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New Infested Lore. So Apparently They Just Came Out Of Nowhere. It Doesnt Work.


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So the new tutorial mission for the infested says that the infested were JUST woken up by the Grineer screwing around.

I find that wack. The old ..... thing that we had was that they were just hanging out like some wild space pest taking over where ever they could. But now the story is that the Grineer JUST hit the Infested hive and they went nuts.



Oh and the infested have souls.


Edited by Mak_Gohae
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We I didn't get any information from the first mission in that quest because it switched to an exterminate mission half way through (so I quit and tried again but it did it again) That said, the early lore for the Eris system did indicate that the infestation was only just sweeping across the previously empty Orokin Derelicts in that area. I believe the original intention was for us to assume that all the current infestation came from Lephantis (Except the ancients possibly) as we trace the infestation using Nav coordingates to ODX missions then using Golem Nav coordinates back to an ODA mission and Lephantis.


Perhaps the Tenno though they had wiped out the infestation before they went into cryo, but missed Lephantis, stored in a hidden Orokin facility.

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"Sir, it appears that our reconnaissance ships have discovered a strange artifical ring platform floating in deep space."


"What kind of ring?"


"Some sort of resort and filled with strange alien facilities containing squid-like creatures."


"Squid? Like calamari?"


"Sir, should we report this to high command? Vor does not take kindly to activities running behind his back."


"Yeah, yeah, we'll tell him later. Say, I'm hungry. Mind if we tried one of those squid things?"


"One wouldn't hurt. What's the worst that could happen?"

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I have a different perspective on this based on the same information. I think the Grineer brought some infested back from the void where they were sealed off. While experimenting, something went wrong *cue standard horror plot* and the infested got free. 


Derelicts are in normal space.


You have to remember that this is a persistent timeline; your story starts from the time you begin playing the game. This quest is obviously geared towards newer players. So for us veterans, this quest is something that canonically happened in the past. 


I know that. What i am saying is that before this the Infested were around as a pest and now the new story turns them into a new enemy that just popped up.


The lore is that they were a weapon used against the Sentient but apparently the Orokin lost control.

DE just keeps changing the lore ... the little lore it has... every two months.


They have to create a base and stick with it.

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I think you guys are missing some points...


The quests are defined as Quest Timeline and while we're getting them as they come out, they are meant to be done in a different order for new players...


That quest-line is all on Mercury, I felt cheaty for switching on Frosty to do the defense mission since I could have solo'd it even on Ash or Loki...


That quest-line is meant for the new Tenno who have just woke up from their cryo-sleep, to tell them that at certain point, somewhere, the Grinner had found a place (Probably the Derelict.) where the Infested had been sealed off.


That quest-line is a first attempt to stop the infestation, Lotus believed she succeeded, but in the end it wasn't the only hive and there had been all the other events following it...


That quest-line is, probably, the first part of a plot that will give us lore and a reason to confront Le Panties. 


Yeah, it's nothing for us veterans, but seriously whe can't always be there asking for content after content without thinking of the newcomers...


They get a mod and a blueprint out of it, both of them decently good...


Good job on welcoming the new players DE! *Thumb up on that*

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"Sir, it appears that our reconnaissance ships have discovered a strange artifical ring platform floating in deep space."


"What kind of ring?"


"Some sort of resort and filled with strange alien facilities containing squid-like creatures."


"Squid? Like calamari?"


"Sir, should we report this to high command? Vor does not take kindly to activities running behind his back."


"Yeah, yeah, we'll tell him later. Say, I'm hungry. Mind if we tried one of those squid things?"


"One wouldn't hurt. What's the worst that could happen?"

Now I'm wondering how the infested flesh tastes. Great -_- more stuff to never get answered.

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the infested, one of the many horrid thing from the void. but not the most horrid....oh no there are more evil and disturbing things in the void....


Like thousands of Tenno killing stuff for that Argon Crystal needed to raise a new pet that will be abandoned\used as a gift of convenience to the Lotus if doesn't match a specific race\build\fur?

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The lore is that they were a weapon used against the Sentient but apparently the Orokin lost control.

DE just keeps changing the lore ... the little lore it has... every two months.


They have to create a base and stick with it.


We don't know that the Orokin lost control. All we know is that the Tenno have fought the Infestation in the past (Flavour text on the ether blades)

For all we know the Infestation was 100% under the control of the Orokin until the Tenno eliminated them.


