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Syndicates Should Be All About Missions.


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Sigils offer pretty much nothing. 


Solution; Constant personal alerts. From the moment you join a faction; you should have to do a Joining mission. If you're betraying a faction and joining one that hates you then you should have to do an incredibly hard set of suicidal missions to prove your loyalty. 


There should always be an option for a faction mission. 


But wait you cry; that'd mean any player would be able to quickly climb the ranks. 

False. By making missions for high level players bombasticly hard; you'd ensure that only the most elite and dedicated players can reach the top. (as opposed to players who've just been playing with a sigil for a looooooooooooonnnnnng time) you could also make it so that higher level missions are more offensive to opposing factions. 


The result; A more active syndicate system. No longer "play with this stamped to your boobs" but rather "Take this place for us, sabotage our enemies, Ensure our resources are delivered to us..." 


Go far enough and we could have some direct confrontations in alerts between hostile factions. A chance of fighting a hostile syndicate directly rather than through corpus of grineer.  a small chance for Invasions. A small chance for PVP alerts. 

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At rank 2.... Ah it takes far too long to reach that. 


Really? What, longer then ONE day? Oh noes, how harsh that must be.


How about we let the damn new expansion "settle" for .. oh, I don't know, 24 damn hours before going from "feedback for possible changes" straight to "this is broken beyond repair".

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So far Syndicate alerts are not out yet, however you can still earn loyalty points for which ever syndicate you're supporting


All you need to do is wear their Sigil during missions and you will gain loyalty towards them


Do note that wearing a Sigil will create hostility from opposing syndicates


WoW, totally nobody knew that already, who are you ? WF God ? -.- .......


The problems is that wearing sigils is just not efficient, I mean 90 favor for a GOOD T4 Def is low and normal solar missions give like 0-50...

and keep in mind that first rank is 5k....

and first Item costs 2,5k,then we go to 5k, from that to 7,5k,10k,12k,15k,17k,20k,25k and hey, 30K cuz reasons.......

yes, these weapons mods are now more atractive as with burston it went from 20% fire rate unranked to 80%, which is nice, or that 200% multishot for hek, GG,, but the income is to low to get all he mods etc, Idk how much favor will these alerts give but if its not 1k-2k Idk how am I supposed to get these mods.....

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Really? What, longer then ONE day? Oh noes, how harsh that must be.


How about we let the damn new expansion "settle" for .. oh, I don't know, 24 damn hours before going from "feedback for possible changes" straight to "this is broken beyond repair".


Oh, you must be new here, that's how it always is....Half the time with good reason. Beside, it doesn't matter if we let it settle or not, DE won't change it because they're always right.


also, it takes longer than one day. Even if you ran endless void missions for a day, you wouldn't have enough to get rank 2...You -should- but that's the problem, you're not. 

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I've understood some of the algo behing this. To maximise your gain, equip only a frame and a weapon. Forget other weapon and sentinel, this way you get maximum input of standing. For the same mission, i gained 230 standing with all equipped and 500 with only a melee weapon equipped.


I have the feeling this is not intentionnal. This doesn't make sense. But hey, at least i know how to double my gains.

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WoW, totally nobody knew that already, who are you ? WF God ? -.- .......


Idk how I am suppose to get these mods...


Just trying to help, no need to get salty, jeez.

The Devs also said in their last stream that those mods are trade-able, so have some friend join that opposing faction and trade mods with them


Anywho, it seems like the syndicate alerts are bugging, at least for me. Not getting the appropriate Loyalty reward for completing them.

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I've understood some of the algo behing this. To maximise your gain, equip only a frame and a weapon. Forget other weapon and sentinel, this way you get maximum input of standing. For the same mission, i gained 230 standing with all equipped and 500 with only a melee weapon equipped.


I have the feeling this is not intentionnal. This doesn't make sense. But hey, at least i know how to double my gains.


Confirmed. I went in with 3 friends on 20 vawes ODD. Two of us had only a frame, sentinel and a rifle (we got around 400), one had frame, sentinel, mele, rifle and pistol (he got around 250) and one had only frame and rifle without any sentinel (he got around 500).


So what it actually does is give you reputation based on the affinity your warframe gets. So if you put a minimum of equipment, all the extra affinity is devided between your frame and your rifle for example. More warfame affinity = more reputation.

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I've understood some of the algo behing this. To maximise your gain, equip only a frame and a weapon. Forget other weapon and sentinel, this way you get maximum input of standing. For the same mission, i gained 230 standing with all equipped and 500 with only a melee weapon equipped.


