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Do You Trust The Lotus?


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Where is your proof she isnt?


Mobile defense mission narration. Remoting into a Void-Tower's cryopod to release Excalibur.

Detecting a ship warping through the void with immediate reaction time. (Archwing quest)

Cold, calculating voice. Devoid of emotion. Very formal speech patterns.

Visual cues inside the background of her portrait when she is speaking, leads me to believe she is a computer construct.

Is ancient, Guided one of the first Mirage frames hundreds of years ago (mirage quest)

With the exception of the two bosses that require extensive triangulation, knows the location, whereabouts, patrol routes, entry codes, background information, and combat doctrine off all major bosses in the origin system for all 3 factions and can recite this knowledge with 100% accuracy and zero delay.

Immediately knew how to counter the cicero toxin

Always knows mission impact on enemy forces

Is always aware of each tenno's action during all missions and provides mission control for each individual Tenno in each cell. (and how many MILLIONS of tenno are deployed simultaneously?)

Guides new Tenno through waking up from Cryo, while at the same time monitoring Veteran tenno in the field.


Unless The Lotus was a name given to several thousand mission controllers... I can't see her being anything BUT a sophisticated AI.

She still could be a human, with a good computer.

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She still could be a human, with a good computer.


While super computer's can handle several conversations at once, i bring this up again



Is always aware of each tenno's action during all missions and provides mission control for each individual Tenno in each cell. (and how many MILLIONS of tenno are deployed simultaneously?)


unless Each individual Tenno. Every player right now, only plays when no one else is, there is no conceivable way for her to stay in real-time communication with the Tenno force. And while per-programed messages could account for normal missions, they'd quickly break under each Assassin (especially the G3, as she pleads with you to extract immediately) or any standard deviation from the norm. (Change of plans, capture targets escaping, rescue targets dying, etc.)


Think of it this way. Say you have the greatest computer in the planet, and 1 million friends to talk to. The computer can handle 1 million chatfeeds with no problem whatsoever, and still possesses enough power to allow you to hack into government systems. How many of those conversations could you personally manage at once? As a human being?

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From available lore she was there at the training of the Tenno, her every action is dedicated to protecting the Tenno. She comforted the first Mirage, lead the Tennonis rebellion.

If she were merely an AI then how and why could she rebel against her Orokin creators? Unless she was like Mendicant Bias, she somehow broke and in her fragmentation becomes something whole and unique. Much like we watched Cortana's rampancy and at the end her meta-transcendence into something more. I believe the Lotus is much like how the Singularity is mentioned by many scientists. Flesh and silicone, man and machine fused into one being.

What we are seeing is the pinnacle of cybernetics. We Tenno are something alien. As the Lotus is something more. Maybe she is Nadia?

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You're referring to the same Lotus that has the Tenno murder hundreds of units in a single mission, despite Tenno being called space ninjas, with ninjas being well known for stealth and not mass killings with machine guns, the same Lotus who has us hunt down powerful figures in established governments for parts to make more Tenno, who sends the Tenno on missions to "redirect" ships to who knows where, then somehow extremely similar ships are found with an Infestation problem, a problem that can be solved by calling in the Tenno exterminators, and the same Lotus that has you chase down little known, essentially faceless middle men in each faction and rip the soul from their still writhing body? Not to mention the rescue missions, where you "save" mask wearing criminals protected by hundreds of guards in a maximum security prison that only holds one or two prisoners? Yeah, "she" seems like an alright gal.
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You're referring to the same Lotus that has the Tenno murder hundreds of units in a single mission, despite Tenno being called space ninjas, with ninjas being well known for stealth and not mass killings with machine guns, the same Lotus who has us hunt down powerful figures in established governments for parts to make more Tenno, who sends the Tenno on missions to "redirect" ships to who knows where, then somehow extremely similar ships are found with an Infestation problem, a problem that can be solved by calling in the Tenno exterminators, and the same Lotus that has you chase down little known, essentially faceless middle men in each faction and rip the soul from their still writhing body? Not to mention the rescue missions, where you "save" mask wearing criminals protected by hundreds of guards in a maximum security prison that only holds one or two prisoners? Yeah, "she" seems like an alright gal



the word "Ninja" is quite flexable in its meaning. The biggest point towards our ninjaness is that we generally leave no trace... or no survivors. And that we can do 100:1 no problem

For every other point (digitizing capture targets, rerouting ships to possible infested areas, breaking out wanted criminals) its all about balance.

By feeding infestation, we keep it a thread to both of the other factions, so they arent focused solely on Us. We also have to keep their war going, as one side could turn ALL OF THEIR RESOURCES onto us and wipe us off of the table. Capture Targets are Digitized to be released later to be interrogated for enemy information to assist us in our cause.


And for the Rescue Targets... Ever played StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty?

James Raynor was a wanted terrorist, murderer, and secessionist by the empire he was struggling to topple, because it was built on lies, greed, and a complete disregard for the common man.

So many other revolutionaries are painted as killers and felons. The only thing that separates them from heros is whoever is left standing in the end. I doubt Lotus would want deranged Killers working with Tenno. I mean, even the Red Veil is Surgical in their want to cleanse impurity.



We are the good guys is we are fighting to actively keep the big three from harming innocent lives. Hell, I'd think thats why Steel Meridian wants to help us.

Our Actions benefit the unseen civilians.

The only reason we'd be remembered as criminals, and betrayers... is if the Grineer and Corpus win.

For this "Balance" I will always trust the lotus. Whether it is the right path... well, thats why I support Arbiters of Hexis


EDIT: Okay, this 'as is' editor is a little silly, I cant get the color to go back to normal.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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I wish they made her visually better. I just dont like how she has a part human face covered with a futuristic oculus rift. Either have a full pretty human face, have an alien face or be complete robotic/cyborg. They can have a blend of both human and cyborg but to me they didnt do a good job.

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Actually, tenno is weakest among the 3 factions (Grineer, Corpus and Tenno), All those faction boss are slain a lot of tenno already, while our player is the only success to slain them. 

Tenno is luckier because of they are able to access Void technology, which rule the system before. That make all 3 factions balanced. 

Too many question to solve before we can even decide to betray Lotus. I still choose to believe her words.

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As Vor said "We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void." The Prophet is The Lotus, Orokin called Vor to protect the Void against the Tennos from desecrating the place "Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm." 

Deal with it, we're the true Terrorists here. They all work together just to stop us. Lotus is brainwashing us, when we we're still in the pod we really don't know whats happening outside, even if Vor captured us he'll do the same or he will tell the TRUTH?

What do you think why Stalker betrayed Lotus? Maybe its because he already knows the truth about the war, he doesn't want to be with them anymore, even in weapons that's why he forged his own... The Despair, Hate and Dread. He wants revenge, He wants to repay from what he once did to the Grineers & Corpus that's why He's hunting us when we kill a boss coz he's protecting them against us. 

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I'd be very disappointed if she turned out to have something sinister going on, it would be such a cliche. 


Sometimes it's nice to have something that turns out to be just what it says on the tin. 


I'd like to know more about her though, that's for sure, and maybe meet her in person (provided she's not an AI, which is possible).

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I wouldnt trust anyone who only notices the fridge is open after I slipped and slid and killed 50+ enemies.

Also I wouldnt be surprised if the twi. Queens are triplets and they dont get along with this one. Ai yattayatta but it would be funny.

Edited by RXZ71
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