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The Legend Of John Prodman


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I managed to catch a Prodman taking on 2 Napalms on his own, and he lived with minor burns.  After that he ran off somwhere, in an attempt to follow him, I came upon an empty storage room, with no other feasible way out, but he was gone.  This "John Prodman" requires careful scrutiny, will keep an eye out for this potentially dangerous enemy. (I'd provide pics, but my F6 key is broke as hell.)

Have you tried F5 or F12? Those are the keys usually binded to taking a screenshot.

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It would be neat to have him in a couple of eater eggs too (make them a much rarer occurance than stalker or other assasins). On an invasion for the corpus, the enemy count drops by 30 and you walk into a room, and theres a pile of dead enemies and john prodman just walks through a door and it shuts behind him.

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The legend doesn't rely on cowardly space magic tricks. He just reflects all bullets back to his opponents using his Prova.




As the original news said... He only trusts his Prova and fists.




Also reworking .gifs with nearly 50 frames is quite tedious. If DE will give Prodman a cheap disarm ability I'll be p*ssed. xD

what anime?

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I was being chased by a Prodman today. He chased me all over the map, and when I finally stopped to turn around and shoot him in the face, he didn't attack me. My weapon aimed at his silvery box head of his, he stood there, not even attempting to attack. I stopped aiming, looked at him, and wondered. Why didn't you hit me. He was trying to tell me something...



I had made a friend, maybe somebody I had fought beside in an invasion mission against the Infested. He felt no need to hurt me, nor did I feel any reason to cause conflict... We stood there, admiring each other, wondering what we could possibly do next; why are we even fighting...







Then, in an instant, that seemed to last a lifetime... he was shot down in cold blood by my fellow Tenno...


I will never know his reason behind never attacking... only that he wanted a friend, and he had chosen me.


Edited by Kunsumption
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Then, in an instant, that seemed to last a lifetime... he was shot down in cold blood by my fellow Tenno...


The fact that he was killed lets us know it was not John Prodman.

Edit: Prodman'd Tenno'd

Edited by Tengu147
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We really need to have a rare event where, after 5 invasion missions alongside the Corpus, there's a certain chance (very low percentage) that John Prodman would fight alongside you against the Grineer or Infestation, and he'd be excessively high-leveled. And able to revive you post-death. That, or have a rare chance that when the G3 show up, John Prodman also shows up to hold them back (And defeat them) so that you may escape.


Because the Corpus must send their finest soldier to assist a very powerful ally,

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I was being chased by a Prodman today. He chased me all over the map, and when I finally stopped to turn around and shoot him in the face, he didn't attack me. My weapon aimed at his silvery box head of his, he stood there, not even attempting to attack. I stopped aiming, looked at him, and wondered. Why didn't you hit me. He was trying to tell me something...



I had made a friend, maybe somebody I had fought beside in an invasion mission against the Infested. He felt no need to hurt me, nor did I feel any reason to cause conflict... We stood there, admiring each other, wondering what we could possibly do next; why are we even fighting...







Then, in an instant, that seemed to last a lifetime... he was shot down in cold blood by my fellow Tenno...


I will never know his reason behind never attacking... only that he wanted a friend, and he had chosen me.


awwwww... that's sad... i blame your tenno ally that shot him.

ofc... in that classic line... I totally agree in just one thing!



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John Prodman, hmm does that mean that there has to be a Grinner couter part right.

Like Sara scopion (someone can come up with a better name I bet)


Also, what if John Prodman fell under the control of the void. We need a Tier 4 assissination key to even attept to save him (note not kill cause he will 100% with out a douht kill you) from the voids control.

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