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Supra Needs A Really Good Modern Boost.


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For such a expensive weapon and forma eater, this energy mini-gun needs some love!


Now I can see people thinking, "Well supra is better then most other based dps rifles"

But dps is not always the key to every-single thing you do in Warframe. For for instants. Galaxion <--- if spelled correctly. Should be the highest dps weapon in the whole game with extreme fire rate, a huge 300 clip size and great reload speed and probley more extras, yet it only does 7 dmg, has good status though but really the weapon is a ammo eater and my opinion overall not high tier. 


I'm going to compare supra with this new weapon Opticor and let you guys judge to see how Supra really needs a modern buff for all the components to craft, time, and credits.



Supra ^^^



Opticor ^^^


I can see you saying after comparing "Supra is beating Opticor already with just sustained dps"

Yes but do you also know Supra has high recoil, travel speed, big spread and has a 4.20 second reload speed?

Now Opticor has a charge time but has a 2 second reload speed, unlimited beam range, so far I have heard heavy caliber does not effect it's accuracy at all <(could be a bug).


Now to the damage wise. Supra letting all out on it's damage does 21641 dps which is the whole clip 90 shots.

To Opticor now doing a total 16775. So 16775 x 90 = 1509750. Look how much ammo you just saved in just 90 shots with this big boy.


Alright now you could compare so many weapons even none dojo weapons to supra and it would result in some kind of manner of supra just losing out.


Tell me what you think of supra and my math about it. Thanks for reading!

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Damage wise the Supra is fine.

What it needs is a change from an ammo based weapon to a cooldown/heat based one.

It would be ammoless, and therefore a great. Endgame pick.

I have a thread on it that explains more.

Look for "petition to buff the Supra"

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Damage wise the Supra is fine.

What it needs is a change from an ammo based weapon to a cooldown/heat based one.

It would be ammoless, and therefore a great. Endgame pick.

I have a thread on it that explains more.

Look for "petition to buff the Supra"


That would be cool. And do the same for its little brother the Cestra. Their reload animation is just flipping the drums around, I don't know how they take all my ammo when I don't put any in them.


But I don't think it's likely. If DE introduce a new mechanic like an ammo-less weapon they'd want to put it on a new weapon and get people to buy it rather than putting it on an old weapon.

Edited by Azure.M
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But I don't think it's likely. If DE introduce a new mechanic like an ammo-less weapon they'd want to put it on a new weapon and get people to buy it rather than putting it on an old weapon.


Or they could do both


No one uses Cestras and Supra except me and like 2 other people, and I'm fine with it lol.

Edited by DarkTails
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I had to put Vile Precision on my Supra. But it made it much better with the tight spread, lowered fire rate and virtually no recoil so now I'm not burning through my ammo, it's just horrible on the wind up time, but a small price to pay. I'm considering putting on a 3rd forma, but I really hate having to re-level the same weapon over and over. The Supra and Soma and a few other weapons all have at least 1-2 forma, depending on whether or not the weapon already came with a polarity.

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Tell me what you think of supra and my math about it. Thanks for reading!


Your Supra build is wrong because you didn't put Shred in it. With Shred, a SLOW projectile shower does much, much more EFFECTIVE dps than the sheet number, if you use it for saturation attack on a choke point. Think it this way, a really slow projectile will pretty much always hit two or more enemies swarming through a choke point, effectively doubling or tripling Supra's dps, whereas Opticor's hitscan beam generally would have a hard time hitting two enemies unless they're perfectly aligned.  


I also suspect (haven't got the chance to test it myself) that the Cephalon Cuda mod "Entropy Burst" actually brings a big buff to Supra if it indeed gives 20+% status chance. 


With Entropy Burst and the new +projectile speed mod "Terminal Velocity", I think DE has actually BUFFED Supra in a roundabout way. Don't think there would be any major buffs anytime soon. 

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Heavy caliber affects the Opticor, it's just so accurate that the -55% accuracy doesn't even matter.

It matters a little. You can see the two seperate impacts if, for example, you're sniping across Kiste. It's enough to throw off a headshot, which may, at lower levels, be what you want to kill that bombard.

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What bothers me about the supra of all things is the freeking bullet flight time, Hell Loki Prime runs faster than my bullets can.


