MAKES CORPSES EXPLODE. Take RNG out if you want, but it HAS to make corpses EXPLODE.


Shadows of the Dead:


Better AI, and give them Mysterious Shipments levels of damage according to their scaling (affected by Power Strength), done and done.



Otherwise, more health? I feel like a necromancer is always snorting up mummy dust or other weird stuff to make him more like the undead and the undead are notoriously hard to kill. No doubt, Nekros is tooling around in the Infested lab, shooting up Technocyte nanites to get more stronk.

Edited by Go4tfi5h
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My favorite types of cosmetics are the ones that change a Frame's appearance in a significant way, like helmets or long flowing syandana.  I don't like the armor.  It is over priced and doesn't significantly change the look of the frame, just pasting a few baubles on them here and there. 


A lot of the helmets have problems too.  They are just grotesque, looking even worse than the default helmets. The helmet designs need to be sleeker. The new Mirage helmet is a perfect example of what I am looking for. I would happily buy that one if Mirage was one of my frames.


The color packs are also over priced.  I would only pay $5 for a color chooser if it was actually a complete color wheel, like you would see in an image editing program.


Login Rewards

For this, simply remove the current system that gives out experience to a certain item.  Too many times, I will have a max level item equipped so the reward goes to waste. HOWEVER, I do typically have items that I would like to level so xp rewards should not be removed entirely.  Instead have short (hour or two) long xp boosters as a possible reward instead. That way, people can login, switch to what they want to level, and play with that instead.


Also login credit rewards should be removed or their amount significantly boosted.


Mastery Rank

Every 5 mastery ranks, a player should be given ONE Warframe slot for free and TWO weapon slots for free. With the current cap of 17 MR, That would only be an additional 3 Frame slots. However, it means that MR would instantly become significant, and players would want to play with every item available in the game.


Drop Tables

Just let people carry as many Keys as they want on Void runs so they can dynamically balance their difficulty and success chances.





Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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good ideas for the login reward changes


It would be cool if you could get a weapon/warframe slot every...3-5 ranks? Just a thought.


A cooler version of Soul punch would be if it did everything it does now....but also creates a shadow version of the target (like a mini shadows of the dead :D)

Also Terrify needs to affect more people


Lastly I'm a bit disappointed not as many people liked Operation Gatecrash. I guess the thing about scaling down your gear to add difficulty riked some people, but for me I really liked the variety in the mission - mobile defense, assassination, exploration, especially the last bit. A little exploration side-objective can be quite fun especially in a place like the void. I definitely liked the rewards in the caches.

Cryotic front was also a great event, as was Breeding Grounds.

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First, mastery rank should have a bigger impact. As-is, there's not really a practical reason to even get to rank 10 or so beyond being able to deploy another extractor, nevermind going into the teens. Which is a shame, since it means a lot of gear's going to collect dust.


On events, my favorite was Slingstone; it had variety in objectives and enemies and gave the player options for when/where to get corruptors prior to doing the defense mission itself. Only issue I recall is that corruptor drops were (like many things) at the mercy of RNG.


As for what I like least in an event, it was difficult to pick so I chose "other" as a stand-in for "all of the above" - all of the options you have dealt with repetitiveness, which is kinda telling.


Likewise, it was difficult to pick between which is of bigger concern, prime item drops or mods - both have issues. Mod drop 2.0 has resulted in some mods (even mere "uncommons", e.g. Contagious Spread way back) being nigh-exclusive at times due to being on enemies that you'll probably see less often than Bigfoot.


Prime drops (particularly those located in lower tiers) are often just tedious to search for, due to keyception and getting keys from key missions... and potentially unwanted ones to boot. I won't speak for everyone, but if I'm running a T1 Capture, it's because I'm looking for the parts that drop from that specific mission, not because I want to get a T1 Defense key. It's a slice of potato on an apple pie, it doesn't belong there.

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Could not care less at current state. Unpopular opinion, but most of them are silly or ugly as hell. Give me something worth it and I'll buy it. Say, I hate that tumor on Saryn leg and a pointless rag that levitates around her weist. Give me alternative legs, that will not have a f*ckin tumor(and go full Nurgle, for someone who's into this kind of thing) and I'll buy it ASAP. Sell me a way to remove Volt's skirt! Excalibur Proto skin was awesome and I bought it immediately, even though it was overpriced and I love vanilla Ex model. I did not buy anything else, except some color palettes, and I'm not planning to.


