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Why Only 2 Warframe At A Time


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Why is it that when I finally wait the 3 days for my new warframe to be built I am unable to add it to my inventory. It pops up with a message saying "Not enough inventory space, You NEED to spend money to access what you have already worked hard to build" I am honestly really upset by this. I love this game to death, but if in the end I will actually have to spend money out of my own pocket to continue to be able to play, I will just walk away. That is utterly ridiculous to only allow us access to 2 warframe's at a time unless we want to spend money. Any additional info would be much appreciated.

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You can trade other players for more platinum, as well.

Essentially, this is the most effective way to fund the game, without making it a complete cash grab. You are not forced to spend this money to get further into the game. All frames are viable at any tier of play. You can sell your frames to claim others and get their mastery. You are paying for convenience rather than the frame itself.


Moved to a more appropriate section.

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There wouldn't be a game if people didn't spend any money on it to keep the people working on it employed. Anyone making at least minimum wage can easily afford more slots and it's one of the few things they ask you to spend money on. Otherwise you can always trade for platinum if you're really that cheap. 

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I just wished I would have known and would have saved up the 60P they gave us to begin with. That would have atleast covered me for 3 additional warframe. Well whatever then I guess it is time to walk away and evaluate if I am going to drop actual cash on this game.

Seems to be unneccessary. Being a trader in Warframe is quite easy. I have never spent any money on this game and I have traded 5000+ platinum in my playtime.

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You can trade other players for more platinum, as well.

Essentially, this is the most effective way to fund the game, without making it a complete cash grab. You are not forced to spend this money to get further into the game. All frames are viable at any tier of play. You can sell your frames to claim others and get their mastery. You are paying for convenience rather than the frame itself.


Edited by VyralVanKill
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After a while, it doesn't take much to get what you want.  This game is about the grind.  More so than others.  It's hard to get a feel for certain aspects of this game initially.  Which is why the whole 2 frame initial limit gets a lot of threads dedicated to it.


So, don't feel bad OP, because you are not alone.

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Seems to be unneccessary. Being a trader in Warframe is quite easy. I have never spent any money on this game and I have traded 5000+ platinum in my playtime.


Keep in mind that as a relatively new player, he probably doesn't have much stuff people want.


I just wished I would have known and would have saved up the 60P they gave us to begin with. That would have atleast covered me for 3 additional warframe. Well whatever then I guess it is time to walk away and evaluate if I am going to drop actual cash on this game.


What I did to start getting new slots was to run Nightmare missions (they appear when you complete every mission on a planet, and have a skull icon over them. They give duel-stat mods that you can't get anywhere else.) and to sell the mods I got from that for 5-20 platinum each.

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You can trade other players for more platinum, as well.

Essentially, this is the most effective way to fund the game, without making it a complete cash grab. You are not forced to spend this money to get further into the game. All frames are viable at any tier of play. You can sell your frames to claim others and get their mastery. You are paying for convenience rather than the frame itself.


Moved to a more appropriate section.

^^^^^This is the best explanation here and the only correct explanation. 


The quoted ones below or ALL irrelevant and BAD explanations.


You CANNOT say the below explanations when there ARE OTHER stuff in the cash shop. You guys are not helping him understand, only stating the obvious which is irrelevant. There are tons of things in the shop including "Potatoes" and "Pizzas" and Cosmetics, etc. You guys failed to even tell him plat is tradable. It's always "Devs gotta eat" or "They gotta make money somehow" or even "The devs work so hard"(even though some players never pay) and it's always for ONE thing which makes no sense. The only reasons you guys posts this irrelevant junk is for post count, nothing more. You guys are of no help at all. At least the mod nailed it w/o saying cliche things. 


Even if they gave a ton of slots for free, this game would be in great shape especially in the years to come because down the line, more and more things get added. That cash shop that see double the items it has now in the future. Even Path of Exile does not sell slots, only cosmetics. SO that is why it's all irrelevant. SO come up with better explanations and don't pretend there is nothing else in the shop and nothing to be added to the shop in the future.

There wouldn't be a game if people didn't spend any money on it to keep the people working on it employed. Anyone making at least minimum wage can easily afford more slots and it's one of the few things they ask you to spend money on. Otherwise you can always trade for platinum if you're really that cheap. 



What an outrage, those bastard developers who work all day for this actually want money for a free game.

Try use ur beginners plat, its the best use you can give it anyway.



Inventory slots and colour packs are pretty much the only thing you need to spend money on in this game. Devs gotta get funds somehow.

Pretty decent business model if you ask me.

Edited by Jinryusai
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Keep in mind that as a relatively new player, he probably doesn't have much stuff people want.

Yup, that's how I started out, making platinum from sitting in a new market selling these duplicate rares I had for 10p each.

As long as you have others happily paying for platinum and trading it off, I think the XB1 market will be quite profitable in these early months.

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I just wished I would have known and would have saved up the 60P they gave us to begin with. That would have at least covered me for 3 additional warframe. Well whatever then I guess it is time to walk away and evaluate if I am going to drop actual cash on this game.

If you do decide to spend money remember it is money well spent in this case but also remember if you are patient you could get items that others would be looking for (i.e. prime parts) and trade those for platinum to help you out.

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One can either pay real money, or sell items to others that have paid real money (in the end, someone's going to pay money.)


$5-$10 isn't anything to complain about though.  Seriously.  Just drop a bit at least once to get started.  "Free to play" means you can, not that you're expected to.


HOWEVER, the daily login offers a chance at platinum discounts, 25%, 50%, and even 75% off ($5 for $20 worth of plat?  Yes please!)

Edited by Littleman88
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$5-$10 isn't anything to complain about though. 


