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God Braton



Ive recently heard a story about some over the top bratons that kill gods, have 8 formas and cause chuck norris to shed a tear of pride. Personaly i love braton but have considered the poor bastard to be, well, meh, and have never even maxed it to lvl 30.

So can anyone that actually uses braton for more than a paperweight explain to me the ins and outs of a braton so can actually use it as well.

Also id like to know if possible, is braton prime worth it.

Screens would be nice.

Thank you

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15 answers to this question

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I already wasted 4 forma on both MK1 and Prime Braton's.


As much as MK1 Braton is supposed to be somewhat weak and force player to upgrade on first occasion (that's a damn starter weapon), Braton Prime is simply bad as damage-dealing weapon, it's ~average as status weapon (reaches around 50% with max status+split chamber), all it does well is cutting corpses into multiple parts (Nekroses will surely love it).



Braton Prime seriously needs a buff but it's not quite a god-awful weapon. Just requires a lot of additional work to make it viable (like Supra).

Edited by Mofixil
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don't listen to all of these boltor prime players non-sense, braton prime is totally worth it, though I totally agree it needs a buff but it's so great against infested and so much fun, I shred lvl 40 ancients in like 10-20 rounds only, with just a very good build, so it's totally worth it, I have 5 formas on mine is I'm very glad I put so much work on it 

as for the MK-1 braton, I dont know, I just ranked it to 30 and that's it, I replaced it with the latron in like my 4th day on warframe 

EDIT: the Braton prime is good when you reach around 5 forma, but this 7 forma build (which some won't use, cos they consider it a waste......cowards) has very high DPS and damage (which is more important than having fun to almost all of you) 

serration, heavy caliber (maxed), split chamber, shred, fanged (something...the new gate crash mod), infected clip, storm bringer and hellfire
this build is only for the ancients, because I only use the braton prime vs infested 

Edited by Kenshin98
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The Braton series (even the otherwise miserable Mk1) all are nice handling weapons. But they're starter weapons, even the Braton Prime in some respects (first prime, never rebalanced against newer low level weapons).  


Any gun will get more powerful if you pump forma into it, but they all hit a wall sooner or later because your base stats are what they are. You can put six to eight forma in a Mk1, but it tops out around 7.5k dps and there simply isn't anything you can do about that.


This the driving force behind calls for buffs for the Braton Prime. It tops out around 13.4k dps, but requires the same effort to get as weapons with twice that capability. Worse, you can build starter forge weapons that can equal that with far less effort (namely the Karak).


Of course, the best thing about the Braton Prime is its explosive effects on targets. Still, it does need a buff, no question about it. A buff like the Latron Prime got some months ago.

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Braton Prime seriously needs a buff but it's not quite a god-awful weapon. Just requires a lot of additional work to make it viable (like Supra).

Even a 6-forma Supra isn't really reliable- You either waste a slot with fast hands (which barely helps) or suffer the eternal reload. Many guns have larger clips with faster reload times.


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I... really can't recommend any Braton, outside of being easy to aquire, cheap (as no one really wants them), and reliable (can't build for crits). The sustained DPS (which, IMHO, is more importaint than burst) is half of the soma, given soma using crit mods instead of 2 elementals, and is easily outclassed by Dread and Paris Prime.


Braton prime sustained DPS is: (using event elemental mods and r7 Heavy caliber unless specified)

80% of Drakgoon (no difference between charged and non-charged)

140% of MK-1 Paris (threw this in for a cheap comparison)

100% of Paris

50% of Soma (using crit mods)

75% of Paris Prime

75% of Dread (using the +120% slash mod from Gate Crash and no Heavy Caliber)


All of these weapons will have higher Crit damage (which has an additional 2x crit bonus to headshots, on top of the usual headshot multiplier), and better Status chance, making them superior to the Braton Prime in every way except for ease of aquiring and (for the bows) less overkill.


Percentages may vary a bit, this is napkin calculations atm using http://warframe-builder.com/Weapon_comparator

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All the Bratons leave a lot to be desired when it comes to damage. Personally I favour bows as they're an added challenge - with the right build a single charge shot will kill any enemy up to around level 80, but has the added challenge and badassery of landing a shot on the enemy and looking awesome as you Legolas your way to Extraction - or the Latron series, as the Prime is pretty damn powerful damage-wise and status-wise.

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don't listen to all of these boltor prime players non-sense, braton prime is totally worth it, though I totally agree it needs a buff but it's so great against infested and so much fun, I shred lvl 40 ancients in like 10-20 rounds only, with just a very good build, so it's totally worth it, I have 5 formas on mine is I'm very glad I put so much work on it 

as for the MK-1 braton, I dont know, I just ranked it to 30 and that's it, I replaced it with the latron in like my 4th day on warframe 

EDIT: the Braton prime is good when you reach around 5 forma, but this 7 forma build (which some won't use, cos they consider it a waste......cowards) has very high DPS and damage (which is more important than having fun to almost all of you) 

serration, heavy caliber (maxed), split chamber, shred, fanged (something...the new gate crash mod), infected clip, storm bringer and hellfire

this build is only for the ancients, because I only use the braton prime vs infested 

lv 40 ancient JUST 10 to 20 rounds holy glore O.O thats a danm hard number of bullets lol i personally like to ohko em with tiggres xD or just uhm yea take out my akbolto and 5 shot em >.> bit 10 to 20 bullets uuh thats a bit much dont you think.


Braton in personal i love such so rifles but as much i love those it dont worth it atm. if you want a thing like it grakata or soma but braton it self dont shines enjoy even after 6 forma. sadly


even some low rank melees do more dmg then the braton D:


EDIT: but im personally dont can speak me free as i handle self a 6 forma Supra >.> cause its Supra padumtzzzz

Edited by HackShield
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To me, the sad thing about the Braton series is that they are really fun to use, but they all suck when it comes to damage. So much that I won't use them in high-tier games. I just want a gun that handles similarly to the Braton series, but that I'll consider bringing to high levels.

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I like the handling on the Mk-1.  It's laser accurate, hitscan, has practically no recoil, and a large clip.  The damage isn't great, but it's fine for doing most missions with proper mods.  It falls apart on later survival/defense/interception of course, but the game falls apart in general then too (most abilities become worthless, etc.).


It makes a case for the Focus system to me.  I'd like to be able to just super-level a Mk-1 as opposed to being one of the many people with a Boltor Prime.  The problem is, if you can super-level a Mk-1, obviously, super-leveling a Boltor Prime would probably produce better results unless they make some sort of theoretical damage cap.

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Before i say anything, let me mention the braton family is my favorite in the whole game. Once I traded in the mk1 for the regular braton, I used that gun almost exclusively until phobos. All my bratons have potatoes, 2 forma on the brat and 5forma on the prime and mk1 each. I also champion any thread asking for a braton prime buff.

However, I'm honest about it and can tell you it is one of the most underperforming prime weapons as it stands. Ironically it's one of the best handling rifles.

To start, it comes with zero polarities. So will will need a few to even make decent and usually 5 to max. As far as dps goes, it's only about 20% more than the braton while taking four void drops and 10 orikin cells. It is outclassed in dps by stuff like the karak and left in the dust by anything better than that including many secondaries. While its proc chance is not enough to make up for the low dps. Most of the good primaries and secondaries can match and with higher dps to boot.

So to sum it up, really fun gun but cannot recommend for serious gameplay. In fact, whenever someone is farming it, I prepare them to be disappointed.

Edited by alfaomega04
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