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My Fear For Warframe..


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Is that the masses of people who complain that everything does not get handed to them outweighs the voices of people who understand that difficulty is what makes the game.. well, a game.


I haven't taken to the forum much, however because I read hotfixes and attend every single primetime and devstreams I keep up with whats going on in the Warframe community really well.


Since the inclusion of update 15, I have been silent, but frustrated with the changes that have been made regarding certain aspects of the game.


When I heard that DE responses actively to players I understood it as a really great game company being on top of bugs and reasonable changes. What caught me by surprise was the amounts of changes that are coming about because... simply people complain too much. 


Entirely too much about things that shouldn't be complained about.

Specifically talking about the acquisition process of Mesa, The new infested MOAs difficulty, the changes to mesa's nightmare mode mission. Any many other changes.


The Warframe community is spoiled. SUPER spoiled and it's ruining the game for me and I'm sure it is for others. I just read another thread where someone's reasoning for continuously raising a issue was because complaining and whining about it for days on end got the syndicate system changed. 


Is there a better way to have the voices of the players changed? Can we have a little bit stricter cap on what gets changed due to the communities complains? It's taking away from newer content and real issues being fixed. 

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We barely get fixes that are complained about here to begin with.


Silva & Aegis, anyone?


Ruinous Extension not equippable on the Gammacor/Synoid Gammacor came up around the same time as complaints about it's performance. Not fixed yet.


It's really a hit and miss around here. Some really big issues are completely passed, and some small issues are being taken instead.


Sometimes it's the other way round.

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the thing we the community of warframe are like children that want our candy (weapons warframe etc) #$/&ing NOW and i really think that the devs may have been to nice to the community but at the same time its wonderful how much they care and maybe its the fact the we the community dont realize that.

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We barely get fixes that are complained about here to begin with.


Silva & Aegis, anyone?


Ruinous Extension not equippable on the Gammacor/Synoid Gammacor came up around the same time as complaints about it's performance. Not fixed yet.


It's really a hit and miss around here. Some really big issues are completely passed, and some small issues are being taken instead.


Sometimes it's the other way round.



You are right. My concern is more around how things get changed and even addressed in dev stream regarding how majority of the community took issue with something that.. honestly makes the game a little bit more interesting. 


The exception being viver changes affecting the frames. 


More so the Tar Moa being nerfed because people were being one hit. whens the last time your character was one hit from anyone in the game besides stalker? Come on man it's challenges, and some people enjoy that. 

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I feel like issues and fixes resulting in downright gameplay issues should outweigh say.. "mesa cord farming" that's ridiculous. Although it hasn't been changed, look at how many threads are being made to address the farming rather than say... ballisticas's damage in comparison to the other syndicate weapons. 

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Is that the masses of people who complain that everything does not get handed to them outweighs the voices of people who understand that difficulty is what makes the game.. well, a game.


I haven't taken to the forum much, however because I read hotfixes and attend every single primetime and devstreams I keep up with whats going on in the Warframe community really well.


Since the inclusion of update 15, I have been silent, but frustrated with the changes that have been made regarding certain aspects of the game.


When I heard that DE responses actively to players I understood it as a really great game company being on top of bugs and reasonable changes. What caught me by surprise was the amounts of changes that are coming about because... simply people complain too much. 


Entirely too much about things that shouldn't be complained about.

Specifically talking about the acquisition process of Mesa, The new infested MOAs difficulty, the changes to mesa's nightmare mode mission. Any many other changes.


The Warframe community is spoiled. SUPER spoiled and it's ruining the game for me and I'm sure it is for others. I just read another thread where someone's reasoning for continuously raising a issue was because complaining and whining about it for days on end got the syndicate system changed. 


Is there a better way to have the voices of the players changed? Can we have a little bit stricter cap on what gets changed due to the communities complains? It's taking away from newer content and real issues being fixed. 

I agree that removing the nightmare mode made the quest less fun. I think they should have just given a head's up about it. I was certainly surprised and unprepared. I think people were more upset about getting blindsided than about it actually being a nightmare mode mission.


As for making your voice heard? Well...you either formulate a strong post and hope it gains popularity, but that can sometimes be hard. I think the best way is to keep an eye on the community hot topics and always post a well thought out breakdown. Though often the hot topics don't address a majority of the actual issues. Being heard on the forums is just hard in general unless half the community feels the same. Not due to anyone's fault, but just the sheer number of posts they get in a month. Rebecca posted a figure one time. I forget what it was, but it was insane. No way they could respond to all of them.

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Although I agree with the constant complaining, and some stuff the community doesn't even have a right to talk or complain about.


But, altogether, complains have been increasing more and more, and for a good reason, everyone is seeing this game evolving in the wrong direction, we all afraid that this great game we love might just get ruined forever.


This year, 2014, as been a very bad year for warframe, counting all the updates and new features, the bad choices and bad features that were introduced this year, outshine all the good new features that were made.

Edited by 7grims
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LOL it's okay guys. I can take the heat, and I want the discussion to turn here. There should be a designated and more official and efficient output to converge the concerns of game play issues and changes from people to developers. Rebecca's doing a bang up job but sometimes.. things get touched when they shouldn't. 

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Actually I see a lot of people complaining about the game being too easy.

And often complaints are not about the game being HARD...but UNFAIR. For example the horrendous RNG and Timewalls that you face. I rarely see anyone crying about "oh my god the game is too hard"

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the MOA tar pools are still a bit over the top, by wave 20ish on sechura getting hit by one is an instant down on anything but a rhino, even then it does massive damage, theres a difference between difficult and instant unstoppable knockdown, very often they fire from extreme range or with only a tiny view of you with 100% accuracy, never do the pools not hit you dead on unless your moving


and dont stop keep moving is not really a viable answer to this, you sometimes have to stop and fire at a group of enemies, ive taken to using cover from ledges and containers to shield myself from view of the MOA, but its by no means purfect, still its a new mechanic and will take some getting used to

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And they should listen to you instead? Tell me, what are your great ideas, farm 1 month (for 8 hours a day) just to get a level&sell weapon?


