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Limbo Makes Me Uneasy; It Feels Uncomfortably Close To Jumping The Shark.


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I disagree entirely with the OP.


Firstly, the term jumping the shark gets used far to liberally by people that really don’t understand how to apply it. When the fonz jumped the shark, you’re talking about the central pillar of an entire show. The fonz WAS the show, and therefore when the writers jumped the shark they took the core principal that was happy days and stretched it beyond credulity.


In a game about space ninjas, who have control over time, space, and dimensions, who kill without repercussion across the solar system, saying that a character tipping his hat is jumping the shark, would have been like saying happy days jumped the shark because the fonz wore grey socks.


Secondly, look at the back story. The first tenno were kids, strapped into a ship, and fired into the void. It stands to reason, that there would have been at last 1 joker in the pack. Rather than focus on some comic fedora style tipping, in my mind I see Limbo as some Victorian style, jack the ripper type, tipping his hat after a kill. I don’t see it as comic relief, I see a Victorian themed menacing killer, his mind warped by whatever he void did to him, murdering enemies in an industrial style, and tipping his hat at the end to be quite chilling!


If you’re having trouble conceptualising, forget about fedora tipping m’lady types, and have a look at turn of the century Britain between the 18th and 19th century. Have a look at what Victorian Britain was like. It really was quite sinister.


Limbo isn’t comic relief to me. He’s an unhinged gentleman killer with power over dimensions. You should be afraid.


You should be VERY afraid.


You're right about jumping the shark usage.


But you're also stretching it when trying to turn whats clearly a magician (or Gandalf wizard depending on which helm you use) into Jack The Ripper and or Professor Moriarty. Sorry, no dice on that one. But I'll give ya a point for optimism. =P


"We draw inspiration from mythology, steal from other games, and often from our community." - Steve Sinclair, Creative Director.


"We totally agree the way to play the game is to be a space ninja." - Scott Mcgregor, Design Director.


With that. I'd say its safe to argue that Hydroid and Limbo are quite 'gimmick' Frames that don't seem to fit in the larger picture of things. No? Mirage, as much as I love her because of Warhammer 40k, comes in a very close 3rd. Think the community just wants to vent and make sure that the gimmick/fluff/just for fun Frames dont become too heavy a trend -nothing wrong with that.

Edited by optyk
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No, ninjas avoided combat as much as possible. They weren't actively fighting in a warzone.


They were.

They are most famous for their undercover work but they were used in other types of combat.


Also since when are GOVERNMENT agents considered civilian security?


When their job consist of guarding civilians in civilian life all day long.

When i said civilian security i didnt mean a mall cop that's just a dude told to watch some cameras. I was talking about their specific job.


  Just because they don't work in an active warzone doesn't mean that they aren't combat capable and not warriors.


Who said they werent?


Are you saying cops aren't warriors either?




Seems like you have a very narrow definition of a warrior, especially since the definition and occupation has changed a bit over the course of history.


Has it changed enough to mean people dressed like this?




Also, why aren't you complaining about the lack of history of armies filled with any other frame? Why does Limbo need to have such a history in order for him to exist?


Who said i wasnt when those frames came out?


I discuss likes and dislikes of certain frame looks in the hope that DE was reading but it appears that they have not as they continue their trip to Disneyland. And since i am still here i will discuss the current frame that JUST came out, again, hoping that the trip stops. It doesnt look like it's going to but i will still give feedback.

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What about Rhino, Valkyr, Hydroid and most of the frames? Are they ninjas anymore? No, they completely forgot that, because focusing only on that and creating frames only around "ninja" theme would become so boring I might as well would just... Shoot myself.

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No im "stereotyping" right.


Mr. Peanut is not a theif or a dude that murders female Grineer prostitutes.

He is freaking Mandrake the Magician.


I think you're being excessively literal. 


Let's not forget that looks don't have to be an exact match to the power set. They're supposed to evoke a sort of general feel, not perfectly describe the frame. You know, the same way Ember is a fire-themed frame and not this:



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I think you're being excessively literal. 


Let's not forget that looks don't have to be an exact match to the power set. They're supposed to evoke a sort of general feel, not perfectly describe the frame. You know, the same way Ember is a fire-themed frame and not this:




And you are casting a wide net.

Again, Mr. Peanut has no power based around stealing your belongings or powers that have a disembowelment theme.

He casts spells and raises his hat.


BTW, Ember is a Phoenix not a chicken. The chicken thing is a joke. So, yeah, who is the person here being literal?

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And you are casting a wide net.

Again, Mr. Peanut has no power based around stealing your belongings or powers that have a disembowelment theme.

He casts spells and raises his hat.


BTW, Ember is a Phoenix not a chicken. The chicken thing is a joke. So, yeah, who is the person here being literal?


Surely you see the irony in this post, right?

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I like the darker themes of warframes...like nekros, valkyr, etc. Remember that samurai-infested fan designed warframe that got immensely famous a few months ago? Stuff like that is IMHO the direction WF art needs to go. 


A la Reddit style "le tip of meh fedora" frames...meh.

Edited by CF_HoneyBadger
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You pick Limbo instead of a puddle and a bird?


