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Limbo Makes Me Uneasy; It Feels Uncomfortably Close To Jumping The Shark.


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Ninjas were used as security forces and as soldier in large army battles.


Ninjas were just the dudes running around wearing black pajamas.




Kill the defective clone.

He doesnt know the difference between a hat and a helmet.


How the hell does something extending a foot above your head constitute a "helmet"? Not say it doesn't have that function, but it also seems to be a hat designed to signify rank and help others pick him out in a crowd.

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I do agree...


DE, can we please stop with the goofy, perhaps "gimicky" frames?


Think about how epic Valkyr's story was, how we fought Alad V in the Gradivus Dilemma to save her, how she now can turn Invincible through sheer hatred alone... Great 'frame.


Can we have more stuff like this? Serious and a bit more dark?

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Don't get me wrong. I certainly don't think this game should be all about my tastes, however I am one of the players whom play and I certainly am not the only voice out there that dislikes it. I do, however, want to voice my distaste simply because this is not something that I simply "eh" about it's something I outright disfavor quite heavily. On that note, I rarely see commanders but yes their hat is stupid as well.


Believe it or not, up to limbo (disregarding the commander) I have had no problem with prior warframe content aesthetically. They've all 'fit' in their strange little way... but limbo seems to be a terribad joke and on the topic of jokes? I honestly have no issue with Derf Anyo either. In fact i'm looking forward to content about him. I just don't know why but that limbo design is jarring as hell.


I just feel it is -that bad- that in my opinion (my one voice among many, but still an equal voice to think to any other) I feel it necessary to just say "No, no more frames like this please." and that's my vote. If I am outvoted on that, if it happens again? Well I did all I could. I'm not going to whine and threaten to leave this game. I've been a very dedicated player since update 7 and I do not forsee myself leaving any time in the near future and love the game, but the developers won't know if a content is loved or hated unless people speak up their opinions.


^My words exactly^

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I disagree entirely with the OP.


Firstly, the term jumping the shark gets used far to liberally by people that really don’t understand how to apply it. When the fonz jumped the shark, you’re talking about the central pillar of an entire show. The fonz WAS the show, and therefore when the writers jumped the shark they took the core principal that was happy days and stretched it beyond credulity.


In a game about space ninjas, who have control over time, space, and dimensions, who kill without repercussion across the solar system, saying that a character tipping his hat is jumping the shark, would have been like saying happy days jumped the shark because the fonz wore grey socks.


Secondly, look at the back story. The first tenno were kids, strapped into a ship, and fired into the void. It stands to reason, that there would have been at last 1 joker in the pack. Rather than focus on some comic fedora style tipping, in my mind I see Limbo as some Victorian style, jack the ripper type, tipping his hat after a kill. I don’t see it as comic relief, I see a Victorian themed menacing killer, his mind warped by whatever he void did to him, murdering enemies in an industrial style, and tipping his hat at the end to be quite chilling!


If you’re having trouble conceptualising, forget about fedora tipping m’lady types, and have a look at turn of the century Britain between the 18th and 19th century. Have a look at what Victorian Britain was like. It really was quite sinister.


Limbo isn’t comic relief to me. He’s an unhinged gentleman killer with power over dimensions. You should be afraid.


You should be VERY afraid.

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It's because some one decided to build a machine of war around this.




Apparently, in this universe this represents a fearsome warrior.


Well, he can kick your booty and do the most awesome moves ever on your dead corpse. When he dances on your grave, he's really dancing!


