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"i Find Your Lack Of 'haggle' Disturbing"


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I was a MapleStory player and that game didn't have an aution house too. Thus, when I trade, I met people trying to sell me things higher than what I ask for or buy my stuff at a lower price. From there, I learnt the art of negotiation.

In Warframe, I always try to overprice what I am selling by around 1–5 plat. At the same time, I will try to negotiate for a lower value when I am buying stuffs.

What annoys are the players ignoring me after I state my price.

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The way I see it...


If you post a WTS and respond to the inquiry of price with "Offer" I see you as a Scammer McJerkface and move on.

If you post a WTB and respond to the inquiry of your offered price with "Offer" I see you as Lowballer Greedyfcuk and move on.


If you have a price in mind and actually state it I might haggle if it is within my expected price range or just tell that it's too expensive or if the offer is not as high as I'm willing to sell for.


I'm all for haggling as long as there is a starting "bid" to work off of

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Haggling is a dying art in today's world/culture/society. Nobody in their right mind would go and try to haggle in a supermarket, for example. We've grown accustomed to paying what the seller wants without asking any questions. Contrary to my grandfather; he grew up when haggling was common. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to haggle at a supermarket!


I'll try to be brief / catch phrasie.


The markets had a different dynamic. Sellers now are usually part of a complex supply chain. It's not small owners, or private trading and bartering to get goods to the market. Increasingly product is packaged, manufactured, marketed, and price point targeted by technicians and office workers - who may have some background from the front end of the store, but may not - the individual store owners are part of a franchise or corporate design, an adaptive or dynamic sale doesn't fix around price, it responds to branding (Nike vs Reebok) or exclusivity agreements (coke vs pepsi). Even if the individual front end store managers have the authority to respond to local markets and change pricing they don't do it on a sale by sale scale, it's a question of significant enough shifts in demand or supply to warrant off setting the loss of transactions by mutating the price. Comparatively there is also a lot of business done in just keeping the consumer distracted by shifting prices, with a large enough markup discounts can be offered regularly on high supply (low risk supply side production or supply chains) to create the artifice of decisions - haggling is done for you. Isn't that creepy?

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I generally don't like to come up with prices, as I'm not a full time seller/buyer but I will look at wftrading to get an idea. I really like how their price lists are setup in a sell now/whenever/buy now fashion as well. If I'm in no rush I'll go off that middle column but be open to reasonable counter offers. Although between items I tend to go off the ratio of difference in value more than the actual number.

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I usually ask what people think the item I'm selling is worth, and am usually pretty lenient with their response. My reason is when I offer the price I want I am typically meet with the "lol good luck getting that noob. I just got it for x anyway."

Good for you then. Glad it worked out. I would have gone lower if you tried, but being childish about it is fine too.

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IMO Warframe's community is easily one of the stingiest I've been part of. Either you sell them Scindo P stuff for 3p a piece or they ignore you, it is ridiculous >.>

We are a melting pot of ages and mentalities, so militant attitudes abound, and when people give in to those attitudes it just continues to spread. Look at the arcane prices. 35p for an unobtainable item that does more than look pretty while the cosmetics are 75.

Edited by Aerothan
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If you sell things for a reasonable price, people will buy from you without haggling.


If you sell things for too much, people wont bother haggling because you're a @(*()$ crazy ripoff person.


I just undercut everyone and never have problems selling.


I ask sellers how much they'll sell stuff for and make offers to see what they'll accept, then base my prices accordingly.

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As a trader, other than the gain of platinum, and the capability to get anything i need...i'm now noticing a very common trait in a lot of people on the trade channel...


Nobody haggles.


There is nothing i love more than saying a price, then people say what they want to pay, then meet in the middle.

It just feels like good business, everyone wins. It's just so annoying, saying a price which i know is selling a lot lower than otherrs and people just going


"Too high" *Player is now ignoring you*


I can't be the only person who WANTS to haggle...can i? 


Yeah this is totally weird.

You mention a price and they say too high, like when they sell things they are selling them for cheap. Who does that?

Seriously, what person actively looking for plat sells stuff for nothing?

Sure, i some times have a lot copies and i sell them cheap but that's not the point.


One thing that happens here is that people see a price somewhere, hear about a price somewhere and they think that they should only buy that something for that price they heard so they sit there waiting for it. If you dont have the cash i understand but if you do.... you better have some patience.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I buy and sell a lot and let me say...

I cannot stand haggling.

I am not looking to extend the time I Spend doing these transactions.

I want them to be fast and simple.


That's pretty much hit right on for me as well.

I don't want to be in the trading channel, and if I'm there I really just want to get some business done and get out ASAP.

Haggling just costs me time, so if you're putting high prices up expecting a haggle, I'm just not going to message you.

