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Wish List For Next Wraith Weapon


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Does the Grakata has enough surface space to put a big red circle on it? Because that's pretty much the requirement the artists need to make a Wraith skin for it. Ha ha.


Though when it comes to Grakata or Karak i would be more interested to see how a Steel Meridian based skin could look like?


I would also like to see a Vandal again. All those red and black event weapons are getting a bit dull.


The reason players on a whole have linked Wraith weapons to the Veil is that the weapons have a similar visual styling (the pattern) to the Rakta Syndana, a syndana that is known to be related to the Red Veil. 


That and red and black are the signature colors of the veil, since they wear it as their suits.


Come to think of it. I wonder if Vandals are Arbiter based modifications? After all those skins include the Lotus symbol and there is no sign of the Arbiters actualy disliking the Lotus herself, who is something like the guardian spirit of the Tenno rather than a ruler.

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