I have the feeling this is not intentionnal. This doesn't make sense. But hey, at least i know how to double my gains.


I think it's probably intentional.  The more difficult you make it on yourself (only one weapon) the more rep you gain.  It's just like weapons, affinity is split between everything you have equipped (ally kills anyway), so it's usually faster to level with no sentinel and only one weapon.


Would still like to see if anyone else has found conclave ratings to have any bearing on these results . . . 

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I've understood some of the algo behing this. To maximise your gain, equip only a frame and a weapon. Forget other weapon and sentinel, this way you get maximum input of standing. For the same mission, i gained 230 standing with all equipped and 500 with only a melee weapon equipped.


I have the feeling this is not intentionnal. This doesn't make sense. But hey, at least i know how to double my gains.

sounds like it's tied to conclave rating. i believe it is intended this way

Edited by ..atom..
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Confirmed. I went in with 3 friends on 20 vawes ODD. Two of us had only a frame, sentinel and a rifle (we got around 400), one had frame, sentinel, mele, rifle and pistol (he got around 250) and one had only frame and rifle without any sentinel (he got around 500).


So what it actually does is give you reputation based on the affinity your warframe gets. So if you put a minimum of equipment, all the extra affinity is devided between your frame and your rifle for example. More warfame affinity = more reputation.

Tested this too. Just did another T4D to 40 waves with only a frame and primary. Got 4.2k rep. Previously I got around 2.4k with full equips.

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If they made it easier people would blaze through it and then complain theres nothing to do, like most events DE adds to this game.

Hell, there's already people with some of the top-tier syndicate rewards as we speak.


Do I want the work those people did to be nullified by making the system easier? Nah not really.

Do I want the new Vauban teslas really bad? Of course.

Do I want the devs to lower the qualifications to get them? No not really.


The entire purpose of the system is to get rewards for playing over a long period of time. Emphasis on the long.

Especially since even newbies can access the system from the moment they play thegame and begin earning points even as they scrounge around E.Prime looking for Kubrow eggs.

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I have confirmed that conclave don't interfere with gain. But there is another factor. With 3 friends, around the same conclave, only one weapon equipped  : two got 1250 and one got 900. Oddly the one with 900 was the one doing all the damage. Of the two with 1250, one got a sentinel, the other not.

So, conclave is irrelevant, sentinel is irrelevant and go equiped with only one weapon. Happy grinding.


Still quite unhappy about the silence of the dev around the mechanics behind earning reputation but at least i can with acceptable values.

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Still quite unhappy about the silence of the dev around the mechanics behind earning reputation but at least i can with acceptable values.



A good system would be to make it so every syndicate has different ways of earning bonus points.

Like SUDA giving bonuses if you do a mission with only your primary equipped.

Or HEXUS giving bonuses if you go melee only.


They could add quite a wide array of options for stuff like that.

And probably should.

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So I just got to the rank of Associate in the Perrin of Sequence... and the next rank requires 22,000 standing................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ screw Syndicates. Back to conclave.

Edited by Rakshal
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Will Update the list as I find more/Players report. I'd appreciate the addition of any info players could offer (or any reportings of any missing information. I, like most people, am not so far into a syndicate). 


-Pay to join a syndicate. Don't get access to anything they can sell. The feeling of getting into a syndicate is not immediate. 


- Edit: can't use two sigils at once, even if from same faction. Thanks Chroia  

-Sigils are very, very slow at giving you affinity. Too slow, even moreso for a high ranking player who has most everything else. 

-Sigil XP earnings are positively effected if you play the game only leveling one weapon. Encouraging players to play in a different but ultimately less interesting way. 

-Sigils come in many excellent designs but there's no way to have them purely cosmetic. Meaning you can't show off your fantastic 30,000 point sigil whilst trying to level a new faction, or an enemy faction should you turn traitor. 

-Sigils are limited to only chest and back. Some sigils worsen the look of frames because they ruin symmetry, the design underneath, or can't be made small enough. Furthermore the chest/back is often covered up by other cosmetic items. 

- There's no "apply to all warframes" when changing sigils. 

- There's no "don't glow" or "transparency options" for sigils. 



- Missions don't come soon enough. If a player wants to join a group it shouldn't be "slap this on your breasts and do what you always do" but rather "Do a job for me" You could even have some fun little Redeption/betrayal arcs when you leave a faction for one you were fighting against (lots and lots of suicide missions. It's cool. If you get high enough in a faction to want to switch then you should be pretty tough.)

