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Veterans: How Many Still Play?


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I'll log in for events.  Occasionally I'll get the bug and play for a few days, then burn out again and go play other games.


I thought the archwing update would draw me back in, but the perpetual shaky-cam is just annoying to look at after a while.

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I'm a vet, haven't played update 15 much cause it's been a pretty big disappoint for me as a whole really. Last time I sat down and played this game for more than two hours was sometime around update 12-13 and I was getting bored of the game back then. Waiting on Lore and things similar of that nature to come. However, that might be a very, very long time from now if at all. So I pretty much moved on, just check to see the major updates to see if they added anything that's got some real lore behind it. Not just two paragraphs and a short quest. Pretty much moved on to two other games though, I just can't deal with the same grind they have given us since this game first came to light.



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Since I started in Dec 2012 I have taken a break from the game for about four or five months due to having all the content complete. My issue with Warframe is that it still does not have content worthy of being called end game. 


I also do not consider you a Veteran unless you where here prior to update 5.

Edited by Mythblaze
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I also do not consider you a Veteran unless you where here prior to update 5.




The advocacy or existence of an elite as a dominating element in a system or society.
The attitude or behavior of a person or group who regard themselves as belonging to an elite.
Edited by Dead_Rabbits
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This game is very unique, i like most of the style, i had a long break and i am bored right now.. al the missions feel like i am doing the same all over again for no real purpose other than enjoying this piece of ART.

i am not blaming the devs because content to be created means it needs time... the thign about warframe is its is really cool but the lack of Lore and variety is a lil downsider... i stopped online gaming for other games.. since ive played warframe i find all other games are to slow...

now with the new melee you can jump like 30 meters with the right weapon...even higher and faster when you wallrun ... you can quickscope the shizz out of mobs here and you have that scifi feeling here and even some magical alike stuff...

the only thing really missing is more complex missions... longer with more things to do .. defenses are nice but a bit boring after a while..lol

back in the old days ive suggested weapon "auras"  and DE has implemented weapon stances while i was taking my near 1 year break oO

Now with the eyes towards future i am excited to see the stuff they are working on and i hope we wil get finally some Lore and complexity =)


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