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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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With the Mastery system, there was a sense of tiering introduced for weapons, but I've been noticing a steady rise of elitism with regards to weapons and frames, manifesting itself in the form of prejudice toward those who prefer to use "suboptimal" builds, weapons and loadout combinations.


With Mastery providing additional rewards, would this way of thinking be encouraged or dissuaded?

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With the inclusion of the Quest System 1.0 and New Player Experience 2.0, will Events like Operation Sling Stone or Arid Fear, be re-intriduced to new players to both expose them to the mission type and the lore that came with the event?

For example: After murdering my way through Mercury and Venus, and I finally am ready to tackle Earth, the first Sabotage mission would initiate the "Cicero Crisis" quest, which would immerse the player into both the Codex System and Earth Sabatoge.
Or Ceres, Hijack for Tethra's Doom, or maybe the first Void Capture key acquired would start the Arid Fear quest.

Of course event rewards would remain exclusive, so Gorgon Wraith and etc would stay limited time only.

These quests would have to happen linearly as does the lore. The Gravidus Dilemma for example would be a quest that triggers it's mission over Jupiter and Saturn but the faction chosen for the preset nodes "under invasion" would be up to the player's choice just as the Gravidus Dilemma was.

I think this system would be an effective way to reintroduced lore to players if they weren't from Update 6 or prior, as Warframe's lore is adaptively progressing. Of course situations like Eris, Infected Ship tileset would bring for rearrangement of the nodes to fit proper distribution for the New Player.

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Q : It is about the penta and the Ogris .... they still use rifle amo mutation mod whereas they pick up sniper ammo .. when the change happened i assumed the mod used will the sniper ammo mutation and i went ahead and bought it from trading .. but I realised my penta uses rifle ammo mutation .... is this something that was missed your mind or is this by design ..... and pls add nyx prime stuff to more drop tables because it is very hard to get nyx p stuff right now(except the helm) .... 40 t3e runs later i dont even have a chassis


Thanks a lot for making warframe what it is .. :D

Edited by K45HISH
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Hi peeps,


Q1 (Steve): While the three different Endgame modes have already been presented by the Devs multiple times (Darksectors, Focus and Proxy Wars). What are the plans to making these three  worth while playing through, reward wise? More importantly, how are you planning to make these worth repeating over and over again without making them as boring as the well known 5 run invasion missions? 


Q2: Are there plans  to award actual worth while rewards to the different endgame modes that will eventually be available to us? New weapons, attachments for our guns and cosmetics only obtainable through grinding endgame!?


Q3 (Scott): Will Mastery Rank requirements ever make sense? Sorry but this needs to be reviewed desperatly. While i remember the Soma's Mastery Level being tweaked and adjusted to meet a higher Mastery Rank about a year ago... we now have to face the fact that the Boltor Prime for example has no Mastery Level requirements and other weapons have requirements that make little to no sense.


Q4: Can we be awarded a simple cosmetic (a cape or a sugatra) that is a symbol of one's rank ingame?  


Q5 (Geoff): I know that cloth physics as been asked for the player base for some time now and is something that would really help take Warframe's visual and technical craftsmanship to another level ... so Geoff how is that going!? Any news on that front? 


Q6 (Steve): Whats the latest on the new faction that was teased on a livestream from long times passed? What about a new solar system? 


Q7: While u guys have been revamping old bosses models and their fighting mechanics, which was needed and is in fact appreciated, can we expect future bosses that are actually a challenge? Currently i can only see three bosses in Warframe (Lephantis,  Vay Hek and Corrupted Vor) that are fun too fight against . Thoughts!?


Q8: Can u guys give us something like a huge raid/dungeon with multiple levels and a really hard to beat boss in the end kinda thing (Monster Hunter kind of giant boss that takes forever to kill)!? 


Q9: When will we have the option the replay the tutorial? That was beautiful work and it needs to be played more than once.  


Q10: Will ever a story mode ever be a thing? The tutorial gave us a taste... do u guys plan on giving us more in one go!?


Keep the amazing work,


Best Regards,



Edited by Bazools
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Q: are you thinking about expanding the lore/story/background of Warframes? (ex.: how does the frame works with Tenno? [the warframes alter the behaviur of a tenno when they dress them?] Are there other living (and militarized) creature other than griner and corpus [and infested]?)


