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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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In a live-stream or two ago you said that you were going to give some love to the charge weapons which were made obsolete by melee 2.0 (galatine, scindo, gram etc.), any heads up on when this will occur or a gist of what you will be changing for those weapons whether it be upping either their normal damage, channeling damage or something to do with their stance mods?

When will transmutation be fixed so that combining 4 rare mods give a result that is equal to (rare) instead of giving less than (common mods) or was this intended?


In which update should we expect the long fabled focus system? As I see it you either need to add a metric tonne of weapons to get us up to rank 30 or introduce Focus; which in itself adds another question of what can we expect for reaching the higher tiers of mastery rank as currently the maximum weapon restriction is rank 8 and the only other thing you get is an increase in the extractors you can place?

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I have 2 question if that's ok? ^^'

Q1: will there be any new dual dagger, tonfa or sword and shield weapons coming up?

Q2: will there be any new void secret challenge rooms? so far I only know of 3 and they are awesome 

and thanks for the new U14.9 and devstream, can't wait :D 

Edited by Kenshin98
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I have several questions, each I find important.


Will Dark Sector PvP be getting a second pass in terms of gameplay, mechanics, UI and network performance? If so when?


Are you aware of issues concerning host issues caused by a lack of a server hosted environment? As it is one side is in charge of hosting and can drop the connection to halt the game if things don't go well for them. Furthermore the UI does almost nothing to inform the player of their weapon's ingame level and mod level.


Will the end game idea of adding "focus" detailed before the release of U12 be seeing a release this year. Has it been scrapped?


This feature idea came to my attention a while ago and I've heard nothing of it.


In coming updates will the game's base mechanics be receiving a second pass? Be specific if you can. [Wall running, drops, mastery rank, levelling caps, mods and their polarities]


From what I've seen a lot of things tend to get left on the side when the team moves onto a new game mode or something similar. After damage 2.0 some mods remained with their polarities despite not matching the rest of the set. Cryo rounds not matching the polarity of other mods. Wall running and similar activities don't feel polished. Given the development history this sort of thing weakens my confidence the the new mode will be worth playing


Why use different warframes in archwing if their existing powers don't matter?


Like, why bother using any warframe in particular or any weapons or mods if that isn't supposed to matter.




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I'm trying to enjoy the melee combat but there's a few issues I run into; most notably the lack of air attacks and the response of the controls. I've seen air attacks mentioned but the control response I have never seen addressed. The game feels slightly choppy over 60 fps on my 750 Ti and there's at least half a second of delay between a melee key press and the actual attack, a roll, and even movement.


Waiting on the next big update so I can get materials to build the Glaxion plus the new mode.

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Secondary Fire / Aim Weapon Hotkeys;


There's currently a major issue with the separation of the Secondary Fire and Aim Weapon hotkeys with weapons like Buzlok and Quanta. The issue is the fact that their coding doesn't work in conjunction with these hotkeys. Buzlok's tracer isn't coded as "Secondary Fire" and Quanta has no "Aim Weapon" capability at all.


Question: Will you resolve the issue with the Secondary Fire and Aim Weapon hotkeys not working properly on some weapons soon?


Scorpions and Butchers;


Ever since Vor banned the Butcher's saws due to their interference with his precious beauty sleep and retired them to deli duty they just aren't anywhere near as intimidating as they used to be not to mention Scorpions actually using the Grineer whip, Atterax, would definitely make them a force to think twice about.


Question: Can we expect Butcher's to given their saws back and will Scorpions be given Atterax instead of Machete?

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1.when will we get Focus?


2.can we get a few more "utility" mods for weapons? increased zoom, exploding arrows and reduced recoil is nice but, what about firing two bullets at the same time, bouncing bullets instead of penetrating walls, in- or decreased projectile speed, adding a small and short vortex effect to explosive weapons, in- or decreasing the spread for shotguns on the X- and/or Y-axis.

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The latest Community Hot Topics has players split down the middle about Desecrate; some think that it should (at most) be buffed to reduce the need to spam it, others want it replaced entirely (ie the original Life Drain pitch) and for loot tables to be compensated. How do you view Desecrate's infamy, and assertions that Nekros is a necessity, in regards to grinding for rare drops, Survival difficulty, etc?


How much can we get out of you about Update 15's newest Warframe?


Generic/Universal ability mods - last word was that you have the tech for it, and that you'd asked the Design Council to pitch some ideas, but you've been rather dodgy about the subject since Scott ran away from it in Devstream 27. Any news of it? Any examples you were considering?


