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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority ?


- For the Faction-related quests, Steve once said something along the lines of "bring them some piece of Orokin tech" in a past Devstream ( when the Red Veil and the Oracles of Saturn were first mentioned, iirc ). What if I simply do not want to share Orokin tech with other factions, despite being on friendly terms with them ? The way I see it, elevating others to our own technological level will hardly make it easier for us to "maintain the Balance".

Personally, I have no problem with freeing Red Veil operatives as part of creating/maintaining friendly relations to another faction ( in this case The Red Veil ), but handing them Orokin or Tenno technology seems like a bad move on our part.

Will refusing to do these quests just lock me out of that content entirely ?


- For the Focus system, are the lenses something we use like the potatoes, and should slap on every single bit of gear we equip so as not to waste the xp, in case we tend to swap between weapons/frames every few missions to keep things fun ? Or will it work more like an Aura/Stance, in that we only obtain one ( or one per type ) and can equip it in multiple weapons/frames ?


Edit to add:

- When I was a new player, the Infested missions creeped me out bigtime. Barely able to navigate due to the darkness, with the glow of the floorfuzz ( the Infested stuff on the floors/walls/ceilings ) masking the glow of the eyes... Playing more by ear than eye to figure out when I was about to bump into enemies, and then running away frantically while emptying several magazines worth of ammo in their general direction because I was too afraid to melee 'em. Good times, good times.   =p

I'm quite happy I no longer have to strain my eyes in Infested missions like in the old days, though.

The Grineer Sawmen had a similar effect on me when I was a new player. Hearing the whine of that saw always made me extra careful. The thrill of hearing it grow louder when I hadn't spotted him yet... A relic from a time when I was too afraid to melee, sure. But to me, it added a lot of atmosphere. Despite those Sawmen splitting in two from a fumbled nudge of an unranked Skana or a shot of an unranked Lato, they still sort of demanded respect. The Butchers/Powerfists that replaced them never really got anything more than a shrug out of me, sadly. Any chance you'll add a few more of those touches in that create a better atmosphere, instead of just a "better enemy" ?


- More Lore, plz.   =)

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My Question:

Would you bring back old clan dojo tileset building (that has orokin tree branch on the roof)?


So any clan could choose what kind of clan tileset they want


Old Tileset (looks way cooler and bring old memories :P ,and we can sit somewhere too)




New Tileset (not bad and quite fancy)



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A thread that could be reviwed on the next devstream.



unstuck commands coupled with a live bug report system.


Q: Any ideas about kubrow's staying or walking infront of the player while aiming/shooting? A trained dog always stay behind it's manager unless its in attack mode.


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at the root of my fascination with tenno culture, is the desire to know if the only thing Tenno KNOW.... is just an eternity of war



I would like there to be Tenno philosophers, artist, Weaponsmiths, artificers, pilots, engineers... something more than JUST warriors. Much like the Samurai of old, they would have some other pursuit, to balance out their lives (most Samurai where carpenters, poets, writers, fathers, philosophers).


Are Tenno ONLY weapons?

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Q1: Awhile ago, you asked the Design Council to come up with ideas for generic Warframe mods, as well as opinions on the topic as a whole. Were there any submissions that intrigued you? With player feedback on the concept, will you proceed? What are your thoughts?


Q2: What are the chances of defense wave timers speeding up when all 4 users have chosen an option (Whether it be to stay or leave)?

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Maybe give a look at the Silva and Aegis? I assume you are already looking into the Braton prime (which i feverishly asked about 2 streams ago). Silva and Aegis does not need a major buff like the Braton prime, but just a 5% buff to status (making it 25%, tied with Serro, Jat Kittag, and Bo Prime), and maybe lower stamina cost.

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Some updates on the UI situation would be nice. I'ts been almost 3 months and the UI feedback forums are filled with great suggestion to deal with the major issues the UI currently has. It's incredibly frustrating since I have people who have straight up stopped playing because of the UI. Help me bring them back DE.

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A) will the focus system be retro active? i sold my loki  with 13million xp on it to make room for loki prime. concidering selling my nyx for nyx prime but i dont want that xp wasted down the line. any confirmation would be most appreciated.