Q: have you ever fantasize about this mode?: a player of high level/conclave can enter in a mission like a stalker and try to kill the other player with the mark. It could be interesting (with some logical limitation of course ^^)


Sorry for language errors (I don't write in english often)

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The people/person that balances weapons and abilities for PvP is the same people/person that balances things for PvE? Because it sure seems like, and it shouldn't. People that actually play lots of PvP should be responsible to balance things for PvP.

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Q: wat wil be done about the countles of weapons that keep being intoduced wil we get hundreds or wil there be a functionality change, example wil we get a paris with the ability after farming and building "weapon functionality mods" (given like an non boost extra slot on weapons) to make that paris change and function as a dread or cernos. primes excluded.


Q: wil there be a more tactical version of misions in warframe by adding a layerd mission progresion system? this meaning that when u fully clear mercury and get to mastaery rank lets say 5 u unlock a second layer of nodes wich are fully focusd on stealth and traversion gameplay giving the option to make parkouring in warframe an actual mission (rewards with this would be a tip from like a qlient needing a package deliverd. and the ful stealth mode u actualy get instant kils wathever the level and get cover mechanics and lure and assasinate stuf huge options here, ever wanted to be the guy that actualy try's to find stuf in survival missions?


thats al stay aswome DE and u15: this was 14.9 please do not ad another zero and i know u dont like to give dates but give redtext a fultime job and let him give live info about the status of the update and if there are delays i rather hear it very soon than a day later on the forum (remeber the ragetrain(u14)?) cheers til tomorow

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Q: There are a few warframes that have ults that have no use at all. cant kill anything and the CC is super limited. Like Mags Crush for example which cant kill anything of any faction and the CC from crush isent saving anyone lol. When will we get a major buff for these frames and their Ultimates?


Hope you answer it in some way. a general answer for all the frames that need work will do. thanks.

Edited by S3ven0F13
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Q1: Will we see a trident weapon?


Q2: Before we talk about Endgame, lets talk about mid game. We still don't have a proper storyline. Backstory faintly referenced by the lotus and Ordis as if it's somewhat important but nothing in the game actually references beyond previous culture, and the orokin. Clans are practically useless beyond items atm, but I see you are working on that in the upcoming updates. Question is, is the lore going to have a backstory which when I hear it I will say "this is warframe" instead of not having any? If you desire the played to build it, we should get more references, recordings, dairies, letters etc.

Collection for lore's-sake would be refining for the game.

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Q: Has there or will there be any discussions among the devs regarding enemy gernades? Such as gernade indicators or counter measures for them. It is increasingly fustrating to deal with deadly gernades during high level missions as we can't see, hear or locate a thrown gernade. Will there be possible indicators or countermeasures for gernades being introduced some time later?

Still loving the game so far. Clocked in almost 1200 hours on Steam and hopefully will stay faithful.

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Well, my question isn't very important or serious, but: will we have some new "storyline" events with the hottest (in ALL meanings) Grineer ever Sargas Ruk? :) We have had enough of Vor, Alad and Vay Hek in the latest game events, and Ruk has got only the Gradivus Dilemma. It's unfair to him, he deserves more! Maybe not in close future, but after!

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VERY SERIOUS AND IMPORTANT QUESTION TO ASK OF DE: Are you guys ever going to stop making prime versions of weapons?  Because it's causing an impact on WARFRAME and if all the weapons and warframes have their own prime version, almost nobody will use the normal counterparts of the prime weapons anymore (because even if they use the normal counterparts, when they have the chance of getting their hands on the prime versions, and when they do, they'll ditch the normal ones and never use it again, instead, use the prime versions ==> WARPRIME). If YES, what're going to be the last primes that you guys are going to make? And if NO, what're the prime you're going to be making next? Maybe stop turning weapons we have now and make the other non-realated prime weapons like the DAKRA PRIME and REAPER PRIME?

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I'd like to plus one everyone who's mentioned stealth 1.0/2.0/whatever.0 If "Ninjas Play Free", there probably ought to be a mission type or two that requires you to play like a Ninja. You know, silent, unseen, and deadly.   


Also, is there any update or progress on defense mission rewards? Defense missions now are too little return for the effort.


Just my two cents. 

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Are ye ever going to address the issues many people have with timed attacks?


it does not fit the game well and can be hard to do in a heated battle, not to mention that people are admitting to not bothering with combs due to the difficulty of doing them and the fact that it's hardly rewarding, not to mention the fact that it also slows you down making it worse than quick melee.