But silly or not, one must consider that Tenno had their own personalities and could very well decided to show their quirks in their frame design. The dancer isn't a threatening thing, one won't worry about him...until he kicks their butts of course. He appears nonthreatening and amusing, but, well...there IS a Tenno in that suit.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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I might as well trow in my 0.05$ too. I really really like Limbos concept. I know for some people he is totally not what a space ninja suppose to be, but then again when you are trown into the Void and come back twisted, rejected and alone, with a power over the void itself, I doubt you will care much what people think of your dress sence. For some war is a grim but necessery buisness (like Frost and Rino), for others it's a chance for progress and pushing boundaries (like Nova), others thirst for vengence (like Valkyr) but for some, very very few, slaughtering thousands is a performance, it's entertainment, an event. And you should be dressed for an occasion. I personally think that Limbo and Mirage are some of the darkest and most tragic frames in Warframe, walking the edge between madness and maybe some more madnessXD


p.s. Who needs armor when you can punch baddies into other dimensions?

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I do agree...


DE, can we please stop with the goofy, perhaps "gimicky" frames?


Think about how epic Valkyr's story was, how we fought Alad V in the Gradivus Dilemma to save her, how she now can turn Invincible through sheer hatred alone... Great 'frame.


Can we have more stuff like this? Serious and a bit more dark?

Her story was dark. As was Limbo death, apparently being torn apart and scattered.  His fits a sort of cautionary tale that with great powers comes great danger. Kind of fitting for a Halloween story.

But just as I see Limbo's as a combat magician with a hat for a head. I see Valkyr as someone who found long lost spiderman and a wolverine comics and couldn't decided which one she wanted to be designed after when she was free. 

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Apparently, in this universe this represents a fearsome warrior.



Have you ever looked at our own universe? I mean in real life. There have been so many different incarnations of "warriors" in our own history that are probably more improbable in your eyes. 


People seem to forget that our own reality is really really diverse and seem to be really narrow minded when it comes to what fits in a fictional setting. And it's not as though Limbo is actually a tuxedo, it's a frame that LOOKS like one. So it's not like it's impractical. It's about aesthetic. Who can argue aesthetics when it's a subjective thing?

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Are we really gonna go there?



Because frost's overcoat is totally ment for  fearsome warrior.


Limbo manipulates the void. Not every frames needs to be dark and edges, infact barely any look dark and fearsome.


In Japan people wore an overcoat on top of their armor.


How the hell does something extending a foot above your head constitute a "helmet"? Not say it doesn't have that function, but it also seems to be a hat designed to signify rank and help others pick him out in a crowd.


Throughout history COMMANDERS.......... do end up wearing a more decorative version of a soldier's uniform.

The extra decorative piece does not turn a helmet into a completely different piece of clothing.



Well, he can kick your booty and do the most awesome moves ever on your dead corpse. When he dances on your grave, he's really dancing!


But silly or not, one must consider that Tenno had their own personalities and could very well decided to show their quirks in their frame design. The dancer isn't a threatening thing, one won't worry about him...until he kicks their butts of course. He appears nonthreatening and amusing, but, well...there IS a Tenno in that suit.


I havent done Mr. Peanut's quest, and i probably wont, so i dont know if they explained his looks.

We have seen 1 frame built in present time by the Tennos which may state that in the past they built their own frames but that is really unknown since the Tennos in the past were under a different set of rules. Actually 2 with Valk.


Maybe after the Orokin left they decided to screw around but you tell me, what does the Mr. Peanut's quest say about his history?


Have you ever looked at our own universe? I mean in real life. There have been so many different incarnations of "warriors" in our own history that are probably more improbable in your eyes. 


People seem to forget that our own reality is really really diverse and seem to be really narrow minded when it comes to what fits in a fictional setting. And it's not as though Limbo is actually a tuxedo, it's a frame that LOOKS like one. So it's not like it's impractical. It's about aesthetic. Who can argue aesthetics when it's a subjective thing?


In our own universe this doesnt stand for a warrior. However improbable other warriors in history have looked they have been labeled as warrior from the start. If history changed in the thousands of years this story happens in the future...... it might have been helpful for DE to show some of that to let us know that there is a period of time where armies were filled with people in dress coats and top hats. 

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I haven't really tried or taken a good look at Limbo but am I the only one here who likes his design?