Drop Tables:


Drop table per enemy is BAD BAD BAD design. If you want that one particular mod, you have to grind that ONE enemy, from ONE faction, mostly on ONE tileset.

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I think mastery ranks should probably award mods. It's not a thing for upper tier ones, but for the newbies, it'd be a nice "wtg" present.


Once they've gotten a few decent ones, it would be nice to get cores. Possibly should work as a package--get N number of mods when you rank up, where N is equal to the rank you achieved. Something relevant(like, a pistol boosting mod for pistol mastery rank test) and then cores... Ratio should be 3:1 in favor of cores, with a preference towards regulars--ie. 1 mod, 1mod+core, 1mod+2core, 1mod+3core, 2mod+3 core, 2mod+4 core, 2mod+5 core, 2mod+6 core, 3mod+6core... would be the first 9 ranks, and the rest would follow that pattern(so, 17 would be 4 mods+13 cores). That would keep it perpetually relevant, and allow the release of things like mod sets.


I do *not* think that it should really be much more than that, though.



I was disappointed to be forced to vote on the nekros section. Not actually in favor of them changing much. I actually like nekros the way it is. Most suggestions people offer are absolutely horrible. A buff could be useful, but none of the weird garbage that gets slung around for him.


Login rewards need to detect weapon presence, weapon level, and owned blueprints. I don't need glaive BP #25, and when I get it, I won't need #50. Also, the xp bonuses are rather paltry--2,400 xp is one mid-level heavy unit. That's really uninspiring. It's even worse when you "win" it for either a max weapon(oh, rank 30 +2,400 xp), or for something you don't have equipped(secondary weapon xp for my empty pistol slot! YAY!). I think seeing a few mods on there would be nice--throw some cores of varying value(even an unranked common core has some value!)


For favorite ops, gotta say, hands down, Gate Crash. The scaling difficulty was interesting, the bosses were unique(if somewhat broken), and hunting for caches was fun(so much parkour!). It also made me realize we need more tilesets in the derelicts--there's a decent variety, but after running 100+ missions, it seems like there maybe should be more.


I think the mod drop tables need attention more than anything else. Prime parts are nice, but they're meant to be semi-rare. However, things like having THE ONLY STANCE for a weapon be a rare drop from a rare spawn in a narrow bandwidth of level ranges and narrow bandwidth of mission types is insane. It's also bothersome that having a quality kubrow requires mass genocide of kubrows on earth. From a lore perspective, it's disturbing, and from a play perspective, although earth is  a pretty tileset, it's not really exciting enough to want to play 80 times in a row.


I'd like to note, one of the coolest(but not THE coolest) events was the Operation Slingshot(YOU DIDN'T EVEN LIST IT!), because you actually had two objectives and two enemy types--firstly, collecting the zombie guts in infested missions, and then actually stuffing them in to the engines in the sabotage/mobile defense mission. This gave a nice variety on the gameplay, and more missions along those lines would be great.


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i liked fusion moa event a lot. at the time it had new enemy with never before seen type of attack. i was at low level at the time so it was quite challenging. Also suspicious shipment is missing from the list. it was also quite interesting change of gameplay when enemy's attacks were a lot stronger than usual.


I like the idea of rewards for MR. WF or weapon slot would be nice gesture. Even if it is only every 5 ranks. Perhaps every second one could be Potato or forma. It would motivate players to play more imho.


Login rewards could be perhaps little bit as slot machine. Instead of 1 item, player could choose from three option the one he likes/needs more.

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I'm loving the relevancy of these survey questions. It's definitely sending the message that you guys are indeed listening to our concerns and feedback. Mastery rank currently has little function besides a way of communicating how much of this game you have dumped the hours of your life into. If ranking up had accompanying rewards, such as access to weapons (the way it is now sets one or two bars for only a few weapons), skins, quests, et cetera, there would be a solid linear progression system in the game where rewards=effort.