That's a bit unfair ... those characters got much the same black lash as Limbo has

As it so happens, I wasn't a fan of those characters based upon their appearance but there seemed to be a strong thematic link to another character - Ember - in that they represented fire, air and water


Limbo also falls into that theme since "void" is considered to be the primordial element in ancient eastern and western philosophical traditions


Furthermore, there has been a strong movement in the scientific community to revisit Einstein's notion that the universe is written in mathematics

That reality itself is a manifestation or incarnation of abstract mathematics and consequently has theological implications

(see works by Max Tegmark, Mario Livio and Micheal Heller)

Consequently, the inclusion of the Limbo "Theorem" was a stroke of genius on DE's part to link The Void into modern views of existence


BUT, to have something as profound as the basis of existence be represented by a stage magician is genius of an altogether different type ...

Either comic genius or just an idiot savant

DE made that call and for the most part the community endorses it

Well that's all well and good BUT what is lacking is a bit of tolerance for the unconvinced minority

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Surely you see the irony in this post, right?


The irony that you take a joke to mean something?


Do you not know what a Phoenix is? Pheonix is a bird that's on fire. That's why the frame looks like a bird and uses fire.


Does Mr. Peanut have serial killer powers? Does he stab people in the gut? Nope. So why are you comparing it to Jack? Because of some random depictions of him that are based on absolutely nothing. While, on the other hand, a phoenix is a bird on fire.

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The irony that you take a joke to mean something?


Do you not know what a Phoenix is? Pheonix is a bird that's on fire. That's why the frame looks like a bird and uses fire.


Does Mr. Peanut have serial killer powers? Does he stab people in the gut? Nope. So why are you comparing it to Jack? Because of some random depictions of him that are based on absolutely nothing. While, on the other hand, a phoenix is a bird on fire.


See that bold part? Yeah, every warframe stabs people in the gut. That's not relegated to powers, but our pointy bits we carry around.


Also; A pheonix is not on fire. It is a magical/mythical bird that spontaneously dies in a fire at old age, and is reborn from the ashes in the shape of either an egg, or a younger version of itself. It represents the cycle of rebirth.

Edited by CarniKang
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I like the darker themes of warframes...like nekros, valkyr, etc. Remember that samurai-infested fan designed warframe that got immensely famous a few months ago? Stuff like that is IMHO the direction WF art needs to go.

A la Reddit style "le tip of meh fedora" frames...meh.

And tell me exactly, who are you to decide where the game's art direction 'needs' to go?

People like you should stop seeing their personal tastes as facts.

Edited by RahuStalker
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And tell me exactly, who are you to decide where the game's art direction 'needs' to go?

People like you should stop seeing their personal tastes as facts.


Uncalled for ...

Aesthetics is just as valid branch of philosophy as Logic or Ethics is

What aids a rigorous discussion about something so subjective as taste is to define terms and establish a set of principles which a given view can be articulated

The previous author's post satisfied those points


What is more valuable to this discussion is not to personalize a position

In this way the discussion retains neutrality so that a conversation can continue

So far, I haven't detected true arrogance or real presumption on anyone's part, just honest - and at times candidly worded - difference of opinion and that is something that should be encouraged, not ridiculed


Example:  While I don't agree with SilentMobius' conclusion, I very much respect his thoughtful analysis - to the point that I am presently rethinking my more "rigid" perspective

Discussion and discussion forums shouldn't be about WHO (a person) is right but WHAT (an idea) is superior

Edited by ElHefe
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Limbo looks like Frost skinnier brother. Seriously people are talking about Limbo's jacket but has anyone even mentioned Frost's little neck tie he has over his coat?


I kind of like to think Limbo and Frost fits this trope


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Has it changed enough to mean people dressed like this?




I have no interest in getting into a quote war with you so I'll only address this one thing: There is NO strict standard on what a warrior/combat type looks like. So I think it's silly to get upset over what Limbo looks like. Especially like I keep saying, Limbo is NOT ACTUALLY WEARING A TUX. He's a fully functional frame that LOOKS like a tux and hat.


But whatever, I'm clearly not going to expand your view on what a combat suit/mech should or shouldn't look like.

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i think its time to get back to our dark ninja warrior roots 


with mirage and now limbo we have gone full circle and reached the pinnacle of incongruousness themes and borderline goofy novelties 


we are ready now to delve back into the world of the fearsome warrior, the dark horse, the gladiator, the disciplined bushi, the cold blooded assassins and berserking battlebastard 


the players yearn for something a little more direct, more sharp, more violent but most of all a little more tenno 

we are ready DE - we want to feel like warriors again 

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Hold up a second, here. It seems that some people are taking my (and others') criticism as an attack on Limbo. Perhaps, in a way, we are indeed focusing on this latest frame - but really, we're only doing so because we are made uncomfortable by the direction the game seems to be going. 


Another poster said that I had misused "jump the shark". Perhaps, in a specific sense. However, the core of this game (in my humble opinion) is that of a grim struggle against inexorable foes where long sleeping forces (the Tenno) are called upon to restore the "balance". This is a galaxy far, far away, and a long long time ago/in the future. 


When a new frame, then, is introduced that seems to come straight out of Fred Astaire's vaudeville bits, there is a sense of jarring discordance. It breaks the verisimilitude of that aforementioned universe and shunts the player back into the present. Moreover, it does so without any sense of explanation or context. Like Hydroid, and (to a much lesser degree) Mirage, these frames just don't seem explicable to the player short of chalking it up to "well, that's what the designers figured the masses wanted."


As another poster suggested, shall we next see a frame that sports gold chains and baggy pants? Will it do a crip walk as part of its ultimate? Or, in that vein, why not a frame that looks like Britney Spears - complete with plaid catholic schoolgirl wear and midriff baring blouse? I'm sure both of those will find plenty of buyers on the market. 


In any event, what's done is done. I can only hope that DE will consider these posts as they plan out their next changes and additions. 

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