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Does Skill Matter In Warframe ?


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Stabilizer and Vile Precision increase accuracy

no. Weapons have identical Accuracy at all times except for Tainted Shell and Vicious Spread. (and Shotgun Type Weapons percentagely spreading out more with more Pellets, but that's a different matter).


reducing Kick doesn't make the Weapon more Accurate. it's still shooting just as accurate on shot fifty as it was on shot one. the Weapon is just as accurate, all it does is affect your Camera, which throws off your aim. the gun is still shooting just as straight at all times.

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i can't be bothered to fart around with autoformatting, so double post.

But...iron skin keeps you alive..hysteria is what keeps you alive....blessing is what keeps you alive

those Abilities are Crutches that help you stay alive. not dying without them is completely possible.

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no. Weapons have identical Accuracy at all times except for Tainted Shell and Vicious Spread. (and Shotgun Type Weapons percentagely spreading out more with more Pellets, but that's a different matter).


reducing Kick doesn't make the Weapon more Accurate. it's still shooting just as accurate on shot fifty as it was on shot one. the Weapon is just as accurate, all it does is affect your Camera, which throws off your aim. the gun is still shooting just as straight at all times.

oh..better remove those mods then

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accuracy: your ability to move the mouse (gun) in the right direction, with certain amount precision and speed, in order to put a bullet in your enemy's body, preferably its head.


accuracy mods for warframe...error 404.


recoil: movment a wepon produces when fired.


mods the reduce recoil in warframe.... 1 for each fire weapon class.

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The only real unique "skill" required for Warframe is probably understanding of elemental weaknesses and how to mod properly. I guess if you count knowing to take cover or keep moving to get hit less then sure. 


Warframe's a pretty low skill ceiling game IMO.

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The main problem I have at the moment involving skill isn't that it doesn't exist in Warframe, but rather there's nothing frightening enough to require you to have skill. All the enemies (besides bosses) act the same way and do the same thing: point and shoot. In a lot of other games you see enemies that are diverse and have ways to buff their allies and prove to be a threat, and some of these exist in Warframe as well (like the frost eximus), but they're so easy to take down, and so rare unless you go into late endless missions that they don't prove to be a threat worth worrying about.


I remember when I was going through the process of leveling up there WAS skill there. If I didn't have a redirection mod, I would find myself taking the most interesting routes possible through means of parkour to avoid damage as much as possible when my shields were depleted, and would parry constantly. I would have to strafe-fire behind cover to avoid going down. However, once you get your frame fully leveled, all of that dissapears. Redirection mods and clutch abilities just ruin the challenge in the way, but it's not necessarily the clutch abilities fault, it's that there's nothing to truly challenge us at high levels that's unique. Every enemy is taken down the same way, the same way he attacks as well, point and shoot.

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Hmm i see your point ( and i dont believe there is such thing as a newb frame, volt can rough it with the rest of them). 

But it would be skill if he didnt have a crit build soma, a rejuvenation aura and 1050 sheilds and health.

When I say newb frame, I'm referring to the starter frames.  My main is Mag/Prime and I get a lot of flack for taking her into T4 anything.


What do you consider skill?  


I define skill as knowing when and where to hide or climb when Ruk starts lighting things on fire, as well as what weapons to take and how to mod them.  Not to mention being able to assess the situation and know when Shield Pol. is better to use instead of Pull, or vice versa.  

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Skill does. For example people who need their mods, warframe, and guns loved the cryotic event. People who are what I like to call true Tenno are like the Rambos of warframe, and considered the event Gate Crashers the ultimate test of skill are the masters of skill. Personally I loved Gate Crashers that was an event that required pure 100% skill to win. Not your fancy gear. Still waiting for a battle damaged event in the future similar to when Raiden was emotionally unstable in Revengence.


edit: heck I will take the Grineer army with ONE ARM!!!


Hi5! - -)/

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30% skill, 70% gear.