Any buffs to the Supra is very much welcome since its a very very expensive clan tech weapon and you get so little out of it.


No wonder corpus techs are much easier to deal with than heavy gunners.

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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After playing Archwing and using the Imperator, It seems like supra could make use of the replenishing ammo system.


I hope DE takes a 2nd (or 3rd...) look at Supra. I was not impressed with the description of the syndicate mod and I hope that is not DE's idea of a fix. I have posted so many times in 'buff supra' in topic that only ended up ignored. 

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I think a slight tweak in the damage numbers would be beneficial. Nothing enormous. That build in the original post relies on a maxed Heavy Caliber, which will bugger up the Supra's CoF beyond recognition, not to mention it has no mods for fire rate or reload speed/ammo mutation (I alternate between those two). This build makes it more user-friendly, but even then, for a weapon with such hefty build requirements and is by no means easy to handle, I find its output slightly lacking.


It's good to see another discussion thread about the Supra. I made one a while back that's got lost somewhere.

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I am going to say that while many people think it's damage is fine, those are the people who have about 30 extra Forma laying around. Not everyone can do that. It takes way too much Forma to make it "OK". It needs a buff, not even that much of a buff, just maybe add a polarity to it when you first get it so it does not waste your resources.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one showing love to that sweet, beautiful Supra. But even after forma-ing it 4 times, I still can't strike the ultimate balance in builds. It's either eliminating the slow windup speed with an extremely high fire rate at the cost of burning through ammo, or having to deal with the slow firerate when firing in burst.


As many of you and many others have already suggested an energy-based weapon, that the Supra is, should either have a relatively big(ger) clip-size, or no clip at all. Either that, or they really need to buff the reload speed. 4.2 is just ridiculous, even with fast hands 3.2 is still way too long.


Here's the build I'm using, if some of you were wondering. I know it isn't the highest DPS build out there, but it's the one I'm most comfortable with. I completely focused on the highest fire-rate possible. Depending on the gamemode, I swap out Fast Hands with the Ammo Mutation. Also, I'd like to mention that the only reason I'm using Wildfire is because of the magazine capacity increase. With a 5% status chance, I honestly don't think it's worth it to use statusses. Besides, I personally don't like statusses.


Anyway that's my 2 cents.


tl;dr: Yes, the Supra needs a buff. I hope they show it the love it deserves.


Edit: Added hyperlink

Edited by Sadrius
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What it needs is a change from an ammo based weapon to a cooldown/heat based one.

It would be ammoless, and therefore a great. Endgame pick.



Oh man, like the plasma guns in Halo?

That would be tight as hell.



Do this plus make the Supra more accurate and it would be such a great gun.

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Your Supra build is wrong because you didn't put Shred in it. With Shred, a SLOW projectile shower does much, much more EFFECTIVE dps than the sheet number, if you use it for saturation attack on a choke point. Think it this way, a really slow projectile will pretty much always hit two or more enemies swarming through a choke point, effectively doubling or tripling Supra's dps, whereas Opticor's hitscan beam generally would have a hard time hitting two enemies unless they're perfectly aligned.  


I also suspect (haven't got the chance to test it myself) that the Cephalon Cuda mod "Entropy Burst" actually brings a big buff to Supra if it indeed gives 20+% status chance. 


With Entropy Burst and the new +projectile speed mod "Terminal Velocity", I think DE has actually BUFFED Supra in a roundabout way. Don't think there would be any major buffs anytime soon. 

Oh wow, I thought they only added a shotgun version of the +projectile speed mod. I need to get this mod and test it out. This should bring a huge buff to the Supra indeed.

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Supra should have:


No spin up time!


Faster projectile speed at least en par with the Boltor


No recoil! Honestly why do laser/energy weapons have worse recoil in this game than actual solid projectile weapons?


Better accuracy! Some spread should remain but right now several shotguns are more precise than this thing which is kinda ridiculous. 


This would not affect the overall DPS too much but would make it a much more usable weapon since the actual damage application would be much better. 


Long reload is fine! It has to have some draw back compensating for the large clip, other weapons should simply be brought in line, (Boltor P I look at you).


For example:

Boltor (P) 40, down from 60

Soma 75, down from 100

Amprex 90, down from 100


Or keep the clip size but increase reload in a similar manner as on Supra and Gorgon.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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