- An increase in missions would be great. If you make it so that they get fabulously hard at high syndicate ranks then you should have it that newbie players can't grind to the top. 

- No syndicate infighting. It's New loka versus the corpus or Cephalon Suda versus the corpus. It's never directly Suda V Loka. You could probably make some good little reskinned and hybridized factions out of these syndicates. 

- The above would make some excellent invasions

- The above would make for some excellent temporary PvP scenarios. 


Death squads all hypothetical or researched since I've yet to meet someone hated enough to be hunted

-So if you've upset Suda, but all your teammates are Suda/Suda friendly, do the Suda deathsquads attack them? (they would at the least endanger the mission by taking a teammate down)

- New loka, big fan of a pure humanity, use infested. Bit concerned about their definitions of "pure". 

- Kinda weak selection of units to send at you,right? I mean I wasn't expecting new stalker types but... Corrupted lancers? (Note; You could use altered versions of current stalkers/bosses. Perrin harvester. Suda corrupted G3-ish guys. Stalker/tenno like arbiter of hexis... Not saying they're the way things should go. But they're certainly options.  ) 


-Spending your points on either rank up or items is at the moment... questionable in that points are too slowly accumulated. 

- surplus points wasted? 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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I'm sure there will be faction missions later on. I'm honestly vastly impressed that they managed to get so much content in with Syndicates already, like animated models and voiced lines. No need to complain about not having 6 new factions of units yet.


I do agree that the rate of gaining favor is way too slow, and spending favor is all-around feel-bad-ness. It also messes up the zero-sum balance of favor among factions, which I strongly dislike. I don't mind not getting immediate benefits, but I wish that I'd at least get something in the first few hours of fighting for them.


I assumed favor was based on total mission Affinity, but you claim that focusing one weapon increases the favor gain. Can you confirm this? Do you have numbers available or is it really obvious from testing? I haven't noticed such a thing.


Hypothetical questions and speculation don't add up to "doing them badly". I'm not impressed with your post title, because you haven't actually said anything that bad about them that can't be addressed with balancing. You don't even know half of the things in your post are true; you're just guessing.


EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I would rather my sigils didn't have such intense color as well.

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I'm sure there will be faction missions later on. I'm honestly vastly impressed that they managed to get so much content in with Syndicates already, like animated models and voiced lines. No need to complain about not having 6 new factions of units yet.


I do agree that the rate of gaining favor is way too slow, and spending favor is all-around feel-bad-ness. It also messes up the zero-sum balance of favor among factions, which I strongly dislike. I don't mind not getting immediate benefits, but I wish that I'd at least get something in the first few hours of fighting for them.


I assumed favor was based on total mission Affinity, but you claim that focusing one weapon increases the favor gain. Can you confirm this? Do you have numbers available or is it really obvious from testing? I haven't noticed such a thing.


Hypothetical questions and speculation don't add up to "doing them badly". I'm not impressed with your post title, because you haven't actually said anything that bad about them that can't be addressed with balancing. You don't even know half of the things in your post are true; you're just guessing.


EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I would rather my sigils didn't have such intense color as well.


- The "use one weapon" thing was from other people's testing. Somehow it makes a better spread of affinity for syndicates. 

- Only a few items up there I'm not certain about.

- Fixed Title, sorry 'bout that. 

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so far I've yet to have two sigils from the same faction, meaning I've not been able to put one on the back and the other on the front, if you can do that. 

-Sigil XP earnings are positively effected if you play the game only leveling one weapon. Encouraging players to play in a different but ultimately less interesting way. 

- There's no "apply to all warframes" when changing sigils. 


-Spending your points on either rank up or items is at the moment... questionable in that points are too slowly accumulated. 

In order:

You can't.

I think it's related to Conclave rating, but haven't intentionally tested yet.

Indeed. I would like a 'quick-select' from the squad interface. ofc I'd love one for preset loadouts as well... *shrug*





Not sure if intended or bug, but there appear to be 'preferred' and... 'unpreferred'? enemies for the factions.

Ignore that.

Further play and some attention to detail show that it has nothing to do with hostilities. I'd just reached rankup exp cap.


Perrin don't care about Infested


(makes sense)


Perrin don't particularly care about Corrupted.




Red Veil are neutral vs. Corrupted, as are Loka.

That's as far as I've checked.

Edited by Chroia
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