While the recent revamp to Oberon has given a substantial boost to his utility, the low effectiveness of Radiation on Infested (in spite of the potential to “treat” their tumors) still prevents him from being called a proper zombie-smiting Paladin. Any plans to address that?


What exactly dictates whether a weapon can receive a Wraith or Vandal variant? Lato and Braton have long challenged the idea that Vandal is reserved for Corpus weapons, while Latron Wraith is definitely not a Grineer weapon.

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Q: Would you ever consider dynamic/interactive enemy spawns (I don't know if there's a name in the industry for this)? By this I mean spawns that, instead of trying to spawn the enemies out of view, try to make them seem to appear naturally so they don't have to be hidden from players. Things like teleporters, elevators, parachutes, and vehicle transports that allow enemies to continue spawning even if we're close to the spawn points (especially for Survival).

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DE, there's been a lot of lateral content expansion, but what about vertical expansion? Vertical expansion being building up what you've laid out. Lateral expansion is exploring new possibilities with content, and there's been a lot of that, which leads to newer and more exciting gameplay possibilities; however, I feel, along with a majority of the people I play with, think that there should be a concurrent focus on improving existing content so that it's on par with the content that's being released. For example: The original Corpus ship tileset, or the parkour system that was introduced in Update 6 could both use expansion and work. The wallrunning is an integral part in navigating the levels and its inherent speed is what makes me keep coming back to attempt new angles of attack. Are there plans to address older gameplay elements soon?


I'm glad that frame balance and weapons balance has been put back on the table, but I'd like it if there was more open communication on that topic. I'm sure Scott is a very busy guy, so are there other people that also have a say in balancing the game's difficulty vs. the game's progression? What about the tiering system that was mentioned so long ago for weapons?

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About Excalibur.


From what I remember, the only change we ever got to Excalibur, was sadly a nerf to his only real effective ability: Radial Blind.


This was very demoralizing for the people who use Excalibur, as his first change was a nerf, but was reverted. 


Can we expect some buffs to the poster boy of Warframe soon? Prefereably a buff first, then a nerf?



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Will void drops be worked on in future?


I have seen thread after thread about this issue and some players are beginning to become fatigued with the issue and quit. Tweaks are necessary to prevent useless drops from flooding the void drop tables like they do. Your effort is quite often not rewarded. 10+ runs on a single map and you should have some counter added to the player to improve drops.


Despite previous claims there seems to be a strong sentiment towards an auction house to simplify trading. Will a stronger trade system be implemented?


The strongest argument I have seen against a trading market is that allowing trade where prices are dictated by demand and not how much you think you can cheat out of people would lead to a slow decline in the prices of goods eventually making them meaningless as everything is infinite. The trouble with this argument is that this to some degree already occurs. A nyx prime bp used to be worth 100 then 50 then 40 then 30 plat. Even with the difficulty of drop tables this drop happened in days in the current system and is the fate of all goods on the market. Because, in the end, everything is infinite.


What occurs in the stead of a better trading interface people come together and establish websites and forum threads which try to solve this issue and to some degree do. But, what happens is that these sites and threads only partially cover the problem and you end up with the worst of both worlds. Prices go down and prime access becomes devalued but people have to hash out deals for prices that may be completely wrong thus being cheated.


What I'm getting at is eigther way there are clear issues. They have not gone away and exist regardless of opinions on the system. What is going to be done about this or is the trade meant to be the wild west?

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Would you considering selling the prime access accessories without the boosters for a reduced price?

as a rank 17 who has leveled everything in the game thus far, I have no need for these boosters.


I also can't justify to myself spending 50$!! for 1 or 2 cosmetic items.

I would have bought the last 3 prime access accessories if they were priced at a more reasonable amount like 15 or 20$.

On a side note: do you have plans to make the physical damage mods (imp / punct / slash) more useful?


A suggestion I would like to propose is to make these mods increase the effectiveness of their status when you equip the mod. I.E equipping a slash mod would increase the bleed damage from the status.

Edited by RIOTx
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Edit: I guess since I'm here I should ask a question...


[Question] Will the hubs, where anyone online can enter, ever be implemented?


Steve!! <3 

I've been dreaming about dem pink shorts! mhmmm...


*I'm watching you mods! Don't you even dare!

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Excalibur, the starter frame most of us loved, was proven to be a one trick pony with radial blind. Was excalibur ever meant to go anywhere pastmid-level content? Or was he always meant to be simply an introduction to warframe, discarded once better gear and frames became available?


