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Can We Have Back The Old Planets Map? :d


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I do have to agree that there was a certain mysticism to even the look of the old map that was just awesome.


While taxiing is another discussion, I WOULD love to see the current navigation-via-Liset combined with the awesome aesthetic of the old Solar Chart.

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I miss the old solar chart.   The progression, the different paths to planets.  It satisfied the completionist tendencies.


Maybe it is all still there but I can't make heads or tails of what the current system is trying to tell me.  It just seems like a circular list that always puts the alerts on the far side of the planet I'm looking at.

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New necklace map is a bad piece of design, and the nodes around it are even worse.

I know we are supposed to be constructive, but I can't word it any better than... the old one was better.


Ok, let's try :


The previous starchart was more immersive as it looked like the real thing not a necklace, it was easier to identify planets due to their respective orbits, once on a planet it was easier to understand unlocking nodes because the line gave clear indication of progression, and it just simply looked nicer.


Anyway although this should probably be in UI feedback, it may as well stay here, for all the difference it would make in the right forum.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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I generally support change as much as I can, but I do really miss the old starmap. It was easier to follow because each node was connected by lines, and it was easy to tell that each planet was connected by two nodes. (Now every time a new-ish player wants to unlock a planet, they have to ask how it works because it isn't very self-explanatory at all.) The only issue I had with the old map is that it wasn't astronomically accurate, but hey, neither is the new one.


Additionally, even I'm not sure how the progression of planets works now but only because I already had them unlocked. And even looking at it now, it just doesn't really make sense, the way the old starmap made sense 100% of the time.

Edited by adiamorph
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i agree. it would be nice if the navigation map we open on the liset now, is the old star map. it made sense to me. for the new map, i don't know which boss unlock which planet. i always have to refer to the wiki. and i don't get the point of a few billion nav segments lying in my inventory. wish i could trade them for creds :(

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I heard that the new map was aimed for console compatibility and stuff, but now i was thinking about Donkey Kongish map, that was built for console with TVs that had like 300 lines, and no one had problems picking missions there as far as i remember

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I just thank the lord I had unlocked the Starchart back when it was a proper Starchart, all these updates later and I still don't understand the nodes around each planet and their relation to each other.


Edit: @rockscl I thought that too, but then my clan buddies who use controllers say it is even worse for them than before.

They still use the mouse outside of missions.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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New necklace map is a bad piece of design, and the nodes around it are even worse.

I know we are supposed to be constructive, but I can't word it any better than... the old one was better.


Ok, let's try :


The previous starchart was more immersive as it looked like the real thing not a necklace, it was easier to identify planets due to their respective orbits, once on a planet it was easier to understand unlocking nodes because the line gave clear indication of progression, and it just simply looked nicer.


Anyway although this should probably be in UI feedback, it may as well stay here, for all the difference it would make in the right forum.


Also, the old map with the tenno kneeling looked more badass :P

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Oh, as a UI developer myself, i had to say that we have a dark tendency to make information display things circular, thinking or just feeling that its smarter, but as far as i have seen, every circular solution is limited in content, and fastly becames boring and disgusting to the user





Edit: @rockscl I thought that too, but then my clan buddies who use controllers say it is even worse for them than before.

They still use the mouse outside of missions.




Lol, so maybe its not more controller friendly in the end 

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Oh, as a UI developer myself, i had to say that we have a dark tendency to make information display things circular, thinking or just feeling that its smarter, but as far as i have seen, every circular solution is limited in content, and fastly becames boring and disgusting to the user






Lol, so maybe its not more controller friendly in the end 


That's because current circular UI has a disgusting delay between pressing a button and having the next segment of the circle before you. It's even worse with the scroll wheel because rotation of the whole circle is separated from selection of the mission nodes, which makes it possible to rotate selection so fast the planet won't turn at all, and it hurts ability to quickly get needed info before you tremendously. The new navigation UI is just bad in every UX aspect, but looks nicely.


