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What Is The Most Awesome Thing You Have Done In Game?


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so this happened a long time ago and i don't know how it happened and i don't know if it can still be done.


so i was playing trinity on an infested mission and i had just gotten my akvastos earlier that day and i was grinding them and at some point i got rushed by a butt load of infested and i was trying to run away while firing back into the crowd. anyways i finally get the crowd finished off and spin my camera around to see a healer point blank in my face. at this point my shields are down i have less than 50 hp and 0 energy from getting disrupted, and the ancient is about to slap me. instinctively i roll back wards and as soon as i stand up he does the stretchy arm attack and for some reason instead of side stepping or dodging or anything like that i decide to jump, and i forgot to let go of the button so next thing i know im wall running down an ancient's arm and shooting him in the face.


this was 6 mastery ranks ago or so, so it's been a while. don't know why it came to mind today but i was wondering if anyone else had any fun stories they wanted to share.

Edited by aldlv13
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I was helping a new player get to fight Raptor on Europa, and I was playing my Rhino. I spent the whole mission body blocking the bullets my teammate took, while he used punch through to kill the enemies easily. I then proceeded to take him to fight Lephantis, and I ended up wallrunning up one of the heads, leaping off and zorencoptering into the face of another one. Possibly the most badass thing I've done.

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I soloed my 113th run of Gate Crash with nothing but Mirage and an unranked Skana.


Other than that, having an air combat fight with Raptor using duration+efficiency built Zephyr (only Tailwind and Divebomb) and Castanas was pretty darn great.

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actually my first enounter with the g3 was pretty funny too. it was right after trinity got her invincibility removed and i had been off warframe for a while by then. and me my clan warlord and his brother were helping our newest clan member run missions and the g3 dropped in and the new guy ran off with the melee guy chasing him while the rest of us killed off the other 2. after we finished off the second guy we all just looked around and were like "where is the new guy?" then we see him running for all he is worth on a distant part of the map. we were all laughing to hard to help at that point so the guy nearly got killed

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aldlv13, on 03 Oct 2014 - 6:23 PM, said:



This reminded me I once did something similar with Lephantis. I jumped when the Grineer head attacked and somehow ended up running up its claw until the head. Then it sent me flying across the room so high I almost reached the upper level :D

Edited by kingbaldwin
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One time I got this glitch with Nekros where sometimes enemies that you brought back with SotD they don't respawn. So when this happened I got a Lvl 70 Crawler in ODD and survived for a couple of waves. He beat to death two Ancients, and died by the hand of a Charger ;~;

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