The main problem I have at the moment involving skill isn't that it doesn't exist in Warframe, but rather there's nothing frightening enough to require you to have skill. All the enemies (besides bosses) act the same way and do the same thing: point and shoot. In a lot of other games you see enemies that are diverse and have ways to buff their allies and prove to be a threat, and some of these exist in Warframe as well (like the frost eximus), but they're so easy to take down, and so rare unless you go into late endless missions that they don't prove to be a threat worth worrying about.


I remember when I was going through the process of leveling up there WAS skill there. If I didn't have a redirection mod, I would find myself taking the most interesting routes possible through means of parkour to avoid damage as much as possible when my shields were depleted, and would parry constantly. I would have to strafe-fire behind cover to avoid going down. However, once you get your frame fully leveled, all of that dissapears. Redirection mods and clutch abilities just ruin the challenge in the way, but it's not necessarily the clutch abilities fault, it's that there's nothing to truly challenge us at high levels that's unique. Every enemy is taken down the same way, the same way he attacks as well, point and shoot.



The only real unique "skill" required for Warframe is probably understanding of elemental weaknesses and how to mod properly. I guess if you count knowing to take cover or keep moving to get hit less then sure. 


Warframe's a pretty low skill ceiling game IMO.

SO, we better raise this issue at the next dev stream (aka tomorrow)

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I am late to the party in this thread, however it comes down to what you mean by skill. Some people only focus on one aspect and call that skill but "skill" is more then that. 


A good video defining skill from another game:

Edited by VikingoX
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I am late to the party in this thread, however it comes down to what you mean by skill. Some people only focus on one aspect and call that skill but "skill" is more then that. 


A good video defining skill from another game:

wow, i watched the video and it seemed to highlight one major problem with this game..the bad guys are to dumb for you to have skill

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wow, i watched the video and it seemed to highlight one major problem with this game..the bad guys are to dumb for you to have skill

This was one of the things that gets brought up over and over again. It's not merely a problem of not needing skill, because Skill CAN exist in Warframe, but no enemy has challenged us enough for us to work on improving skill. Currently, skill at high leveled warframes is practically non-existent to say the least, unfortunately.

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This was one of the things that gets brought up over and over again. It's not merely a problem of not needing skill, because Skill CAN exist in Warframe, but no enemy has challenged us enough for us to work on improving skill. Currently, skill at high leveled warframes is practically non-existent to say the least, unfortunately.

no enemy has challenged us enough for us to work on improving skill.


also, this question may be answerd on the devstream and your replies have been added to support my claim

Edited by Cyberspace100
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Comes down to how you view skill. 

Here is the basics on why this games format works

The more teammates you have the the less skill is needed but coordination and team play are their own skill sets.

Solo play is more so the skill your looking for where dps, timing, knowledge etc etc mean the difference between winning and losing any mode

This type of game is a pick up and play style mmo where you could easily do things with in a hour of play and stop vs needing a 4 hour commitment each day so the normal game modes will be easy to anyone who plays more often then others or has experience with this type of game.


The game also has to be designed so that all weapons and frames can be useful or used to complete all base content with a few exceptions. Giving normal enemies warframe skills would make those enemies not normal at all but having a increase in leader/exmuis type enemies with more variety would increase the "skill" needed your looking for. Warframe's are something of a one man army or super solider so if we made them too weak warframes would be nothing to fear or cherish. The enemy has to throw thousands our way to even hinder us which in turn makes the player feel powerful.


The last thing influencing "skill" is playstyle, some are going to have a lower skill cap then others so you personally decide how much challenge you want. The game is easy because we make it easy.

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The game also has to be designed so that all weapons and frames can be useful or used to complete all base content with a few exceptions. Giving normal enemies warframe skills would make those enemies not normal at all but having a increase in leader/exmuis type enemies with more variety would increase the "skill" needed your looking for.




I mean if all enemies had Tenno abilities, this would become the new normal and players would have to adapt to it.

Edited by Cyberspace100
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The only skills that matter in any game are Common Sense and Critical Thinking. You can throw in any amount of artificial intelligence, but Common Sense and Critical Thinking will trump it, eventually. Not much Critical Thinking is required for this game. Common Sense? That's mandatory in any game. However, that seems to be lacking amongst the community, not the game itself. Lacking in most gaming communities. Lacking in real life, for matter.





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