Nekros indeed needs a full rework. His current function is that of the Farmframe, lacking the durability, strength, and utility to do anything but spam desecrate. As a necromancer support frame, he should be able to better manipulate living and dead enemies for healing/regen and aggro pulling. Soul Punch is frustrating to aim (especially on consoles) and is little more that a generic projectile power. If the ability required less precise aiming and the "souls" had more reliable knockdown, damage, and/or CC it would be worth keeping on Nekros builds. Terrify's enemy limit makes it almost useless in large groups since you'll probably get downed by the unaffected during casting. If the enemy limit was removed, and only range determined effectifeness, it would be a more effective tool for assisting downed or weakened teammates. Desecrate isn't that terrible, except for it's RNG based drops. If its energy cost was increased along with its re-roll rate, the power would be a lot less spammy. In addition, a buff to health and energy orbs (or a new system altogether) wouldn't hurt either. Shadows of the Dead's casting time is too high of a risk for its reward. The Shadows do minimal damage and don't act as proper bullet sponges. If it had greater damage, durability, and/or aggro for support purposes, Nekros' supossed Uber would be a lot more Uber.


Mod drops AND Prime drops need some serious rethinking. Hard RNG walls are a good way to remove the feeling of progression in a game and alienate your player base. RNG works wonderful in rewarding loot-driven games like Borderlands, Diablo, and a lot of MMOs, but not so much in Warframe. In games like those, there's always a chance to get something rewarding for every activity, whereas in Warframe you have to go read a wiki to know what enemy/tower the mod/prime you want drops from, and go replay the same mission over and over and over because it's a .1% drop on the rarest enemy in the faction/the only tower mission that part spawns on. If Warframe doesn't want to be a purely loot-driven game, it should move its goals away from RNG and make weapons and rewards secondary to progressing through the rest of the game.


I know is all been said before, but I felt like saying it too. Thank you DEDrew for gathering a relevant concensus, and thank you DE for striving to give us the best game you can give.

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What are your favorite types of cosmetic items?
I would love to pick Syandanas and weapon attachments and all that good stuff which "adds" to the Warframe, but not only am I not buying them, but I've also found that they seriously affect performance on my machine. My framerate drops considerably more when there are 3 people in my team all having the highest count of extras on their everything. I'd wish there would be an option in the graphics saying "disable cosmetic extras on others." In the thick of the fight, I don't care - or see - how pretty others are.



Login rewards;

The only thing I see is having a system that continues to increase beyond the 7day login threshold to increase the chance for better rewards. Everything else doesn't seems to be of desire at that point. For anything else, I might get a lot of flak here, but;


Everyone raging how the experience is wasted on login rewards on max gear is not getting the point. I don't say that we're getting free stuff and people should not complain, it is more the fact that a) in a lottery based system you don't always get to win the things you want and b) people forget the fact that the Focus System is coming one day. At that point, all the extra experience is worth it again.

I'm betting that most people who are screaming for better login rewards just want to rip of as much free stuff from the game as they can, and empirical evidence suggests, that these people are also very vocal about their opinion in the forum. So the outcome of this question needs to be taken with more than just one grain of salt.


I've said it before, and will say it again (even though I won't search for the quote, because I'm faster typing it down again XD ) ;

If login rewards detect what gear is currently maxed, this can very well become an exploit feast par excellence. You'll narrow down the possible choices to platinum discounts, money, Void Keys, blueprints, FORMA and SUPERCHARGERS aka potatoes.


However, this poll is suggesting that you're considering to rework the login system anyhow, so I just hope you'll be not wasting that much effort for catering to the loud voices here - because that is not always the right thing to do.



Rewards for mastery Ranks

I'm torn between "for all ranks" or "for some ranks" because it entirely depends on what you want to give out. That is why my vote went to "for some ranks". Things like "a Warframe slot" or "two weapon slots" are too huge in my opinion. I'd rather go with partly more UI based options like... an additional slot for individual Weapon configuration or appearance. (( no I don't talk about the master loadouts we can save which are unlocked with higher mastery ))

Rewards for Mastery Ranks would be neat, but the question is really what would you be willing to give without toppling your own market. Actually, Mastery Rank itself is already a benefit in itself, as it allows for certain weapons to be used. Thus I think certain extra rewards would be coming in at Ranks which go beyond 8 or 10.