Let's talk about other frames first, I can understand the point others are trying to make about how Limbo's design doesn't seem to fit into the "theme" of Warframe (Which I believe it's not being very warrior-liked? Correct me if I am wrong on this), for example, Rhino's design is larger, bulkier and carries more armour as opposed to other frames while someone like Nova has a design to be more lightweight yet having a certain aura of destruction still surrounding her, both frames are similar in a sense that they still feel very Warframe-ish


Then we have Limbo, who's design is based off a magician, with the tuxedo suit and the top hat. Sure, he doesn't seem to carry the appearance that the previous frames do, but in my opinion he still does carry that sort of aura that what we will consider a Warframe as. Imagine, a group of random Grineer soldier has heard/known about how intimidating a Tenno is, and then seeing Limbo approach, casually strolling towards them. It doesn't seem to be much of a threat but at the same time it's quite scary isn't it? Just as they thought it would be an easy target, Limbo, not even raising his weapon, and uses cataclysm, killing them off before slowly raising his top hat and strolls off...

Limbo's design is not intimidating, in fact, it's too far from being intimidating, even his stances (agile/noble stance) shows him to be quite relaxed. It's as though he has something up his sleeves, and in actual fact, he does. He manipulates The Void at his will, it's unpredictable, very much like Limbo, that's what make both of them feared... In my opinion, at least.

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... Oberon is a friggin' GOAT for crying out loud, and you're complaining about the space magician?


HE HAS HOOVES FFS! HOOVES! Oberon has HOOVES! And horns. But mostly hooves. Seriously. How ridiculous is that?


Booben has clown shoes- we've been over this. Hydroid is Davy Jones in a nutshell, Zephyr is a bird. Mirage has confetti in her abilities. Trinity has a lobster tail. Rhino's codpiece is ridiculously large. Volt's head looks like a squid head.


Everyone in this game looks ridiculous in their own way- even Master Race Loki has a hammerhead shark for a helmet.

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I disagree entirely with the OP.


Firstly, the term jumping the shark gets used far to liberally by people that really don’t understand how to apply it. When the fonz jumped the shark, you’re talking about the central pillar of an entire show. The fonz WAS the show, and therefore when the writers jumped the shark they took the core principal that was happy days and stretched it beyond credulity.


In a game about space ninjas, who have control over time, space, and dimensions, who kill without repercussion across the solar system, saying that a character tipping his hat is jumping the shark, would have been like saying happy days jumped the shark because the fonz wore grey socks.


Secondly, look at the back story. The first tenno were kids, strapped into a ship, and fired into the void. It stands to reason, that there would have been at last 1 joker in the pack. Rather than focus on some comic fedora style tipping, in my mind I see Limbo as some Victorian style, jack the ripper type, tipping his hat after a kill. I don’t see it as comic relief, I see a Victorian themed menacing killer, his mind warped by whatever he void did to him, murdering enemies in an industrial style, and tipping his hat at the end to be quite chilling!


If you’re having trouble conceptualising, forget about fedora tipping m’lady types, and have a look at turn of the century Britain between the 18th and 19th century. Have a look at what Victorian Britain was like. It really was quite sinister.


Limbo isn’t comic relief to me. He’s an unhinged gentleman killer with power over dimensions. You should be afraid.


You should be VERY afraid.

wow i wouldn't have thought i would find anyone who had the same thinking as me


+1 to you,good sire

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as it stands, DE works their @$$'s off trying to please this ever growing community while still trying to make it the game they want ( it is their game btw ) yet all everyone can do after each new update is complain about something, personally i'm so glad for a new frame. its something new too and who the hell cares? its a freaking video game, with space magic, ships, giant infested tentacle monsters, giant osprey the size of a tenno or larger, and gox. so be happy for what you get and be glad that DE hasn't made the game some P2W RNG slot machine game, i dont see whats so hard to grasp? its jsut a bit irritating when they put all this work and time into something and people just go and bash it into the curb. 


flame me or bash me if you want, i really don't care for this hate towards what DE does for us

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Mirage literally has confetti in her abilities, wonder why she's just bypassing all this but Limbo who can take off his hat gets judged and stuff, I personally don't mind the theme because DE never had some strict theme to follow


It's the way it's handled that's kind of bothersome.


