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If The Beta Ends One Day


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Well we already got all the event stuff and some old items( Arkane Helmets, Snipertron)...

Anyway, would be fine to get some more^^


EDIT: At the day Warframe leaves beta, Warframe 2: revenge of Hayden starts alpha ;)

Edited by Dawn11715
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whats wrong with that? they will have to pay the same price as you.

Because the exclusiveness will be denied!

I mean the reason why people forked out there money for a 150 SKIN is because it was only going to be up for a short time. And they thought it would be exclusive.

Just like the Founders around here, Imagine if DE released the founder packs again at the same price, same issue!


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Because the exclusiveness will be denied!

I mean the reason why people forked out there money for a 150 SKIN is because it was only going to be up for a short time. And they thought it would be exclusive.

Just like the Founders around here, Imagine if DE released the founder packs again at the same price, same issue!

my point exactly :)

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Because the exclusiveness will be denied!

I mean the reason why people forked out there money for a 150 SKIN is because it was only going to be up for a short time. And they thought it would be exclusive.

Just like the Founders around here, Imagine if DE released the founder packs again at the same price, same issue!


Unlike the Founders packages, Proto-Excal was never stated to be a one-time deal. Don't mess up "Exclusive" and "One-Time offer" just because Founders, which contains exclusive Items, was a One-Time offer.

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Because the exclusiveness will be denied!

I mean the reason why people forked out there money for a 150 SKIN is because it was only going to be up for a short time. And they thought it would be exclusive.

Just like the Founders around here, Imagine if DE released the founder packs again at the same price, same issue!



Proto skin is exclusive, anniversary exclusive, its just a cosmetic like the immortal skins and syandanas only you have one chance in a whole year to get it.

You can't compare it to the founders package that players payed full bags of money to get.

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Because the exclusiveness will be denied!

I mean the reason why people forked out there money for a 150 SKIN is because it was only going to be up for a short time. And they thought it would be exclusive.

Just like the Founders around here, Imagine if DE released the founder packs again at the same price, same issue!


they paid for it because they like it, personally i have no issues with it being released again.


The Founders pack is an another thing, it offered more than cosmetics, it had items which awards mastery and experience which is exclusive, which is a bad decision.



Unlike the Founders packages, Proto-Excal was never stated to be a one-time deal. Don't mess up "Exclusive" and "One-Time offer" just because Founders, which contains exclusive Items, was a One-Time offer.

Proto skin is exclusive, anniversary exclusive, its just a cosmetic like the immortal skins and syandanas only you have one chance in a whole year to get it.

You can't compare it to the founders package that players payed full bags of money to get.


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Probably we will get something to celebrate the end of Open Beta.



But then again I expect that stuff:


I can see the daily "I wasn't around then so please rerelease it" threads already.


And I become "urgh" already, hoping there are none one-time items but rather exclusives that people have the chance to get once a year on celebration day. ^^




But also looking back at this year, the bugs, balancing issues and problems that have been introduced and other stuff like the "unfinished" Archwing the gives them more reason to prolong the beta even further until it is something that's more fleshed-out I'd say this is what is going to happen most likely:


Because of the constant new content that gets added to the game I dont think the game will ever exit beta. I'll be 80 years old and Warframe will still be in beta, with the developers' grandkids adding even more stuff, like hoverboards and laser slingshots.

Edited by MeduSalem
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