Should Mastery affect more things in the game?

I said "yes" because I do lean towards the opinion that such a system would provide useful and interesting but with moderation, and those would be the ones with higher ranks. I could totally see that certain future planets or tilesets or other parts of the game only unlock at a certain Mastery Rank. I could see that certain additional upgrades of the Liset - or even getting a bigger dropship which allows invited players to go there - would require a mastery Rank. You can do a lot of things with this, but what I'd like to see a lot MORE is that you'll be finally revisiting the Weapon TIERS which are tied to Mastery, because they don't make any sense at all and have no common trait to share. The majority is pretty much arbitrary, from damage to polarities.


Which Nekros Abilities need a revision

Soul Punch for me. Terrify is fine, even though a lingering effect that lasts after the fleeing (like a decreased damage proc or decreased accuracy proc) would be a nice aftertouch. But Soul Punch suffers from the same issue that all other "requires target" #1 abilities do; they are far too restricted to use. Plus, there is also the discrepancy between #1 skills which is not only cast time but the "can cast while reloading" issue. Either all or none should be capable of being cast during reload. Soul Punch itself is nice, but the cast time & delay and the "needs target" is just a huge letdown. Yes, I know, people say the skill requires an enemy soul to work... well guess what, that is just fluff description which can be changed at a moment's notice. It can easily be changed to the Warframe energy emitting from Nekros is ripping away the Soul of anyone. Now you have the baseline for a non-target requiring base that shoots a fog of energy forward which then turns into the actual Soul Punch animation on it.

I mean, I'm not going to remind you that robots don't have souls, but still are affected ;)



What do you like most in an event?

Lore, mechanics/game modes, enemy types, tilesets.


NOT rewards. While the recent Latron Wraith was nice and all, the amount of entitlement that many sprout around is just mindboggling. Do I play the event for the rewards? No. I've left out the Prova Vandal for example, because Breeding Grounds was just not to my liking due to the way it was set up. Do I push myself sometimes to dive into the more difficult waters to get the events done for rewards? Yes, I'm guilty for that. Call the carrot on a stick syndrome. Then again, I've left out the Prova Vandal.


I like what you do with new events by showing off new things and testing them with us. That is why I like events. More than the rewards. Because nowadays, anyone coming in late, wondering why people do so craploads of damage usually gets the answer "get the event mods". And that is sad. What is even more sad is remembering Steve saying on a Devstream "we're not scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of mods, it is the opposite." And what do we get as new mods? Slash based mods which are a truckload better than their related counterparts. Where is the diversity here? Also, the event mods have previously been themed to what they were about, at least mostly. I don't see how Operation Gate Crash has anything to do with Slash based mods.

I'd rather would have seen a new environmental effect that can happen only in the Void (higher levels = higher chance) which is randomly affecting your performance, and we'd be getting mods which would counter that. Like Warm coat, with the exception of having ACTUAL FUNCTIONING value. Warm coat should get like 15% per level to be of any use, AND knowing that certain positions always have the cold environmental hazard.



What do you like least in an event

I don't understand why all these 3 choices should be a thing at all? Of course there has to be some sort of repetition going on, it's a themed event for Lotus' sake. It takes a lot more effort to do a "storyline" event where you don't repeat a step. Your getting better and better with events AND Warframe itself as a game has the inherent nature of repetition, so that shouldn't have been a question.



What is your favorite event

Considering what I've said above, I have to say the most recent one - Gate Crash. You did everything right with this one. It had;

  • Instant visibility of all rewards at which points - that wasn't always available


  • Linear and visual progression of score - that wasn't always the case.


  • Changing of location not based on personal choice like Cryotic front, but as a constant in the event. The issue with that was... anyone who didn't have Ceres unlocked at that point was basically locked out from completing the event. That was a huge oversight on your end.


  • Increased difficulty based on debuffs affecting us to the point where one has to re-think our loadouts - that is a lot better than forcing Conclave point restrictions upon us... especially when conclave points are catered to PvP and not PvE...

And I think #4 is the reason why many people probably liked Cryotic Front so much because it was a linear difficulty approach of something that was already known (basic Survival 101 scaling) instead of coping with a completely new thing. Don't get me wrong, Cryotic Front was awesome. BUT. Ultimately, it was a testing ground for planet based survival mode, nothing else. Gate Crash had a more unique feel to it.