Confetti in that situation can be looked over or explained away as some sort of discharge that comes with her abilities. She's a trickster sort of frame, but it's not handled in a way that's goofy. She still has a hint of seriousness to her.


Limbo, on the other hand, was created with a removable piece of himself that looks like a top hat. He's built to look like that magician you'd hire for a kid's birthday. He's handled in a way that's a lot more goofy. It's a little jarring when compared to the other frames and the nature of the game.

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It's the way it's handled that's kind of bothersome.


Confetti in that situation can be looked over or explained away as some sort of discharge that comes with her abilities. She's a trickster sort of frame, but it's not handled in a way that's goofy. She still has a hint of seriousness to her.


Limbo, on the other hand, was created with a removable piece of himself that looks like a top hat. He's built to look like that magician you'd hire for a kid's birthday. He's handled in a way that's a lot more goofy. It's a little jarring when compared to the other frames and the nature of the game.



His hats can be explained as a funnel of it's powers, as it glows every time he uses abilities.


Oberon has hooves for feet,, hooves. Or the other visiual discrepancies aside from a frame whering a tuxedo.


The Dev have never insisted on a true "nature" of warframe, as all frames are different as shown.


The Warframes are for the tenno inside, Limbo manipulates the planes of existence (i.e the rift), what does it matter how he dresses as he crossed worlds nearly everytime you use him?

Edited by cozzi21
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In our own universe this doesnt stand for a warrior. However improbable other warriors in history have looked they have been labeled as warrior from the start. If history changed in the thousands of years this story happens in the future...... it might have been helpful for DE to show some of that to let us know that there is a period of time where armies were filled with people in dress coats and top hats. 


Actually, no not all warriors in history were "labeled" as such from the start. Take the ninja for the obvious example. Going undercover was a big part of their skillset which usually means dressing to blend in. And how about our modern warriors where we have government agents dressed in suits?


And like I said before, Limbo isn't an actual tuxedo suit and hat, he only LOOKS like one. His frame is still made out of the same stuff the other frames are made of. There's no argument against Limbo other than personal preference for aesthetics.

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Actually, no not all warriors in history were "labeled" as such from the start. Take the ninja for the obvious example. Going undercover was a big part of their skillset which usually means dressing to blend in. And how about our modern warriors where we have government agents dressed in suits?


Ninjas took part in battles.

And civilian security is not a job that is part in active combat in a warzone. Plus the fact that, you know, it's security


And like I said before, Limbo isn't an actual tuxedo suit and hat, he only LOOKS like one. His frame is still made out of the same stuff the other frames are made of. There's no argument against Limbo other than personal preference for aesthetics.


Yeah.... some folks are saying it LOOKS stupid.  

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Just saying Oberon and what not aren't really that animal looking that's the point Zephyr and Oberon fit with the original just fine they look like combat armor of some sort with deco on them,


that being said I never thought Rhino was stomping hard enough to disrupt time


I thought that it was more like energy radiating from him which projected a stasis field (yes yes I know what the card says) but I like making up my own Sci Fi explaination for how stuff works in Warframe and why it looks the way it does but Limbo looks way too out of place 

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Ninjas took part in battles.

And civilian security is not a job that is part in active combat in a warzone. Plus the fact that, you know, it's security





Yeah.... some folks are saying it LOOKS stupid.  


No, ninjas avoided combat as much as possible. They weren't actively fighting in a warzone. Also since when are GOVERNMENT agents considered civilian security?  Just because they don't work in an active warzone doesn't mean that they aren't combat capable and not warriors. Are you saying cops aren't warriors either? Seems like you have a very narrow definition of a warrior, especially since the definition and occupation has changed a bit over the course of history.


Also, why aren't you complaining about the lack of history of armies filled with any other frame? Why does Limbo need to have such a history in order for him to exist?

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