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Syndicates Should Be All About Missions.


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I'm seriousely thinking that the higer tier sigles should give more rep when worn compared to the standard ones. I'm really not fine with paying 10k or 30k rep for a sticker. And yes sorry it's not acceptable to treat it as "just" another e-penis enlarger.

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I'm seriousely thinking that the higer tier sigles should give more rep when worn compared to the standard ones. I'm really not fine with paying 10k or 30k rep for a sticker. And yes sorry it's not acceptable to treat it as "just" another e-penis enlarger.


Makes sense.

I'd totally buy a new sticker if it provides a reputation multiplier, like an investment for future gains.


Also means if you manage to achieve the 30k acquired for the final sticker, it won't be so hard earning it back again; and promote 'loyalty' to Syndicates.

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If they made it easier people would blaze through it and then complain theres nothing to do, like most events DE adds to this game.

Hell, there's already people with some of the top-tier syndicate rewards as we speak.


Do I want the work those people did to be nullified by making the system easier? Nah not really.

Do I want the new Vauban teslas really bad? Of course.

Do I want the devs to lower the qualifications to get them? No not really.


The entire purpose of the system is to get rewards for playing over a long period of time. Emphasis on the long.

Especially since even newbies can access the system from the moment they play thegame and begin earning points even as they scrounge around E.Prime looking for Kubrow eggs.

I can tell you right now NO ONE has the top tier rewards yet unless something glitched out. Like i said before, when you max your "wallet" you have to give up all of it to get a bigger wallet. You have to do this multiple times by draining yourself to 0 every time you max out, all the way to tier five for the full store, then you can start saving for that 30k item. I have no idea how many standing points it's going to take to get the biggest wallet and the full store unlocked, but considering it takes 5k for Tier1 and 22k for Tier 2 I think it's safe to assume its going to take you 100k-200k+ just to unlock the option of buying that 30k item.


Again, I'm fine with a reasonable long grind, and i understand that this is supposed to be sort of a passive thing to gain, but as it stands now you have to gimp yourself to maximize Standing. That is not really passive at all at that point. Does DE really want us all playing with one weapon for the next few months (years?) until we get the 500K standing we need to get all the things we want? The only thing i can really see saving the system as is stands now is if the higher Tier daily missions start giving A LOT more standing per run, but I'm doubtful they will.


I think I've figured out some simple fixes for the system so here goes:

1) If the Dev's don't want to change the multiplier for gaining standing, at the very least make it so the gain is based of of TOTAL affinity gained not just that of the warframe (or whatever?). I mean DE has made some awesome weapons I'd like to actually use them on a mission without being horribly inefficient.

2) Remove the "wallet buying" aspect of leveling up in a syndicate. I mean the whole point of Standing is supposed to be for trading "favors" with the Syndicate. It doesn't make much sense to me that i give them rare mats. and credits for them to promote me to a higher title but my standing instantly drops to zero.  This kinda feels like i'm bribing my say to the top... in all seriousness, is that what we're doing? If they don't want to remove this entirely, it should at least be toned down to it only take 10-25% of your maxed wallet, not ALL of it.


With the exception of people playing every waking hour, it's going to take most people a week or more to grind to 25K per mod. To me that is a slow but acceptable grind, but why are you forcing everyone to grind ten times that amount (or more?) before they even unlock the ability to buy those mods?

Edited by HypnoCircle
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Most reputation systems I've seen need huge number to unlock things but those numbers can only be negatively affected by betrayal or much smaller numbers (at least to start) and using those 'points' as currency. Warframe seems to use the worse aspects of both of these features.

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Syndicates are supposed to be endgame. At mastery rank 14 I should be powering through that stuff... Only I'm not. It's not an "endgame" it's a "small metagame feature that you passively work towards by putting a sticker on your breast for some slow XP"


So one solution I saw several times was "have more expensive sigils get the player more points". I looked at that and thought "that shouldn't be". Why? Because; A it's still a passive thing and B: I kinda want to wear those sigils because they look nice and show what I've done. I want to wear them neutrally and in multiple areas without the game telling me I can only wear one, loosing and gaining faction points for that is just an inconvenience.


So I'm thinking the best way for everybody to do factions is to give them a constant stream of alerts, with each tier giving different alerts with a different amount of points and having different difficulties. The highest ranks requiring Incredible gear and good skill.  


5: Suicidal 

4: Nightmarish. 

3: Hard void tower difficulty

2: Ends of the solar system difficulty. 

1: Middle rings of the solar system difficulty

0: Noob difficulty. (skip if you came from -1) 

-1: Hard void tower difficulty

-2: suicidal. 


(the factions that Dislike you will want you dead and send you on hard missions. That way If you Die they win but If you Win they still win. From a gameplay standpoint it makes it so that only the highest level of player who has everything can successfully betray a faction)


As well as constant Alerts. Sydicates could also have

-Their own invasions. 

-Their own PVP conflicts. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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I think OP is meaning that instead of running random missions that the syndicates may or may not care about, to only run missions granted by the syndicates (in the form of never-ending alerts), with varying difficulties based on your standing with the faction.


Personally I think that would be better than the current system. Currently, all the syndicates are basically the same if we can run any mission for them and still gain rank.