As you can see in the quote below it has nothing to do with the amount of money needed, the the fact that you need it to continue. So this part is irrelevant. though it adds up. Always remember that costs add up. It's no wonder so little actually know the value of a dollar and shall jump at anything  that looks cheap...

 I will actually have to spend money out of my own pocket to continue to be able to play, I will just walk away. That is utterly ridiculous to only allow us access to 2 warframe's at a time unless we want to spend money. Any additional info would be much appreciated.

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As you can see in the quote below it has nothing to do with the amount of money needed, the the fact that you need it to continue. So this part is irrelevant. though it adds up. Always remember that costs add up. It's no wonder so little actually know the value of a dollar and shall jump at anything  that looks cheap...

But it is not needed at all, you can play the entire game with 2 warframes. 


As others have said try trading, you can make a decent amount of plat through just selling duplicate rare mods alone, also try selling void keys usually it is good to stockpile them but if you need plat you can reliably farm and sell them. 

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What an outrage, those bastard developers who work all day for this actually want money for a free game.

Try use ur beginners plat, its the best use you can give it anyway.


The developers who give new players an intentionally tiny number of slots which they will hit during the new game content which has been developed  as a proper game and is fun, before they run into all the samey grind and paywall crap like defrosting kubrows, Van Hel beacons, guild research items  or the nightmare that is actually getting argon crystals?


Yeah I'm sure the developers worked really hard (on working out the best way to fleece new players)

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I cant stand any snarkiness anymore.


Yes developers need to make a living, i wont deny that, but at the same time they refuse to look at platinum prices and market prices despite being continously criticised as overpriced, whos fault is it that they dont make that much money?? bad customers who "want everything for free"(comical argument really, made against anyone who doesnt constantly throw money) or clearly too high prices which discourage any potential customers.


Yes op you get 50 plat free + 2 warframe slots + 8 weapon slots with account creation and i will propose that you spend that plat on slots and avoid buying any gear due to its overblown price.


Vote with your wallet and pay for quality.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Even though this is an F2P game, I treat it as P2P just because I love playing it. Every month, I buy about $20-30 USD worth of plat to spend on weapon slots and other things. When I make weapons, I don't always throw them away after maxing them. I keep certain ones, such as all primes for example, even the ones that suck (lex prime? Debatable). I don't throw away event weapons, just for the weapon slot, because I don't know if I'll ever get them again. Brakk was once an event weapon, which I was ready to throw because I don't like shotguns or any gun that functions like one. The moment I learned that it became obtainable once again by farming G3, I thought about how many countless hours/days I'd be grinding invasion missions just to get the three stooges to appear. Mind you, that's 5 missions per invasion and running mission after mission until they pop up. It's not worth it.


I also don't throw away warframes. It's like not playing as a certain character in a fighting game. If I was limited to only the 3 best/worst characters in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I think I'd go insane from boredom. I like having a wide variety of warframe choices.


I do trade mods for plat, from time to time, but the game's staff do need pay checks in order to keep working. I don't just buy platinum to get what I need in the game, but also to give back to the staff for making and updating such a wonderful game.

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The developers who give new players an intentionally tiny number of slots which they will hit during the new game content which has been developed  as a proper game and is fun, before they run into all the samey grind and paywall crap like defrosting kubrows, Van Hel beacons, guild research items  or the nightmare that is actually getting argon crystals?


Yeah I'm sure the developers worked really hard (on working out the best way to fleece new players)


The world never runs out of ungrateful and entitled players.  The game is free.  Completely free.  I have a friend who is a lvl 17 on PS4 and he hasn't spent a dime on it.  Requiring slots for additional warframes & weapons is not unreasonable.  70p for a color palette?  That's a bit crazy.  But DE doesn't care about inventory or mods slots.

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50p is enough to buy 2 slots.

4 total slots is enough to have a core selection of all around frames.

8 weapon slots is enough to have two load-outs and level slots.

yes, it takes research not to blow the 50 plat on stuff you can grind, but you know what? the game being F2P should have hinted you to that. there's a wiki for a reason, there's ingame chat, and everyone will awlways tell you to spend it on slots first.

yes, it takes research to see what weapons are worthwhile, what are mastery fodder. same with frames. but again, you can ask and you can read up on things.

sure, in the first 100 hours of the game you are hardpressed to come up with anything worth trading, but the beginner frames are decent.

the only thing i could imagine DE doing is to not give players the 50p starter plat and instead just giving them 4 warframe slots and 10p. that would prevent the first mistake newbies can make. but honestly, the game is worth at least sinking like 25 bucks in it, is it not.

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$5-$10 isn't anything to complain about though. 


As you can see in the quote below it has nothing to do with the amount of money needed, the the fact that you need it to continue. So this part is irrelevant. though it adds up. Always remember that costs add up. It's no wonder so little actually know the value of a dollar and shall jump at anything  that looks cheap...

 I will actually have to spend money out of my own pocket to continue to be able to play, I will just walk away. That is utterly ridiculous to only allow us access to 2 warframe's at a time unless we want to spend money. Any additional info would be much appreciated.


The value of a dollar is precisely as one self sees it, nothing more, nothing less.


If at any point One has spent their money on cigarettes, fast food, or alcohol, they really don't get to complain about the amount of platinum they'll get for $5 to $10.  Spending that $5 or $10 on Warframe should provide many, many times more enjoyment than the other, equally priced options mentioned which might last one day.


I can't feel pity for someone that won't spend a dime on a game they enjoy because it has "free to play" written on it, but threaten to quit when they find a restriction they don't agree with.  In this case, it isn't even a game stopping restriction (like say, needing to pay a sub to progress past Mars just as an example that could have been,) just an inconvenient one.  To a point, a game just isn't made to cater to some people.  F2Ps don't survive entirely on cosmetics and good thoughts.

Edited by Littleman88
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