Mod drop tables or prime gear parts

Isn't that like asking if I want to be poisoned or shot, when the outcome is the same? :D

As much as I want to say mod drop tables... I side with Prime Gear. Reason being; Mod drop tables at least STAY the way they are and can be adjusted from there. The biggest issue with Prime Gear is... we have to basically re-learn where everything drops. That doesn't even remotely make sense, no matter how you tackle it. Please give us a tiered token system already :/ Even bad part-to-token conversion rates are better than the arbitrariness of today.

Edited by Khunvyel
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Gonna keep this pretty short:


On the Login Rewards System: I voted for all the options, but I would like it if maybe the system took a player's mastery level into account as well. In general, I think at higher mastery ranks players just don't much care about that extra boost of xp, for example. Or if they do, they'd probably like a higher boost of xp. That's just my opinion in the end, but I imagine it's probably shared by a lot of other high-rank players.


On favorite event: I loved the Survival event. I think that was the very first one. You didn't have this essentially standard map, you had one large room (defense tileset), and there were no waves. Enemies would pour in constantly. I managed to get into a very good team once and stayed with them for over an hour (though I admit I died before the end). This was when you didn't have oxygen canisters spawning throughout the whole mission, too. Finite amount. It was awesome.

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Nekros as a Desecrate bot is a much needed function, but that's all he currently does, his shadows are outclassed by Nyx Chaos and his terrify doesn't hold up against other control skills.


Prime drops needs a token system, RNG is just not fun, after your 21st t3 Exterm run with no drop your burnt out and fed up of the game.

Another solution would be to allow Prime gear Transmutation, Combine 4 prime parts for a chance at a random new part.


I like events that scale in difficulty, and give instant access to what I would consider "endgame" level 60+ targets as this is the only part of the game where my guns don't instantly kill everything.


Mastery rank currently has no meaning apart from the Epeen value, I would like to see more weapons Gated behind mastery to promote weaker weapons, and the supposedly upcoming Focus system implemented along side mastery, and XP earned to date.


Cosmetics are currently Overpriced, and make me feel bad about the game, I am happy to pay 10-40 plat

Edited by Tatersail
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Mastery Rank

Every 5 mastery ranks, a player should be given ONE Warframe slot for free and TWO weapon slots for free. With the current cap of 17 MR, That would only be an additional 3 Frame slots. However, it means that MR would instantly become significant, and players would want to play with every item available in the game.



My opinion :3

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I've come to LOVE this one. Nekros is awfully squishy, has no defensive skills. The closest he has is Terrify and has gotten him out of a few close binds by having the enemies run one way and he runs another. Buys time to recover. Sorry peeps that don't like the enemies running, they'll come back and I'll live to keep giving you early Christmas presents.



Have Nekros take a misty, ghostly form. When he's in the form (duration based) enemies around him freeze with fear (ghosts are scary and all), they stand shaking as long as he is there and a few seconds after he leaves. Would be like a shield. While scared he can attack his target, or clear a path and get out of there.






man, awsome idea

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i would love mastery tests to give you a slot (warframe/weapon) potato is fine, i would prefer slots, thats a nice thing to get.




soul punch nice solution : make soul punch the same, but not single target, just aim somewhere and press 1, and evreything in that direction ragdolls.


Terrify : someone here had a nice suggestion, about ghostly form of nekros, would be cool.


Desecrate : ethier remove it, cause its just silly farming ability, add it more utility, and remove its chance to not desecrate at all, the chance to fail makes desecrate even more annoying cause you spam 3 more then you should


Shadow of the dead : since nekros isnt that offensive frame, i would love to resseruct ANY dead, also those that teammates killed.

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The Slingstone event was probably my favorite one.


It highly encouraged teamwork (which is a big plus in my opinion, sorry solobros ;w;), and also didn't prey too heavily upon RNG (the corruptors were frankly easy to get, compared to other event-related items).


Informant event was pretty amazing as well, almost little to no RNG, and a whole lot of skill involved.


I feel that most other events have been lacking mainly in the form of consistency (LESS RNG!) and skill (MOAR SKEEEEEEL).

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