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What Should I Spend My 2100 Platinum On?



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Slots, color (black energy is quite nice) & cosmetics.

Don't buy potatos or formas unless you can't play on Fridays for whatever reason as both can be acquired in game. (Alerts & void respectively.)

Edited by Hamsta
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Slots, Slots, Slots, Slots, Slots, Slots, Slots, Slots, Slots....


If you still have some plat left then potato the weapon you like, search for the most powerfull/useful wepons within your mastery rank and try get your hands on them, get the feeling and eventually potato them.


With what is left buy shinies: colors, armors, and skins.


If you really want to go shopping and if you don't find these mods by playing then buy these rare mods in trading (ask for a pricecheck in trading channel before buying, "Price check <insertModNameHere>" ):

- Streamline

- Intensity

- Flow

- Fleeting Expertise

- Narrowed Mind
- Overextended
- Quickthinking

- Rage

- Blind Rage

Edited by perfectStranger
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