The current system has a nice promise, but it executes poorly and make quick melee for convenient for not dying.


Melee Combos Take Too Much Concentration And Aren't Even Worth Doing.


Not Sure If I'm The Only One Who Feels This Way Regarding Melee Combos


Combo String System(Using The Reload Button) - A Better Combo System


How about holding down "use" "Switch" and "Reload" keys to execute different combos maybe even for quick shot ala Devil May Cry("Switch" key)? Holding down melee for either charge attack or another combos. You already got holding down "block" and "back" down, even holding down "Sprint" Speeds up the flow, but ultimately fails at making you as fast as quick melee.


And when are you going to improve quickening?


It makes no sense that you take away Fury's speed and give it to a mod that ruins your energy pool. 80% loss in efficiency just to get back the speed you lost with Fury's nerf. Fury should have NEVER been nerf and Quickening should NEVER make you lose 80% efficiency. You have Corrupt Charge" that you can use instead for better results with way less efficiency loss. If fury is going to be 30%, then quickening should not have efficiency loss at all, having to channel is god enough. I can reach more speed with using Volt/Valkyr, why even use Quickening. it's so useless. Energy drained in a few hits of a mob. Energy Restore can barely keep up and even using that is too much. 


In the end, timed attacks don't have to go, but hold attacks should be implemented as an alternative. it would be similar to hotkey, but would have that Devil May Cry 5 feel.


Even magically switch between each melee weapon with each button press by materializing them using nanotechnites(Or Nano tech)...


You have Sword, Scythe, galive equipped, hold or press each button i mentioned earlier to materialize them r simply have different combos for the same weapon.


And you should speed up the animation of each combos, there is no reason for them to be so slow and get you killed.


Melee Quick Shot



Melee Stance Mod Stat Rework (Multi-Hit/multi-Shot In Place Of Additional Mod...


Dagger Stance Attackspeed Bug?


Alt Fire And Zoom In Are Separate Keys. Why Don't They Work As Such?


Impact, Puncture And Slash Are Meaningless - What are ye guys going to do about this?



You even going to fix this?


Even the Glaive slide attack is strong than it's thow damage. Are you going to reverse this?


Also Mirage Hall of Mirror clones cannot toss the Glaive with it equipped. I do however see them toss it when it's not equipped, but only when hosting, much lke the dread issue especially with thunderbolt. You going to fix this?







You guys ever going to start adding new tiles to old tiles again with each update or at least major update? The old tiles are getting boring and repetitive especially the age old ones.


You ever going to add custom player created tilesets like you said you guys would do?


You ever going to give kubrows an auto loot system like a trained pet and even sniff out enemies?


Would you be able to transfer to each planetary lobby w/o going back to Liset and have Ordis fly the Liset to your location. It would make the Liset similar to a "My Room" feature.


Would you be able to access the star chart and begin missions from the lobby without going into liset?


Would there ever be an HQ lobby?

Edited by Jinryusai
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Oh, I’ve waited for this topic!


To EndGame category

1. First of all, I’ve wanted to say something about sequence of missions on each planet. With new map system I’ve encountered a situation when you can reach a boss mission almost immediately after opening a new planet (on Pluto, for example, you need to complete only first location to fight Ambulas).

What about making boss location available only after player completes all sectors on planet? Then, I think it’d be awesome, if while playing this sectors we would get more lore about boss as a character. Well, we’ve had already a Vor’s Prize quest, maybe other bosses could also be presented this way later?

2. New players miss all previous events, will this events be added in game in future as a playable quests?

2.1. If I'm not mistaken many of these events presented new mission modes in game (like The Gradivus Dilemma presented invasions), how about make it the same way for new players?


MasteryRank (and primes)

I’ve been playing WarFrame only one not very intense year, and question of ranking up and crafting is important for me -- mostly ‘cause I do not see much worth goal at the "end". Right now getting a new mastery rank only unlocks for you some new weapons, frames and an inventory slots. There’s no new challenges or opportunities that game can afford with leveling up.

Same thing with Primes – I don’t see actual reason to craft them except from badass appearance. Well -- prime-weapons in some cases dramatically do differ from their regular versions, yes, but there’s no much differences between frames. Honestly, Primed objects need more role in game.

…maybe a class of Void missions where only 10- or 15-ranked players with full-Prime gear (two stars each) may enter? This is just an example of course.

And question is – will there be something like that in future? I’m sure many would appreciate it.

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