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Next Prime After Nyx


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I really hope Soma and Galatine Prime don't come out, as those are my main/favorite weapons and I just forma'd them, and I also hate Gold. It clashes with my color scheme. 

Technically gold works with every color scheme like black, grey, white, silver or jeans. But I would rather Nyx just look like a straight up xenomorph, but after a while the gold grows on you. Also I have been AVOIDING putting forma on my Soma for the exact reason it will be primed on day.

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I don't think so.


There's an idea that's been going around for a long time that DE releases primes as Male, male, female, female and some think they alternate male, female, male, female (depending on if you count Excaliber Prime) but the only word from DE has been that it's whatever Mynki feels like doing. Any pattern is coincidence or if he keeps that pattern he hasn't made the statement as far as I know.


Excluding Excal prime...


Frost, Mag, Ember, Rhino, Loki, Nyx


Male, Female, Female, Male, Male, Female



So if you're still skeptical of the rather apparent pattern that people have been predicting since closed beta, the next release will surely confirm or deny said claim. But you can bet, it will be female. Only a matter of time.

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So if you're still skeptical...


There's nothing to be skeptical about. We have a statement that it's whatever Mynki feels like. If there has been a pattern or if a pattern seems to 'continue' is irrelevant. It's not useful for prediction because it could be left behind... whenever Mynki feels like it...

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Okay, the PERFECT Prime Access bundle for me would be(even if it'll never, ever happen):

Nova Prime

Supra Prime

Carrier Prime

WITH (For the bonus stuff) Prime Kubrow Armor.


There, I said it, there could be nothing that would top that.

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They said it's a different universe where Hayden wasn't infected by the Technocite Virus...


Basically it's just as they said that the man behind Exca prime was named Hayden Tenno... And got the title of Tenno was given after his last name...


What? Where was this said? you're going to have to come up with a dev quote for a bomb like that.


I have seen nothing at all that suggests anything relating to techchnocyte infection for Tenno and nothing that moves Hayden Tenno into the Orokin Era.


Everything said so far points to Hayden Tenno being the first Tenno in the the same way that Jesus was the first Christian. A legend that existed hundred of years before anyone started using the collective term Christian (or in this case Tenno)


There is nothing connecting the Excalibur Warframe and Hayden Tenno, that I have seen.

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Soma isn't an orkin weapon it can not become a prime weapon and they just did a female prime so the next prime would end up being a male most likely. If not it would be volt since he is the new starter frame. This will fill all the starter frame slot (mag prime/excel prime/loki prime) even though loki isn't a starter anymore if not volt I could see a ash prime with Strun Prime  Bolto Prime Kama Primes


Some is a Tenno weapon. All Primes are the original Orokin versions of weapons that the Tenno later made simpler. The Soma is _absolutely_ elligible to be primed.


And yes, unless DE are trolling us by putting fake info into the game data, Nova Prime _is_ next. I guess that Mynki just came up with a design he liked. Remember that Primes are driven by "What Mynki has designed" not any lore or game need.


Lore hounds, start your engines, because this is going to need some explaining.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Okay, the PERFECT Prime Access bundle for me would be(even if it'll never, ever happen):

Nova Prime

Supra Prime

Carrier Prime

WITH (For the bonus stuff) Prime Kubrow Armor.


There, I said it, there could be nothing that would top that.

Top Hat Prime :P

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Okay, the PERFECT Prime Access bundle for me would be(even if it'll never, ever happen):

Nova Prime

Supra Prime

Carrier Prime

WITH (For the bonus stuff) Prime Kubrow Armor.


There, I said it, there could be nothing that would top that.


Nova Prime

Soma Prime

Galatine Prime with speed buff

Carrier Prime


and i am going to bank right now to make deposit of the amount requested

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hm :/ maybe nova 



They're giving Nova a double boost?  Shields AND Power?


I don't mind priming things, but I wish they were just cosmetic like the early ones.  The power creep in weapons is terribad too.  Soma is not something that needed to be gilded power-wise :/

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