My personal timeline was the following and it has not been contradicted by any of this as far as I can tell:


1. Orokin create Tenno to battle Sentients

2. Orokin create neutered strain of old technocyte virus that can't attack inorganics as backup plan

3. Tenno do much better than expected, War turns in their favour

4. Orokin get nervous about Tenno power and organisation, ponder using new infested as defense against the Tenno

5. Tenno win war and eliminate the Orokin

6. What are now Infested ancients released during the purge

7. Tenno spend a long time clensing the infestation from the system and ensuring the got all the Orokin

8. Tenno enter cryosleep believing the system to be clean. The did not find Lephantis

9. Lephantis spreads the Infestation very slowly while the Tenno sleep, gaining size an producing troops

10. Eventually taking over Orokin Derelicts

11. Tenno wake up

12. Grineer research Infestation as a possible tool to combat the Tenno *NEW

13. Investation stop being quite as a result and spring into action *NEW

14. Tenno discover nav coordinates, find Orokin derelicts, Discover Golem nav coordinates, tracing the infestation back to Lephantis

15. Tenno Kill/defeat Lephantis

16. Alad V creates new strain that can once again attack inorganic material.... oh dear.

Edited by SilentMobius
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We don't know that the Orokin lost control. All we know is that the Tenno have fought the Infestation in the past (Flavour text on the ether blades)

For all we know the Infestation was 100% under the control of the Orokin until the Tenno eliminated them.


My personal timeline was the following and it has not been contradicted by any of this as far as I can tell:


1. Orokin create Tenno to battle Sentients

2. Orokin create neutered strain of old technocyte virus that can't attack inorganics as backup plan

3. Tenno do much better than expected, War turns in their favour

4. Orokin get nervous about Tenno power and organisation, ponder using new infested as defense against the Tenno

5. Tenno win war and eliminate the Orokin

6. What are now Infested ancients released during the purge

7. Tenno spend a long time clensing the infestation from the system and ensuring the got all the Orokin

8. Tenno enter cryosleep believing the system to be clean. The did not find Lephantis

9. Lephantis spreads the Infestation very slowly while the Tenno sleep, gaining size an producing troops

10. Eventually taking over Orokin Derelicts

11. Tenno wake up

12. Grineer research Infestation as a possible tool to combat the Tenno *NEW

13. Investation stop being quite as a result and spring into action *NEW

14. Tenno discover nav coordinates, find Orokin derelicts, Discover Golem nav coordinates, tracing the infestation back to Lephantis

15. Tenno Kill/defeat Lephantis

16. Alad V creates new strain that can once again attack inorganic material.... oh dear.


The Tenno was their last plan.

Until they change that, that means that the infested came first.

So their previous plans did not work.

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The lore is that they were a weapon used against the Sentient but apparently the Orokin lost control.

DE just keeps changing the lore ... the little lore it has... every two months.


That's still correct.


The Grineer just unleashed the current-day outbreak. The infestation has been lurking out in the derelicts this whole time, the Grineer brought it to the occupied/inhabited planets. 

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Like thousands of Tenno killing stuff for that Argon Crystal needed to raise a new pet that will be abandoned\used as a gift of convenience to the Lotus if doesn't match a specific race\build\fur?

So true...


and giant cardboard cut outs behind a glass panel

And also so true. I don't think I will be going back there again... brings back to many bad memories.

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The Grineer have been privy to a lot of the Corpus' Orokin finds before - Gradivus showed us that the Grineer had been forcing the Corpus to hand over a lot of the thing they found to them. I think that the Corpus - or maybe the Grineer themselves - uncovered old information pertaining to the Infested and were forced to give it to the Grineer, and from there Tengus did his thing...


Of course, we ALSO have creatures like Lephantis and the whole of the Derelict, which suggest the Lotus is at least a little wrong in general about it, but in terms of what we find in the new quest I think that's just the Grineer resurrecting ancient technologies.

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Out of nowhere? Hardly. The few missions implied heavily to me that the Grineer have gotten their hands on a hidden cache of Infested lifeforms (used as bio-weapons by the Orokin) and through sheer arrogance started experimenting on them (Dr. Tengus).


Which, as these things tend to lead to, lead to the Infested inevitably breaking loose and running amok the Sol System.

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That's still correct.


The Grineer just unleashed the current-day outbreak. The infestation has been lurking out in the derelicts this whole time, the Grineer brought it to the occupied/inhabited planets. 


Dont take one bit of post and ignore the rest of what is being said.

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Derelicts are in normal space.



I know that. What i am saying is that before this the Infested were around as a pest and now the new story turns them into a new enemy that just popped up.


The lore is that they were a weapon used against the Sentient but apparently the Orokin lost control.

DE just keeps changing the lore ... the little lore it has... every two months.


They have to create a base and stick with it.

Thats why its not good to rush the lore...


Also its possible Grineer got their hands on infested spores, and then Corpus ships during the Gradivus dilemma lead by Alad V. Managed to hijack a ship just so happened to be carrying the spores, and he used them. There is also the possibility the infested may be frozen on several planets, or at the bottom of the sea.


I do kinda enjoy the story that the Tenno tried to wipe them out. Sounds cooler...

Edited by Arlayn
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I also don't understand what's so contradictory about this new lore and the old impression of where the Infested came from. From a new player's perspective coming in post-Update 15.2.0, the Infested were lifeforms that the Grineer were experimenting on and got loose, hence leading to all the infestations running amok in the system. Before we had the space pests running around unchecked through the solar system, now we at least have an explanation for where said pests originated as far as this timeline's concerned.

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