It would be amazing to have the old star chart back (one that could be dragged around and all), but it would take the Dynamic Art Design Duo to accept that maybe they're not actually UI/UX experts.

Edited by GTG3000
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aww but I have already started to like the new one. Its more fun, and easier to navigate with less junk all over the place. Just all really condensed for easier examination.


More fun?, can you extend yourself in that? xD


And how is it easier?, lately im not even clicking anything other than the alert buttons in the fast access thats above the map

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The old one did look nice. I wouldn't mind seeing it come back in some form. I recall seeing mock-ups a long time ago of the old node system mapped onto the rotating planets, it looked awesome.


The new one is a lot easier though. I think it fits the flow of the game better. 

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I'll just go ahead and be the odd man out and say that I like the new one better. I'd REALLY like a merging of the two, so that you can actually see the planets in orbit again, but if we are talking strictly about the new vs. the old, the new one is so much more aesthetically pleasing and streamlined than the old one.


Not to mention, it doesn't take thirty attempts to get the game centered on the one node you wish to play. That took forever and made the whole process of starting missions unnecessarily tedious. I also don't miss kneeling in netherspace one bit. Being grounded in the Liset gives you a sense of scale which is nice.

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Again, what? xD, why you say its easier?, how it fits better the game flow?


I'll divide my response into two parts, the node wheel and the planet ring:


For the node wheel, more info on one screen all at once, faster to navigate, easier to pick the levels out. I was not a fan of it initially, but it's definitely grown on me. It's also a lot smoother than the old one, and what I've heard from new players about progression and general map sense is quite positive.


The planet ring is something I liked from the start, unlike the node wheel. The old solar system was endlessly frustrating for me, and I did not like how it looked. I find the planet ring much prettier, and having it be a physical location is a nice touch. If they got rid of it I would be very sad, in my opinion it's a direct upgrade to the old solar system in every way. 

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I'll divide my response into two parts, the node wheel and the planet ring:


For the node wheel, more info on one screen all at once, faster to navigate, easier to pick the levels out. I was not a fan of it initially, but it's definitely grown on me. It's also a lot smoother than the old one, and what I've heard from new players about progression and general map sense is quite positive.


The planet ring is something I liked from the start, unlike the node wheel. The old solar system was endlessly frustrating for me, and I did not like how it looked. I find the planet ring much prettier, and having it be a physical location is a nice touch. If they got rid of it I would be very sad, in my opinion it's a direct upgrade to the old solar system in every way. 



Well, i never found the old map slow, or hard to use, right now i suppose DE had a lot of people having a hard time with it and they just discarded the old one

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I have to point out that DE isn't going to offer an option to switch back to the old UI or starchart. Or, rather, it's extremely unlikely. They're constantly developing their UI so I'm sure we may see something besides the current ring o' planets eventually.

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Good idea separating the two parts for discussion. 


The old solar map with the orbiting planets I thought was innovative.  But, yes, it was a little clunky on occasion when trying to find a planet that orbited behind the sun or whatever.   So in that sense the new planet ring is more efficient if more boring.  To me, the new one lacks a sense of adventure but it works well enough.


Now the 'node rings' or whatever people call them around each planet.  I dislike the look of them, trying to mouse scroll always gives me unpredictable results.  (well I CAN predict it will rotate left or right but not which and not for how long until it rotates the other way at some random point).  Plus I get no sense how, or if, any of the nodes relate to each other.   And, as I mentioned before, for some reason alerts always show up on the far side of the planet.


The new Alert/Syndicate/Quest list is an even less innovative way of getting to the missions but at least it doesn't thwart me and it is at least efficient in conveying information.

Edited by Don_T_Shoot
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The old UI was not very clear but the starmap was excellent.


The new one is clearer,prettier but the starmap has next to no progression, and lots of clicks are required to do the same thing(that makes it slower compared to the previous one).


If they just combine the two, they could make something that looks like this :



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