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Which Syndicates You Trust The Most And The Least


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Trusted :

New Loka

Only through restoration of a pure

humanity and the repopulation of Earth


Perrin Sequence

Their goal is to RESTORE ORDER by bringing

prosperity and direction to the violent world

they study


merchants search for ways to exercise their

trade without instigating violence.

Steel Meridian

They are sworn

protectors of what little remains of the


Members of Steel Meridian

set aside their former allegiances to DEFEND THOSE WHO CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELF

Red Veil

The Veil see corruption all around them.

They are honour-bound to HEAL THE SYSTEM

through a great and violent purge. No cost

too great, no blood too precious.

Change is sudden, violent, and a necessary


merely the instrument of this change.

From the moment we were awaken from cryopod,Lotus told us our job is to restore balance of solar system,so I go with whoever wants to restore balance


Cephalon Suda

Know everything doesn't solve conflict

Also why should I trust something that doesn't even alive?

Arbiter of Hexis

Doesn't believe that Tenno is a mythical warrior?

Why should I be with some group that seeing me just like a normal human?

What truth did they seek?

What's their goal?

What they want is not restoring balance,therefore I see it's useless to be with them :/

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In order, on what I trust the most to what I trust the least:

Perrin Sequence: Aside from them being my Syndicate of choice, I trust them because they are against the doctrine of the Corpus, and want to build a britghter future without the need of violence.

Steel Meridian: Although they hate me with all their strength, I like their objective and goals. They're cool.

New Loka: Hey, they're not harming anyone, and the purity they speak of might as well be ideological instead of genetic.

Arbiters of Hexis: We don't know who they are, and what is their real goals. I'd keep an eye on them.

Suda senpai: Inhuman, selfish. Don't trust.

Red Veil: They wish to burn everything THEY see corrupt. Who says they won't decide the Tenno are corrupt, or a random human colonies are? Also, they say that no price is too high, no blood is too precious, and that basically means you're expendable for them.

Edited by Jucesar
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Cephalon Suda

Know everything doesn't solve conflict

Also why should I trust something that doesn't even alive?

Arbiter of Hexis

Doesn't believe that Tenno is a mythical warrior?

Why should I be with some group that seeing me just like a normal human?

What truth did they seek?

What's their goal?


Conversely, why should you trust something that is alive?


The Arbiters don't believe that the Tenno should only be mythical warriors. There is nothing about their ideology that indicates they only see us as "normal humans"; rather, they believe we can transcend the warrior identity, and become something more than that. It's rather (read: definitely, obviously) clear when you listen to their intro dialogue.

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Steel Meridian: I like their cause and the lady's rough toned voice and southern accent. Pretty compassionate.


Red Veil: Pretty violent but they have honor.


Arbiters of Hexis: I like their ideals.




New Loka: Creepy Hippies You no teach what you preach. You don't talk about cleansing if you send Infested after me.



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Steel Meridian - By far my favorite Syndicate. They've denounced the Grineer way and have taken up arms as a force to defend and protect the weak from the great war that is being fought by the Grineer and Corpus. They are more concerned with protecting colonists and pushing back the factions that would prey upon them, than their own well being as they fight the good fight. Helping others is never a bad cause and I see no reason not to support their efforts.


Perrin Sequence - Perrin has started a campaign to create a stable economy through trade and not violence. They've retained a bit of the Corpus quest for profit, but with greater goals in mind over just their own gain. I see them going hand in hand with Steel Meridian. Steel being the muscle to ward off the evils that are plaguing the innocent, while Perrin is the mind that is working to rebuild a better, and economically fair society.


Cephalon Suda - Suda seems the type that does not want anything more in it's existence than to learn. There is a bit of trouble with learning, as you can learn harmful things, but over all I don't see them as being violent in nature and their curiosity is only at a knowledge level and does not have a desire to experience or enact what they learn. Looking at Ordis, a damaged Cephalon, we see a spark of aggression, and we can only assume that his calm, peaceful demeanor is his true self and the damage is causing negative side effects. Over all, if they could own a big book of everything about everything, they'd just slide off into a quiet place and we'd never see them again.


Arbiters of Hexis - Not a whole lot to go on with Hexis. They claim to be after enlightenment, but they also appear to be very secretive which, while not meaning evil, leaves their true nature unclear and thus, are stuck with faith as their grace with the Tenno, over actual trustworthiness.


