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Coming Soon: Devstream #39!


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We've heard of Tyl Regor's rework coming up in the future, but are there any plans or progress for reworking Nef Anyo? Many have a hard time thinking he's even a boss when they kill him thinking he's just another Corpus goon.

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eny chance we will get the old animation for world on fire back? *wishfull eyes*


will neural sensors ever get more drop locations? (currently it only drops on one planet)

eny news on "mining in space" with archwings?

will we see more pattern packs for koobs?

will we see more use of our mastery rank?

when will we see a return of the gate crash mode? (loved it)

will we see more challenging stuff for vets exept for endless missions?

will we get more parkour?


keep up the good work and looking forward to hearing about the proxy wars :)

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Will we ever see the orignal Valkyr? Any chance she was Valkyr Prime? And also, is she a possibily for a Valkyr? Because a lot of people don't believe because of the experiences Alad V did to her! 


Would be interesting if they gave her a tenno lab researched vandal treatment instead of a prime.

Edited by TheOmnipotentKiwiStand
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BTW, how about not using twitch and their S#&$ty facebook account linking ?


Seriously, many people are not using facebook (deliberate choice or simply fed-up with all the crap going on) and this twitch chat system prevent anyone "not authed" to speak and ask legitimate questions.

The worst part is that some ppl just "DGAF" and register fake accounts with prepaid phonecards or whatever, and you see them spamming the chat with insults or "smileys", while legitimate streamers/videomakers/vloggers wanting to ask legitimate questions cannot, because twitch consider that "having a (fake) facebook account is a better way to ensure you behave correctly on chat than having a hundred of your videos hanging in the balance should your account be blocked for whatever rude comment you could make."

Just think. the bad ones out there have nothing to lose, you see them spamming, getting banned, and coming back anyway, while the guys like me would not want to have their vidz deleted just because of a mean comment. We're the nice people with legitimate questions, the ones that avoid spamming, and that avoid asking what has already been asked 20 seconds prior. We're the "civilised" ones out there... yet we're treated like we're criminals.

So what's the issue with facebook. Simply having it to use it for signing up linking, etc. can't be bas. that is what I only use mine for.

I wonder if anyone in 14 pages has mentioned the melee?

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Can we implement some new chat attributes or features to recruiting chat because no one is using the tab (at least in oceana servers) as of U14. It would also be nice to see some harder content for end game users.

I've spent heaps of money on this game (+$150) because i believe it has potential but the end game isnt as good as i hoped. more and more people are leaving the game because they have nothing to do but grind.

They are leaving more than you are attracting more Tenno, so for the next update, please just give the end game users something to do! something challenging, something a Boltor prime, with maxed mods, can't defeat in 10 seconds.


I know everyone at DE puts all their heart and soul into their work but i think that work is being focused on the wrong area.


Keep up the good work and keep recriuting more Tenno! :D

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Question: When will the performance issues since U14.9 be addressed? There's tons of us over in the PC Beta Bugs Performance sub-forum that are having issues since U14.9 and it is a problem with both AMD and Nvidia hardware(it seems as if a majority are AMD users).


I created a thread and found a fix that has worked for me: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/322336-frequent-low-fps-occurrences-mid-to-high-end-hardware/


I've been having massive FPS drops from 60 to instantly 30FPS and it would sit there for 5-20 seconds like that then go back up to 60 constant. This only started happening after U14.9. I personally tried lowering settings, switching between different DirectX versions, installing new & old GPU drivers, trying both the 32bit & 64bit executables, fullscreen/windowed/borderless, lowering/increasing & disabling pagefile, running all executables in Windows 7 compatibility mode and nothing worked UNTIL I turned off V-Sync completely in-game and used RadeonPro to limit my in-game FPS to 70.


I don't know if this fix will work for others, but can we PLEASE have an in-game FPS limiter that isn't V-Sync? Both "On" and "Auto" settings for V-Sync cause FPS drops for me.


Thank you all and have a great day.

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Q: With the new physics-based rendering, are there any plans to allow players to re-tint of the gold bits on prime warframes and weapons? Please? Pretty please? :)


Signed! I would love to have the ability to re-tint the gold bits on primed stuff, at least the opportunity (for example:) to use my braton shock camo skin on the braton prime.

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I. Will I ever see an Ash Prime? If so any ETA on when? 


II. Is there any information on that bow concept shown a few streams ago?


III. Will the Typhus Concept Warframe from RedSkittlez ever be added? In my opinion that is the most epic warframe I have ever seen!

Edited by Senshikuro-Isao
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1. Would we get another chance on earning past event badges? As you may know many player missed the events due to personal inconveniences and whatnot. I personally am fond of the badges as items of rarity and oddity; I treat them as collectibles which makes it a shame to have a lacking collection.


2. Regarding the future Liset customizations, how about implementing a feature that allows us to array our weapons or frames in special display cases or on the walls? Is that already a planned feature and if not do you think it may happen?


3. Right now each warframe holds access to a mere 4 abilities. Are we going to get additional abilities to choose from in the future or is it a fixed idea to have only 4 permenant abilities with each frames, as displayed every time a new frame is presented?


4. Can we PLEASE get a walking button on a pc keyboard during missions? It is a real immersion breaker only being able to run.


Thank you!

Edited by Tellakey
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Great to see another Devstream friday! now here's my questions.


Proxy wars:


1. Taking dark sectors into account i hope that Proxy wars do not let down or create the unwanted politics dark sector brought in on it too.


2. Benefits of these? what can a tenno gain by joining in on these?




1. Will we get to do invasions in space combat mode? sounds so much better or better yet make the invasion in phases with the first being the Archwing fights?


2. Acquisition and costs?


3. Pvp possible with them?




.1. Will we ever be able to add dojo decorations to Dojo duelling rooms again? my duelling room ideas are locked away or can we perhaps get Duelling decos specifically for the duelling room?


example of my Dojos Shooter duelling room:







2. Can we get bigger duelling rooms? or be able to convert a garden into a duelling room?


3. Meditation pads, Can we have them as seperate decorations that we could place around in the dojo?

Edited by Celestias
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The boar is currently only available with the Wrecking Rhino Bundle.

It's a gun i haven't leveled to 30 because it is impossible to get in any other way, it has in effect become the only weapon in the game that is only available with platinum.


How do you plan bundles and do you intend to make new bundles from old stuff or are bundles only released as a compilation of new content?

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Can you explain the new ownership structure? It seems really obvious, but people keep panicking about lockboxes and other pay-to-play things like RNG behind a paywall(buy a random item with plat!).


It would be nice just to have an official in-your-face explanation that "no, we won't have lockboxes" and so forth. Calm the panic, and give us sane people ammo.

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