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Next Prime After Nyx


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If it's not Trinity Prime I might just start a riot.

There's a pattern about the warframe colors, every warframe that's patterned white (HOLD ON BEFORE YOU JUMP ON THIS) have at some point been a starter frame AND I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING! Nyx is not currently a starter frame but her being white can be explained by the Nyx Warframe has been around since the game's conception, since Dark Sector even. Now my point being, the next frame is due out to be Black. Technically it doesn't matter since none of the female frames remaining are starter frames.


Let's face it, It's gonna be Trinity Prime, it's not going to Be Soma prime.


As for the weapons I anticipate anything but the Soma Prime. Make it Cernos, make it Vectis, but it's not gonna be the Soma. Probably not gonna be the Vectis later.

Why don't you think soma prime? I do agree it's highly unlikely to happen this soon, but it WILL happen eventually I think.

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isnt it nova prime next one...?

Apparently the lore for Nova is that she was made in the current generation of Tenno/Warframes and thus doesn't have an original because she is the original. Primes if you don't know are the original version of a frame made by the Orokin.





The lore about Nova and whether the primes are still the originals is subject to change. For example, it wouldn't make sense for Hayden Tenno, who basically is confirmed to be the original Excaliber, to have his original version be excal prime, because well, he existed before the Orokin. So yeah... I dunno.

Edited by silkygoodness
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Apparently the lore for Nova is that she was made in the current generation of Tenno/Warframes and thus doesn't have an original because she is the original. Primes if you don't know are the original version of a frame made by the Orokin.





The lore about Nova and whether the primes are still the originals is subject to change. For example, it wouldn't make sense for Hayden Tenno, who basically is confirmed to be the original Excaliber, to have his original version be excal prime, because well, he existed before the Orokin. So yeah... I dunno.


They said it's a different universe where Hayden wasn't infected by the Technocite Virus...


Basically it's just as they said that the man behind Exca prime was named Hayden Tenno... And got the title of Tenno was given after his last name...

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Banshee , saryn or trinity but seriously if soma prime will be released now or 03.2015 it should be like scindo prime which can equip skin on . I bought 2 soma skins and still hae 0 forma so plz make soma prime able to wear skin >.<

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Confirmed already?


*Hopes for Ash Prime down the sink*


I don't think so.


There's an idea that's been going around for a long time that DE releases primes as Male, male, female, female and some think they alternate male, female, male, female (depending on if you count Excaliber Prime) but the only word from DE has been that it's whatever Mynki feels like doing. Any pattern is coincidence or if he keeps that pattern he hasn't made the statement as far as I know.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure only the Tenno weapons are able to be primed ? 


Also DE wants to have a Prime version of every weapon before they start doubling up on Weapon types. 



So that would lend itself, to a Vectis Prime


Ak"something" Prime, possibly AkBolto


And a Prime Dagger, Hammer, or Dual Swords/ Duel Daggers


As far as Frames go with the logic everyone is using Trinity Prime should have come out before Nyx Prime, so really the three main contenders in my opinion are 


Trinity, Valkyr, and Saryn 


From this probably Saryn Prime, Kama/Duel Kama Prime, AkBolto Prime, and Vectis Prime 

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Guys, I remember seeing in the leaked Patch Notes that there's a TwinTigris around the corner. The Buzlock, the Grineer Armor and Nyx, Along with Hikou and Scindo Primes were in the notes...So they were legit....So expect the TwinTigris for our next Reinforcement. 

Imagine that, 2 mini tigris' in hand, as secondaries. Awwww.

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Soma isn't an orkin weapon it can not become a prime weapon and they just did a female prime so the next prime would end up being a male most likely. If not it would be volt since he is the new starter frame. This will fill all the starter frame slot (mag prime/excel prime/loki prime) even though loki isn't a starter anymore if not volt I could see a ash prime with Strun Prime  Bolto Prime Kama Primes

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Soma isn't an orkin weapon it can not become a prime weapon and they just did a female prime so the next prime would end up being a male most likely. If not it would be volt since he is the new starter frame. This will fill all the starter frame slot (mag prime/excel prime/loki prime) even though loki isn't a starter anymore if not volt I could see a ash prime with Strun Prime  Bolto Prime Kama Primes

If you havnt noticed the pattern then im sorry for your dream. Next should be Female prime for sure :p

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