B) on the subject of melee, not sure if you have room, but a heavy melee button when melee is equiped to your main hand would solve tons of issues and open your system up for longer more intricate combos. currently the EE holdE EE combos are very difficult with lots of attack speed, and only come out by accident, where as an EEQEE would work all the time. not sure if consoles could fit this feature but its worth taking a look at.


this could also  split up  jump attacks into a lateral slash for light, and the standard slam for heavy, allowing us to take out airborne units.


(ninja gaiden 3: RE is my basis for this system, the combo system there would fit perfectly, just boiled down to the essentials, not just adding 20 combos per stance.)

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Will Archwing stages ever be difficult? You guys mention adding harder content, but will that leak over to things like Archwing as well, or will it be more about the fun? I like a lot of the fun parts of the game, and Archwing looks fun, but I'm also worried it'll be something I do a few times and get bored of things not fighting back

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Q: In terms how Obstacle Room 2.0 was suggested in the previous streams that would involve some weapon action in the run through, would you consider more interactive rooms in dojo that could be used for similar purposes, for example a room where you can test out your weapons or simply for lore - lotus shrine with a hologram of lotus with some unlockable quotes of her wisdom or even liset hangars for purely decorative reasons.

Q2: Warframe became very beutiful in terms of visual experience. Would you ever consider making an archwing or liset to be able to make a quick trips around the orbits of the planets? It would not involve many controls (if any), it would be simply for visual beauty of enjoying the view - as would Ordis say-. Such flight could take up to 1-2 minutes.

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    Hi there, and I really hope you can ask these for me :D


    Currently according to both the Wiki and my friend's personal and very recent information after MR 15 test, the tests just repeat the 15th test over and over. My question is when abouts will the tests be updated again? I'm holding off on taking the MR16 test until they're updated so that I can enjoy the new test.


    Also, when do you guys think you'll implement a way to retake old MR tests?


    On a separate topic, DE Steve seamed very excited about the quest system. He stated it was really sad that all the lore and fun of old events would just be forgotten when completed. And that the quest system would save events for the future tenno to enjoy. Why is it that now that the quest system is firmly implemented, that none of the recent or previous events have made it into the quest section of the codex?


    Thank you for taking the time to read and I really hope my questions make it into the stream ^^;

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With all these new mission types; hive, hijack, interception, and extraction when it ships. Will we see these new missions be able to "host" alerts in the near(ish) future?


Sheldon, on Devstream 31 you said you were working on a way to get the value out of our less valuable prime items, post U14. Can you tell us has there been any progress on this?

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Q: Will we have some vertical melee actions (like upper slash with sword etc.; or dragon uppercut with skana etc.) to knock or kill the airborne units (like ospreys) soon?


Q: Is adding a new planetary system or systems in the work, or will there be any at anytime soon?


Q: Will the Kubrow roaming mode (in Liset) be back any time soon. I missed seeing my Kubrow roaming around and also I want to see them on the upper deck as well.


Q: Will there soon be a unique armor for each and for all other frames, like Proto-Armor is for Excalibur?


Q: What happens to Steve's test coding new collectible armor's decorative (shown on Twitter sometime ago)?

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This is a suggestion just to know if it is accepted into consideration by DE and Tenno(community). The suggestion is being able to customize the forma that the player has added to a weapon into any polarity just like you would do with the swap polarity function. The reason for this is to switch because of future mods with not the usual(V or -) polarities that are released or that you regret "polarizing". The way this would work is if I add any type of polarity with a forma in any slot I could change that same forma slot again to any polarity without having to re rank and waste a forma to change it again. So a fully customizable weapon would need a total of 8 forma to change all the polarities to any one you want anytime you want. No need to use more forma to change the forma that is already installed. That is just an example though. Likewise a warframe would need 7 or 11 forma if you include abilities. Weapons and warframes that come with polarities installed would need a forma added to those polarized slots to be able to customize it(like the example I have given),so you would not have full customization on those until a forma is added to that polarized slot.

I hope it is not too confusing and if it is please let me know so I can be more detailed. Please let me know your opinions if this could or could not work from both Tenno and De.


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Q: The game concept is great. Yeah, there's grinding and all but, the game doesn't feel complete without a conclusion to the main story. That's what Warfame is lacking. What are the plans for the storyline, and is it connected with end-game content?


PS. I love how you guys take precious time of yours in order to communicate with the community. I am very appreciative of that, just so you know. Thanks for all the hard work!

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