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Why Did De Tell Us About Syndicates?

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would've been a nice surprise when U15 would have come out, but nope we get a hype site with an extended timer... yay.


Anyone else  here waiting for the day DE decides to stop flirting with us  3 months before they say, fine here is the content.  i mean it generates hype but we always see the same pattern



1. Hype threads

2. anti hype threads

3. why isnt it here yet threads

4. chill your %$# threads

5.  Thank you DE, we love you very much threads

6.  Threads B!tching about said cycle(me)

7.  Update released

8. Threads b!tching about bugginess and RNG

9.  threads asking for the next prime access.


Why cant de stop being so ambitious with updates.  why not have made U15 "archwing" and nothing else, gotten it out faster... they didnt even have to announce it at gamescom, they could a just shown the Ice tile set and it would have been a plenty big reveal.

whats stopping them from popping on red-text when the finish something and saying

"sup guys,  we finished the new frame, archwing and S#&$ isn't done but here this is"


"hey we got sigils implemented,  you get em from achievements, for now, check the forums for a guide on em, courtesy of DE"



DE your a game manufacturer not a schoolgirl playing hard to get, stop treating us like pigs always eager for more.

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DE loves to build hype. It's kinda their thing. I understand your desire for the update (hell, I want it ASAP too) but the devs like hyping the community up. Not sure why, especially because of all the things you listed, but that's what they do. 

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The DE doesn't decide when updates come out, the servers do. They don't really know how much they have to reinforce the servers to make the update work on it without crashing the game. They just go as much as possible until it works enough times for them to be pretty sure.



Also hype is very important. Hype creates more profit.

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The DE doesn't decide when updates come out, the servers do. They don't really know how much they have to reinforce the servers to make the update work on it without crashing the game. They just go as much as possible until it works enough times for them to be pretty sure.



Also hype is very important. Hype creates more profit.

You do know that DE owns the server, correct>

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would've been a nice surprise when U15 would have come out, but nope we get a hype site with an extended timer... yay.


Anyone else  here waiting for the day DE decides to stop flirting with us  3 months before they say, fine here is the content.  i mean it generates hype but we always see the same pattern



1. Hype threads

2. anti hype threads

3. why isnt it here yet threads

4. chill your $* threads

5.  Thank you DE, we love you very much threads

6.  Threads B!tching about said cycle(me)

7.  Update released

8. Threads b!tching about bugginess and RNG

9.  threads asking for the next prime access.

10. threads mentioning strange girly-behaviour (i love you but you dont act on it)


Why cant de stop being so ambitious with updates.  why not have made U15 "archwing" and nothing else, gotten it out faster... they didnt even have to announce it at gamescom, they could a just shown the Ice tile set and it would have been a plenty big reveal.

whats stopping them from popping on red-text when the finish something and saying

"sup guys,  we finished the new frame, archwing and S#&$ isn't done but here this is"


"hey we got sigils implemented,  you get em from achievements, for now, check the forums for a guide on em, courtesy of DE"



DE your a game manufacturer not a schoolgirl playing hard to get, stop treating us like pigs always eager for more.


you know strange girls, really :-))))))))))))))))))

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Amount of created hype+actual content delivered=large disappointment.



U15 was cosmetic update and people had nothing to do week after the update. Kubrows were a mess, UI is still a mess, and what else did we got ( except Mirage )?



DE created too much hype for nothing.

Edited by Haldos
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I hate the hype site with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I hope they stop. Last time they did this they said they couldnt meet their own deadline and we had to wait another week. You would think they would learn this time but NOPE! They just decided to make the extra long wait "normal" with this new hype site. 

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The truth is... they're Emotion Vampires.


That's why they hype everyone up, so that when they log into the forums, or look at all the enthusiasm or anger about a certain subject, they grow, are nourished, and feel revitalized. It feeds them more so than the black magic that is coffee.


How else do you think DE Rebecca and DE Megan stay so fabulous looking?


And don't get me started on what it does to DE Steve.

Edited by CarniKang
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The DE doesn't decide when updates come out, the servers do. They don't really know how much they have to reinforce the servers to make the update work on it without crashing the game. They just go as much as possible until it works enough times for them to be pretty sure.



Also hype is very important. Hype creates more profit.

Profit numbs the feeling.

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