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Male Gunslinger


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I honestly don't get why people are complaining over the gunslinger being female. It doesn't really change anything about the concept. 

I mean, can you honestly tell me what the issue is?

Some people prefer playing one gender over another. I know some people who only play male characters regardless of game, and vice versa. It's not so much a problem as it restricts them to a very specific part of the game.

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I honestly don't get why people are complaining over the gunslinger being female. It doesn't really change anything about the concept. 

I mean, can you honestly tell me what the issue is?


How will she shoot, with A BOOB??


Just kidding, this argument is silly. Bring on the pistolera, or Calamity, like some people suggested (personally I think its a rad name)

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Is it just me, or is this the only frame that people have complained about regarding gender? I've never seen any posts complaining about any other female frames, and I've certainly never seen anyone requesting a female frame over a male...

There has been this suggestion going on (although it's died out now) of people wanting to be able to switch the sexes of the frames on the go, so that you can play as a female Loki as opposed to the male on.


Needless to say, it wasn't a popular idea.

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Is it just me, or is this the only frame that people have complained about regarding gender? I've never seen any posts complaining about any other female frames, and I've certainly never seen anyone requesting a female frame over a male...

Wasn't first one, Valkyr had same treatment. 


Mainly because DE wanted name her Berserker first, and people felt it didn't really worked.

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Considering the release order has always been M-F-M-F now would be a pretty strange time to go against the pattern.


Beyond that, the gender has already been decided, and they likely already have her rendered and are polishing animations/powers/stats as of now.


In a word, deal.

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Never seen a problem with playing characters regardless of gender. Those that refuse to play female characters or frames in this sense just to stick to male frames only or vice versa, are only handicapping themselves. The gunslinger will be female and its probably not going to be changed at this point.

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Is it just me, or is this the only frame that people have complained about regarding gender? I've never seen any posts complaining about any other female frames, and I've certainly never seen anyone requesting a female frame over a male...


Ash was one of those. People really liked his concept art where he was a female with a scorpion-like ponytail.



Edited by TheSadisticDragon
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Warframe has made me pretty much , what i call, "gender-meh" . I pretty much stopped caring about genders and the genders of frames and i just enjoy every frame so far. Not really trying to say i would totally bang rhino, though- what i find attractive is a different matter and im pretty sure this does not belong here.


It is just, that the male frames are pretty cool and the female frames are more on the stylish and sleek side- but this also does not mean that female frames cannot be cool or males cannot be stylish. Ember is pretty cool and volt is pretty stylish and sleek for example.

I never quite understood why playing a female frame was a problem and i do not understand why even some people go out of their way to call me "gay" for that- like srsly? As a matter of fact- i am looking at a female more than you are in your playtime.


After all, i can somehow understand, that some people prefer male frames and some even prefer female frames and i might even go to the side of saying i like playing female frames more - but i do not really care if a frame is male or female. If the frame performs well in terms of gameplay i play it more often, if not i will just keep it and maybe play it some other time where i only do it for the feeling of the frame-theme.

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