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So... Worst Weapon Ever?


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Pre-buff Spectra was the least effective weapon ever.


It had

low base damage of 8 damage per second.

low range

no innate puncture

small clipsize

long reload

high ammo consumption


It was a just a chore to use. But it looked really pretty. It's a quite a bit better now.

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A shot gun in space. Oi...


Believe it or not, I ran into a faction in another game that has mounted shotguns to their tanks AND their VTOL jet aircraft. Look up "New Conglomerate". I think you'll get a giggle out of it.


"New Conglomerate"


Filthy heathen scum.


Evolve or perish

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A shot gun in space. Oi...


Believe it or not, I ran into a faction in another game that has mounted shotguns to their tanks AND their VTOL jet aircraft. Look up "New Conglomerate". I think you'll get a giggle out of it.

underbarrel shotgun for their shotgun~

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Worst Frame: Tied between Valkyr, Loki/Loki Prime, Rhino Prime, and Nova, I can't choose just one.

I didn't realize the Mirror Universe had access to our Internet.


On topic, now: I'd say the worst weapon that I've played with is the Dual Cestra. The thing recoils so hard I literally can't control it.

Edited by fishworshipper
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Mhm this is very hard. I usually try the most unusual and understimated weapons and I find them great and extremely funny to use (Tigris, Seer, Amphis, Gram, Magistar, Obex, Ceramic Dagger...)

Mhm I think I'll say that the worst weapon of the game is the Vulkar. I really don't know why but it looks terrible to me. And it's a sniper rifle.

Even if I can't stand continuous rifles (i hate all of them.) i really can't say that they are bad. Maybe the Spectra?

Edited by Petersheikah
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A shot gun in space. Oi...


Believe it or not, I ran into a faction in another game that has mounted shotguns to their tanks AND their VTOL jet aircraft. Look up "New Conglomerate". I think you'll get a giggle out of it.



Hehehe. Those blues are so silly.


Filthy heathen scum.


Evolve or perish



Enough o' that from you purple weirdos :P You'd all still be falling out with each other back on Earth if it wasn't for the Republic!




Ahem, on topic, Sheev and Karyst are actually much much better with the new Pointed Wind. Drastically increased attack speed, not to mention Sheev has good status chance plus fire proc on slam (good for brief incapacitation).

Edited by Dualice
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