Forum Organization


Forums are a great resource for the devs, now that the playerbase has exponentially grown, does it not need an improvement and evolution to cope? It is not living to its full potential and that is a shame. More details;






Dark Sector conflicts, while interesting, have failed to capture as large an audience as it potentially could have, does it require a review? It is supposed to be one f DE's endgame solutions, but so far opinion of it is down the chute and in the no-go zone because of its nature


Proxy wars Is there a reason we have not heard of it yet? We have 2 months left tog o this year, surely there has been progress on them? Why not reveal that progress?




Some of the trailers, mos notably excaliburs, need to be updated especially since most frames have evovled and changed, will we see edits and / or new trailers for the warframes?

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Here are my questions for tomorrow's Devstream:


-Adding "Void Vor" to Tower runs was a good idea, even if his appearances are limited to T4 runs. But what about the other levels, shouldn't they be worthy of an Assassination mode too, to kill an Orokin Guardian or a Corrupted Tenno? Perhaps a boss that awakens when we intrude upon the Tower and will engage us at the extraction?


-Void drop tables. Yes yes, we have been here before so many times, with these becoming even more and more dilluted with every new Prime weapon blueprint and parts. And more and more of us feel the necessity of a "token system" for these. Just look at Spiral Knights for example, they have both a Trading market, Auction House, and Token system implemented, and while it's not the best thing ever, it still works, and players can get what they want. Isn't this the point of being "in beta"? We try it out, if it works, it stays, if not, it can always be removed.


-Also related to the previous note, Tower keys can be obtained from normal defense runs and survival runs, so isn't it high time they were removed from the Void drop tables? RNG is already bad enough, gentlemen.


-Customizable Liset: ETA please! I want my Tenno bobbleheads... :<


-Has anyone considered the possibility of designing a Warframe that could manipulate Sand? Or perhaps one with a demonic/angelic appearance, with complementing powers to boot?


Thanks in advance for reading!

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Q (it's a big one)



If you have the the weapons for it, you can destroy everything and anything in your path with no trouble. You dont have to worry about dying cause if you do you can just revive, the enemy you fight are slow and clumsy. There is no cover system and stealth isnt important( even in a ninja game you dont have to use it). Pulling off backflips and front flips in combat does nothing but look cool. You always go into mission knowing that you will kill everything in like 3 minutes and be back home for tea. I love this game and i watched a few dev streams, you guys ( the devs) keep saying "WARFRAME IS A GAME OF SKILL" and i am inclined to believe you.


Many players support my view and want this question answered:



The main problem I have at the moment involving skill isn't that it doesn't exist in Warframe, but rather there's nothing frightening enough to require you to have skill. All the enemies (besides bosses) act the same way and do the same thing: point and shoot. In a lot of other games you see enemies that are diverse and have ways to buff their allies and prove to be a threat, and some of these exist in Warframe as well (like the frost eximus), but they're so easy to take down, and so rare unless you go into late endless missions that they don't prove to be a threat worth worrying about.


I remember when I was going through the process of leveling up there WAS skill there. If I didn't have a redirection mod, I would find myself taking the most interesting routes possible through means of parkour to avoid damage as much as possible when my shields were depleted, and would parry constantly. I would have to strafe-fire behind cover to avoid going down. However, once you get your frame fully leveled, all of that dissapears. Redirection mods and clutch abilities just ruin the challenge in the way, but it's not necessarily the clutch abilities fault, it's that there's nothing to truly challenge us at high levels that's unique. Every enemy is taken down the same way, the same way he attacks as well, point and shoot.




The only real unique "skill" required for Warframe is probably understanding of elemental weaknesses and how to mod properly. I guess if you count knowing to take cover or keep moving to get hit less then sure. 


Warframe's a pretty low skill ceiling game IMO.



30% skill, 70% gear.



This was one of the things that gets brought up over and over again. It's not merely a problem of not needing skill, because Skill CAN exist in Warframe, but no enemy has challenged us enough for us to work on improving skill. Currently, skill at high leveled warframes is practically non-existent to say the least, unfortunately.



The only "skill" in this game, imho, is knowing the numbers behind everything. Once that's put into line, skill is non existent in this game. And in this context, I use the term "skill" lightly.



^ That. And how good you aim is also considered skill, not much beyond that, just stat improvements...and well maybe actually knowing how and when to use your skills more effective depending on how you moded your frame.



The link to my full thread is below: Please answer this question and don't ignore a pressing problem in this great game.


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