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When I sell I tend to ask the buyer what they think is a fair price, and sell it for that amount regardless of whether it is a good deal or not. They paid what they felt was fair and I got plat both of us get to be happy. Sold my Tethra set last month for 180p, now I just need to wait for those mods to be added back into the game. If someone knowingly offers less than a fair deal they are the one who has to live with that choice, and that is fine by me.

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I haggle all the time.


Heck I've been known to give a few white lies to knock down the price a bit.


"Hey I'm interested in buying this"

[seller says price]

*I wait a minute or two* 

"Err, I hate to say this but there's another fellow who's selling it for less... But I did contact you first, any chance you could match their price of [insert more reasonable and/or slightly lower price here]?"

Funny, i've tried that a few times and you know what it got me? Ignored or "Then go buy his"

I don't mind haggling when i'm selling things, But my biggest pet peev is once we already agreed on a price/trade of items and we get the a lot of the time, the other player will say "Hey can I give you this and that and this much plat instead?"




Another problem I run into a lot is people just want too %*ing much for their stuff. Most of the time the prices in plat that these people want for stuff is BEYOND laughable and I feel sorry for anyone who pays their price and whats worse, is these people REFUSE to negotiate in anyway. I'm usually pretty fair I offer my stuff at it's price i want for it and am willing to haggle here and there, but A lot of the items I sell, i'm already listing them at their minimum price (which is usually around 5-10 plat for each item. I'd say that's pretty darn fair. I've never done a package deal but mostly because people are usually only looking for one thing. 


A trade hub would help this IMO. It would solve the trade channel spam, it would lower prices a bit as stuff would be a bit more available rather than having to have hawk vision on the text in the trade channel for that one item you want for the right price.



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Its Not only here in the most places ppl even DONT KNOW how haggle works i love it to and sometimes cause they dont know how to haggle they just beg and paying a 50% higher price cause im evil ^,..,^.


but on sirous note yap its stupid.


as i tried to haggle for the new nikana mod i offers then and then no anwser OR i gained a HAHA no.


hell no wonder no ones wanna go for a trade or ppl buy nothing >.<

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The way I see it...

If you post a WTS and respond to the inquiry of price with "Offer" I see you as a Scammer McJerkface and move on.

If you post a WTB and respond to the inquiry of your offered price with "Offer" I see you as Lowballer Greedyfcuk and move on.

If you have a price in mind and actually state it I might haggle if it is within my expected price range or just tell that it's too expensive or if the offer is not as high as I'm willing to sell for.

I'm all for haggling as long as there is a starting "bid" to work off of

Actually, that's just good trading. It's always in your best interest to make the other guy state a number.

Edit: I don't really like the guys who lie. If you're so connected to a video game that you must lie, then please get another hobby.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Haggling is considered obsolete and even rude.


Most countries' economy is in the crapper.


Could the be a correlation, or even causation?

Only considered rude by the foolish and economically uninterested.


"Walmart always has low prices. ALWAYS."

They did *not* achieve that by merely paying whatever the producer stated the price was. (in fact, it's been noted that they use their size as a bit of unfair leverage when negotiating prices now--most people doing business with them can't afford not to).


Further, if you go to any small market, you'll find plenty of people willing to deal to make a sale.


Just, that requires going to small markets, which aren't open 24/7, and aren't located EVERYWHERE.

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As a trader, other than the gain of platinum, and the capability to get anything i need...i'm now noticing a very common trait in a lot of people on the trade channel...


Nobody haggles.


There is nothing i love more than saying a price, then people say what they want to pay, then meet in the middle.

It just feels like good business, everyone wins. It's just so annoying, saying a price which i know is selling a lot lower than otherrs and people just going


"Too high" *Player is now ignoring you*


I can't be the only person who WANTS to haggle...can i? 


This is very culturally dependant. Where I come from haggling is frowned upon and is usually seen as bad practice (talking about real life here obviously) and I think it translates over to games as well.


I just cba with hagglers... I have something you want/need, if you don't want to pay my price then whatever, really.

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But then you don't have to pay his price either.


It works both ways.


This is true, but I pay what he wants as long as its a reasonable price. Its not like its a shortage of sellers in this game.


I realize this has all to do with supply and demand, but in the end I don't haggle. I either find a buyer who is willing to buy what I sell for the price I ask or I find a seller with a reasonable price.


I'm not gonna haggle just to get a good price, I expect a good deal off the bat or I take that person for well.. a fraud (again, this is very culturally dependant for me personally, I realize others have different views on this).

Edited by Radford_343
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Oftentimes what I want to purchase is relatively common (in a large community) but RNG hates me with my not getting the mod.  I say WTB mod X, get 5-10 sellers talking to me, and I go with the lowest price offer (if it's a reasonable price).  I simply can't respond to all the people who respond to me.


Sometimes, I can't respond because the chat window locks up and I have to relog to fix the issue.

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