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Soma Prime Joke?


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Just gonna throw in my 2 cents. 2 additional damage is tantamount to 20% damage boost. That may seem minor when comparing things but remember that this is a crit weapon so that 20% will eventually explode for more damage. The additional magazine size and ammo pool just adds more 'you aren't gonna run out anytime soon' style but simply being trigger happy won't save you from running dry in a manner of minutes. Also, status chance is a welcome boost for a crit-build like the Soma Prime since it means it does even more than just crit now.


#LoveNewGuns #SomaPrimeOverallHasMassiveDPSBuff



PS: Let's calculate, shall we?

Critical Chance (w/ maxed Point Strike & Critical Delay): 89.4%

Critical Damage (w/ maxed Hammer Shot & Vital Sense): 840%


Soma Damage (w/ maxed Serration) = 26.5

Soma Prime Damage (w/ maxed Serration) = 31.8


Soma Damage on Crit Proc = 222.6

Soma Prime Damage on Crit Proc = 267.12



So, you can see that we actually got a 45 damage increase upon critting. That is without any elemental mods. So, let's now toss in some elemental mods to see how far our damage potential and stat proc chance can reach. Using the standard Corrosive + Cold build and my favourite double stat mods:



With maxed Serration, Malignant Force, High Voltage and Rime Rounds:-


Soma Damage: 74.2

Soma Crit Damage: 623.28

Soma Stat Chance: 22.4%


Soma Prime Damage: 89.04

Soma Prime Crit Damage: 747.936

Soma Prime Stat Chance: 32%



Therefore, Soma Prime with the additional damage on elemental gives it an additional 124.656 damage on crit. That includes as well an additional 9.6% stat chance to proc effects more consistently.


Total magazine damage (Weapon Damage on Crit x Magazine Size x Crit Chance%):


Soma Total magazine damage: 55721.32

Soma Prime Total magazine damage: 133730.9568 


EDIT: Forgot to use Split Chamber, the super damage booster mod that everyone loves and uses... except me since I don't like the lack of true double shots (-10% still means you have a chance to fire only one round per shot). Time to break out the calculator again! Also, I mistyped Hammer Shot on crit chance which should be Critical Delay so edited.



With maxed Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Hammer Shot, Malignant Force, High Voltage and Rime Rounds:-


Crit Chance: 75%

Crit Damage: 840%


Soma damage per double shot: 148.4

Soma average damage per shot w/o crit: 140.98

Soma average damage per shot w/ crit: 1184.232

Soma stat chance: 22.4%

Soma total average magazine damage: 88817.4


Soma Prime damage per double shot: 178.08

Soma Prime average damage per shot w/o crit: 169.176

Soma Prime average damage per shot w/ crit: 1421.0784

Soma Prime stat chance: 32%

Soma Prime total average magazine damage: 213161.76





With maxed Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Hammer Shot, Critical Delay Malignant Force and High Voltage:-


Crit Chance: 89.4%

Crit Damage: 840%


Soma damage per single shot: 58.3

Soma damage per double shot: 116.6

Soma average damage per shot w/o crit: 110.77

Soma average damage per shot w/ crit: 930.468

Soma stat chance: 18.2%

Soma total average magazine damage: 83183.8392


Soma Prime damage per single shot: 69.96

Soma Prime damage per double shot: 139.92

Soma Prime average damage per shot w/o crit: 132.924

Soma Prime average damage per shot w/ crit: 1116.5616

Soma Prime stat chance: 26%

Soma Prime total average magazine damage: 199641.21408


EDIT 2: Removing the word DPS as it is misleading. I did not calculate the actual damage per second and should not be in there.

Edited by matrixEXO
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Impressive numbers. 


But wouldnt using 4 'pure' elemental mods equal out to more damage?

Yes, it equates to more damage but the trade here is that you forego the most important buff of the Soma Prime at the same time. a whooping +9.6% stat proc. The thing (I love) about the new Soma Prime is that it's no longer just a damage spewer but also a more reliable and consistent proc machine.


EDIT: Also, given that I calculate using the base 5 most important mods for a more reliable and sustained crit damage, there's only enough room for 3 mods. Additionally, if you want, you can always take out the Cold for Shred to give this gun the OOMPH it needs to slay more enemies in a line. That does impact individual DPS but it's a crit-machine so why not crit all enemies behind it as well?

Edited by matrixEXO
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Yes, it equates to more damage but the trade here is that you forego the most important buff of the Soma Prime at the same time. a whooping +9.6% stat proc. The thing (I love) about the new Soma Prime is that it's no longer just a damage spewer but also a more reliable and consistent proc machine.

Ah, so more Event elemental mods ARE a better idea here.



well, 3-6 Offensive polarities and thats a wrap

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Ah, so more Event elemental mods ARE a better idea here.



well, 3-6 Offensive polarities and thats a wrap

I kind of forgot to add one more mod in there tbh. It's the Split Chamber mod. Doubling the DPS at the cost of just one elemental mod works very well. Or you could remove the optional Hammer Shot Critical Delay for double damage at a cost of lower crit chance. Huh... might need to edit that calculation of mine above.

Edited by matrixEXO
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So, I edited my calculation table and added the new build with Split Chamber... I guess we now know the winner is.


Off-topic a bit: I personally am a fan of proper sustained damage rather than having a gamble that 25% (or 1 in 4) that a bullet is non-crit. It's very ugly and not really a good thing to me. Your mileage may vary but the question is whether you prefer slightly more sustained crit build versus a more damage-oriented crit build

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I'm fine with Soma Prime not being stupidly OP.
If every new primed weapon would be stronger than those before the game would require constantly harder and harder contents.

I'm happy like this, don't make other stupidly OP weapons, just offer more playstyles with different mechanics.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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What about heavy caliber, I use it on the soma at a rank 7, the accuracy falloff doesn't seem that bad, or would it be better to use the 13 mod points elsewhere?

Heavy Cal isn't really a recommended choice for anything unless you are going for close range combat where accuracy doesn't really. Personally, I've used even the Boltor Prime for extreme long ranges and managed to do very well so... Nope. Soma Prime is under the same category.

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200 for a magazine is making the Soma like a freaking portable machine gun.

Yup, it's a gorgon with better ammo efficiency and accuracy. I fell sad now that when i got the Soma i would be part of the cool  club group, then Soma Prime came out and i died.

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