New Loka - While not on the level of Red Veil, it can be said that New Loka are not fond of others that are not "Pure". A word that can be used loosely to describe things such as genuine, or just someone who agrees with their views. Their order feels more like a cult than anything else and their bitterness for anything that can't be seen as pure human is troubling. The universe is a vast place with all sorts of life. One must be able to accept others as they are with open arms, and not be so focused on ones own. Given that Tenno have been tainted by the void, it is possible New Loka will find them "Unpure" once they've reached their goals.


Red Veil - Any cause thats goal is genocide/peace through violence and uses a loose term like "Corruption" to justify their goals sounds like a group that is thinking with a logic that is not what I would call reasonable. The "Great war" legend of Tenno rebellion can be seen as corruption and instability. The meaning of the word "Corrupt" can be placed on just about any action, depending on the perception it's viewed with. Considering that the majority of Tenno combined support the 5 other factions, I don't see the Veil supporting us once everyone else has been "Cleansed" by their fire.

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As for New Loka I don't really give in what they preach, or who they deem impure. The only thing that I care is restoring the state of Earth to what it once was. Maybe then people don't have to live on colonies anymore.

Edited by YashiroSora
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Well, time to tell what i think of the 6 syndicates. of course top to bottom who i trust the most to least.


Perrin Sequence: a bunch of traders who want to ensure peace through Trade, sure they are Ex-Corpus and we never trusted the Corpus, but Corpus Are corrupted, they want profit, no matter the Cost, Perrin however, they seem different, are different, imagine the war is over, peace ensures, they will be there to rebuild everything, bring the economy back when all that is left are ruins, no matter how much we trust them, we Need them once peace is here.


Steel Meridian: A shame i have to call you an enemy, i respect your goals, defending the weak and innocent is a noble goal, but why exactly are you and perrin enemies? do old traditions die hard? also, you seem biased against the tenno, you think they don't care about the innocent, and those who do prove to you only hear "i was wrong about you"  what is it that you distrust the tenno? when i have to fight your squads, all i feel is sorrow.


Arbiter of Hexis: they want me to go through a mythology upgrade, want me to become even better than what old orokin history tells us, and seem sad if i'm against them, still, do they see us as tools or truly want us to become stronger? they are mysterious and yet...Familiar.


New Loka: what is it you Consider a Pure Human, pure Humanity? some think it's being a human, not a corpus, or grineer, or tenno, i think what they mean is, being a benevolent human like oh so many from our history, the man with tons of money who gave it away, the woman in the poor district, staying with the weak and sick, giving them moral support and staying with them till their last breath, is that what you call pure? tell me, and i may trust you.


Cephalon Suda: an AI, seeking knowledge like a scientist, but knowledge is power, and dangerous, knowledge is a game, the more knowledge you have the more dangerous the game becomes, i seems harmless, only existing to gather information, but...are you a Shodan, a Glados, or a Geth? will you go Haywire or glitch like Ordis, or are you truly a harmless and stable AI? at least, we have one in common, and that is seeking knowledge.


Red Veil: I may have helped you rescue your people who were imprisoned by the corpus and Grineer, but you speak of a cleansing fire and a great purge of corruption, what is corrupted for you? you seem like the kind of person who will gladly attack everyone who is marked corrupted, without even looking if they are truly that what you call em' i'm all for fighting corruption, but i want to know who i deal with, gather the information, before i strike, i ask questions first before shooting.

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Arbiters of Hexis: We know their goals and they do not wish to let the Tenno devolve into nothing more but savage warriors. 


Red Veil: The Red Veil wish to kill everything they view as Corrupt. What's to say they don't see us as Corrupt once everything else has been eradicated.

lol no stop fanboying over hexis they are soo peaceful with their death squads and missions where you have to kill stuff

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Steel Meridian - Trustworthy. Not trying to push any agenda besides protecting civilians.


Red Veil - No. At best, they're Tenno wannabes. At worst, they are the kind of extremists that turn into Stalker. "No blood too precious"? Sorry, there are lines you don't cross.


Perrin Sequence - Worth a shot. Reminds me of Maoyuu Maou Yuusha


Cephalon Suda - Could end up as Shodan/Skynet. Could end up as Lotus/Cortana. Worth a shot.


New Loka - No. Never trust someone promoting "purity". At best, purity = exclusion of the "impure". At worst... That never ends well.


Arbiters of Hexis - No. They're either trying to manipulate the Tenno as their figureheads, or so lacking in their own ideals and goals, that they've latched onto the Tenno as their supposed "ideal". Be yourself, don't try to be someone else. I guess afterschool specials don't exist in the future.

Edited by Ryme
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