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Make Boltor Prime Untradable


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I don't think they have the mods to make it shine yet.

Pretty much this. Yeah, they may do some crazy base damage at first but with all their crit and utility mods, they aren't going to do all that much. A built Grakata in the hands of a MR7 is going to really outdo a MR1 with a Boltor P. But I do agree it should be locked behind a Mastery wall, MR2 requirement is too laughable but even for most weapons.

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This has been an ongoing cycle.  X weapon is too powerful, it RUINED WARFRAEM FOREVAR!  Lex, Hek, Braton Vandal, Braton Prime, Ogris, Fang Prime, Orthos Prime, Soma, Acrid, Brakk, Galatine, the list goes on and on and on.


If you don't want to be in a party with that person, then abort the mission and restart it.  Maybe set the mission to friends only.


Boltor prime is fine as is.  Getting all the parts for it can be an arduous process.  Players who did the grinding have earned that weapon's high damage.


Sometimes you don't want to take a low end weapon on a run where you're leveling up your warframe or some new piece of gear, especially as you want to keep 1 anti-stalker/G3/harvester weapon on you.


If they bought it with plat, that means more money went into the game, feeding the devs.


Win-win situation, if you ask me.  Boltor Prime is meant for higher level content.  If someone wants to run mercury with that gun, it's their business.  Sit down and enjoy your free XP.


Though a higher MR rank for boltor prime might not be a bad idea.  Although doing this, might as well make mods unequippable until you're a certain MR.  And OP wants anything good untradable.


You rank up a serration to max and you want to sell it?  No says the original poster!  This is too good for someone else!


You want to forma that piece of gear?  No says the original poster!  This would possibly make it too powerful in starting areas!


Why not limit EVERYTHING that makes a player powerful?


Let's make everything bland.  Because that's totally what makes a game interesting: blandness.


No fun allowed.

Edited by DeMeritus
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First off who are you to tell who should use what, is this breaking the game, no, it's their plat to use not yours. I do agree certain weapons should be MR locked but not for the reason stated above. I am MR-14 and I often take my Bolter Prime to Mercury if I am ranking up a weapon or Warframe and then move up the planets as my weapon or Warframe gains in rank. I sometimes I just feel like doing something easy so I go to Mercury and kill everything that moves. It's all about what makes it fun for you.

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Because they might enjoy themselves.  And that's bad, m'kay?


Getting the resources and inventory space to keep weapons, and grinding up resources to get newer weapons becomes pretty damn annoying past MR3. That's why I went moneywhale to avoid ever trashing my loki to get a *shudder* valkyr again. 


Besides Boltor prime gets S#&$ty ammo economy and is an absolute bore to play ... 

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If you give Boltor P a mastery lock you have to do it for all the other prime weapons as well. Because today it is Boltor P, tomorrow it will be Paris P and the cycle woud continue, but since this is a CO OP game there is no such thing as kill stealing and everyone using this as a complaint in this game is a flat out moron. If the "noob" kills some stuff faster which leaves less for you, you don´t lose anything else except end of the round most damage bragging rights since affinity is shared anyways. 


So in the end it all boils down to player ego and "Hurr I have MR xyz I should do 3 times as much damage as the damn noob" there is no such things as kill stealing in this game! It makes little difference if you had most kills or the noob since you all share the affinity.  Its only the pseudo elitist pride that takes a hit. 


It´s pseudo elitist attitude of no fun allowed for others that creates thread like this and stupid arguments about kill stealing.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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While I do think mastery locking a lot of weapons, because I think it's underutilized, a good thing, I do find complaints about the way other people play to be...I guess annoying is the best way I can phrase that.


Let them have their fun. 

Edited by Ov3rd0se
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Okay so this is getting ridiculous, I go hit up mercury to help some new players and teach them the game a bit and these guys have boltor primes.. You shouldn't be able to get a boltor prime that early in the star chart. I would like to suggest that the boltor prime pieces are made untradable and a mastery rank lock of at minimum a 5. Should players on mercury be using the most op thing ever that needs to go away from this game that early on? The answer is no. So please DE fix this.

And what is YOUR problem with it?

how does it interupt YOUR gameplay?

Edited by Vyra
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noobs is not the same as newbs. Newbs are new guys who can still learn. noobs are people who've been around long enough that they ought to know better.


I still wonder why the boltor prime wasn't mastery rank locked in the first place.


*cough* PRIME ACCESS *cough*


That's a band-aid fix.


Why don't we just, you know, balance the game or something?



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