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Technically, you are working for those Syndicate Ranks through running missions anyways. 



Choosing to run Syndicate alerts for a higher standing yield is a more active way of achieving rep in a syndicate. However, if you have alerts with scaling difficulty based off your syndicate rank, wouldn't that make syndicate rewards more accessible/easily achievable (thus losing the "end-game" sticker)?


Like, if a noob who meets the MR requirement starts a syndicate, by the time he's at endgame (MR15-17), the endgame content that syndicates offer him/her would probably already have been achieved, which defeats the purpose of having it in the first place.


Edit: That's not to say I don't like this idea, and I may be wrong because we need a helluva lot of standing to complete the ranks in a syndicate. 

Edited by OptimumBow0
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More accessible? Well. It'd mean that players would get "stuck" with the rank that they can play at. With the highest ranking missions requiring either fantastic teamwork or forcing the player to work alone/with a smaller team (for reasons) The highest ranking missions could also come with special events/mutators like Only being allowed certain conclave, having to use a weapon given to you, have to be completely stealthy, contains an archwing segment, you must defend a fragile...  


There's plenty of ways to ensure that players can't just boom through syndicates like they're paper. Plus I'm sure the "suicide" missions could give an interesting endgame gameplay. 

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Derped, posted the same pic twice.

Fixed now.


idk, got a flat 0 vs. Infested with their Sigil.

Will see if I can reproduce.


So yeah, not an actual mechanic.

Some attention to detail shows that I'd simply reached rankup exp cap, so couldn't gain any more.


That said, it's probably better this way, or it'd be minmaxed.

On the other hand, it's a shame.

It would give the Syndicates some more characterization.

Edited by Chroia
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Ah, you're trying to imply that this suggestion is a self-interest one? 


Well, It would benefit me, but that's mostly because It benefits the game. At the moment I've got no interest in syndicates because their leveling is just so... poor and they offer no new gameplay. 



Alerts, Invasions, Pvp, super crazy endgame missions of great difficulty. (perhaps later some lore and new factions to fight/announcers to hear) 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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1- Option to wear Syndicate sigils purely cosmetically, No gains or losses for syndicates and no "only wear one syndicate sigil" 


2- The option to not have the syndicate glow like energy. A simple checkbox. 


3- A wider range of size. on many a frame minimum sigil size is still to big. 


4 More X/Y axis control


6- The option to have sigils not apply to some of your warframe colours (for example goes over primary and secondary, invisible when over 3 and 4. You could make some cool patterns with this one) Probably difficult to do; But it'd be awesome. 


7 Sigil badge. 


8: Helmet sigil. 


9- Flip sigil. 


10 Side sigils. Arm, thigh, hip. Under the armpit. 


11 Primary weapon sigil. 


12: Sigil avatar. 

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I agree with all of these. It's best if the sigil isn't always intrusive to Warframe's designs, but more like a feature you can customize better and integrate into the Warframe for an almost seamless addition that compliments it.


It will also be fun to see how creative certain people can be under these wider limitations in integrating the sigils.

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Grinding 5000 points without quests was a pain in the arse; and I could only do it with some speed because of one weapon void defences. 


Now, that's tedius for me, and I am, as of this post, 666 hours in and mastery rank 14. Imagine what it's like for someone at rank 3 who can't just storm the void. 


So I get to the part where I can buy the second rank. I buy it. Woo! I can get quests now. I've got three quests to do.. and they offer me nothing. I mean now I've got twenty thousand-something points to earn. But the highest quest available that day offered me a little over 500. Sure it's more time efficient per mission than waves upon waves of defence; But it's still... Yeah. Playing 40 tiny missions for the next rank is dumb. 


And this is but the first of ranks. 


Everything that can be gained with syndicates seem to be far more effort than what they're worth. 



- Too long to get to the stage where missions occur, extremely so for rank 3. 

- Sigils look cool, but why are they a gameplay feature when they offer almost nothing? 

- Too many tiny weakling missions that don't go anywhere. Not enough of those tiny weakling missions either. 

- Even If I'm a crazy no-lifer with every frame and maxed mods; This doesn't reward me for being powerful or skilled or clever or having put time into other areas of the game. It rewards me for being crazy patient. 

- Mods and suff are way too expensive for what they do, Imagine grinding fifty games for an item you can only use on one or two items. 

- "sacrifice". Sigh. It's a game. Where's the fun in that. There isn't. Is there some deep meaning behind loosing your items that somehow makes the rest of syndicates better or challenging? No. There isn't. 

backround Endgame mechanics? What are you even trying to defend? Firstly this endgame it's "from the very begining of the middle game all throughout your life" Rather like Wrinkles and grey hair. For a playerbase  Secondly warframe doesn't need a "backround game"? Where is the fun in that? Whatabout veterans that are already at the high mastery ranks after the long game and are having a long game thrown over them as they level up? There is none; and this isn't even a backround thing. There are alerts for you to do; That Ain't backround gameplay. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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The Syndicates are not supposed to be powered through, they are somethign which are supposed to take time :D


EDIT: Don't grind for standings, simply play the game doing other things and you'll eventually hit those barriers.... :D

Edited by Cowhawk
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