Also, what part of "Mesa isn't farm-able" sounds reasonable to you? Obtaining her is pure rng... just like Vauban.

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I suggest you read patch notes. Those you mentioned are only two things. 

There's so many things I only gave what came up off the top of my head. 


Hell, the Castanas shared sniper ammo cap "feature" is still around. I don't use the Castanas or plan to at all.

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No sane company would ever listen to its customers, it would be complete suicide: the customer is (almost) always wrong. 


To be more precise: the customer is never wrong about the quality of his or her experience, but they're nearly always wrong in their hypothesese about the causes and conditions of their experience (why it was the way it was).  When people complain about something, the fact that they're unhappy naturally has to be registered as a datum, but only the company itself can properly understand the cause of their complaint and how to fix it.


Generally, with games, there are always two camps of whiners: those who find the game too easy and want to make it harder, and those who find it too hard and want to make it easier.  A company is doing well when it's getting whines from both camps, that probably means the game is pitched about right, because the truth is, a game needs to have an ebb and flow of easier bits and harder bits.  The easier bits make you feel godly, the harder bits make the game challenging and rewarding.  You need both.


Any similarity between what DE produces and what people have been whining about is sure to be coincidental.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Actually I see a lot of people complaining about the game being too easy.

And often complaints are not about the game being HARD...but UNFAIR. For example the horrendous RNG and Timewalls that you face. I rarely see anyone crying about "oh my god the game is too hard"



No one has directly come out their mouths and said "its too hard" but for example when the new system fo lephantis and alad v relating difficulty to the conclave of players who challenged them. It got nerfed because people were complaining. 


The nightmare mode for mesa's quest is another example


Eximus squads believe it or not were being complained about. 


People were complaining about the grineer mobs who take your weapons. Like come on guys!

And they should listen to you instead? Tell me, what are your great ideas, farm 1 month (for 8 hours a day) just to get a level&sell weapon?


Also, what part of "Mesa isn't farm-able" sounds reasonable to you? Obtaining her is pure rng... just like Vauban.


Vauban comes in purely alerts.


You can buy coords for mesa. You can buy keys, you can run with friends. 

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Honestly I wondered about this issue but I already knew the answer.


The answer is, it's the will of the community to have such things, therefore, it happens.


If the majority of the volume comes from something, that is what will be heard. I've stated this in a vid I did after Vivergate for example, and at that same time wondered what I should do with being part of this game's community. I enjoy the game, but I don't always aligned with the majority of thoughts tht spring up on the forums.


Maybe I just don't belong in this community, that's what I've been thinking a lot lately. And honestly it's more about HOW people make "requests" and less about the changes being made. Most of the "requests" are more like tantrums that get the Dev's attention, praise, and recognition in the community.


If I'm the one thinking that the constant changes without thought that are made due to "well expressed and loudly concerned players", are really bad reactionary measures, to give what the vocal community wants, then maybe I have my answer.


On the other hand, it is just a video game. Remembering this is what makes me take a step or five back and recognize how much I'm bothering over something that I find to be fun. Sometimes, it's best to just step away....

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But, altogether, complains have been increasing more and more, and for a good reason, everyone is seeing this game evolving in the wrong direction, we all afraid that this great game we love might just get ruined forever.


This year, 2014, as been a very bad year for warframe, counting all the updates and new features, the bad choices and bad features that were introduced this year, outshine all the good new features that were made.


I wouldn't be too sure about that. You can't objectively say Warframe is moving in the wrong direction, just like I can't objectively say it's moving in the right one. And it's not even like the majority of the forums agree with that sentiment, and even if they did it would still only be a tiny portion of this game's playerbase (which has grown quite a bit in 2014).


There's so many things I only gave what came up off the top of my head. 


Hell, the Castanas shared sniper ammo cap "feature" is still around. I don't use the Castanas or plan to at all.


I wasn't saying that there are no bugs currently unfixed...but seriously, read the patch notes. The volume of bugs getting fixed is huge. I mean, just the other day they fixed a long standing issue with Ember, as well as one with invasions. 

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Honestly I wondered about this issue but I already knew the answer.


The answer is, it's the will of the community to have such things, therefore, it happens.


If the majority of the volume comes from something, that is what will be heard. I've stated this in a vid I did after Vivergate for example, and at that same time wondered what I should do with being part of this game's community. I enjoy the game, but I don't always aligned with the majority of thoughts tht spring up on the forums.


Maybe I just don't belong in this community, that's what I've been thinking a lot lately. And honestly it's more about HOW people make "requests" and less about the changes being made. Most of the "requests" are more like tantrums that get the Dev's attention, praise, and recognition in the community.


If I'm the one thinking that the constant changes without thought that are made due to "well expressed and loudly concerned players", are really bad reactionary measures, to give what the vocal community wants, then maybe I have my answer.


On the other hand, it is just a video game. Remembering this is what makes me take a step or five back and recognize how much I'm bothering over something that I find to be fun. Sometimes, it's best to just step away....



You know, I completely agree with you.. however not so much on the part to leave warframe alone. I actually.. (judge me as you may readers) love this game. No solely in it's construction and how I feel when I play but the community environment, how the producers and developers work, their social presence, the design leaps, the decisions made, the marketing, the focus on the players. A lot of this game I love. So I have invested in it, you know?


I put money into the game on several occasions because I dont mind supporting DE and in turn getting things that would allow me to enjoy the game more. 

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