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I Dearly Hope The Soma Prime Isn't More Powerful Than The Other Prime Weapons.


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I'd rather see enemies scale in more interesting ways, such as increased accuracy, awareness, using abilities more often, using more varied weapons, etc....as opposed to what we have now which merely amounts to just adding tacking on HP and damage to make them more "challenging" and calling it a day.


The Grineer Trooper you can easily kill on Mercury is a real bullet sponge once you start hitting higher level maps, which is just a bit silly and only helps perpetuate the weapon problems we have.

I like how you think.


But you also pretty much said "I need better weapons to deal with things on higher leveled maps", which was my point entrily, albeit I was being a wiseass about it.

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True - but my overall point is that we shouldn't need better (read higher damage) weapons to progress pass higher level maps. I can't help but think that should require skill and persistence rather than relying on yet another new weapon that will probably overshadow everything that came before it.

Edited by MirageKnight
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As long as warframe revolves around reducing enemy health points to 0, "better" weapons are always going to be desired.

That said, soma prime is going to be "better" or no one would give a short about prime access. (IE scindo prime)

What's actually OP are the mods but everyone just collectively turns a blind eye.

So as far as weapons go, soma p being the new boltor p would be nice for a change, as long as we get new spiritual successors to older things. (IE Tiberon, Opticor)

Edited by Deviantis
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I'm pretty sure that PvP is near the bottom on DE's list of priorities.


What's wrong with the invincibility reworks?


Power creep is just the negative and buzzword-esque way of saying power progression. Power progression is not inherently bad. The issue is that DE hasn't set up a clear tier list so everyone just arbitrarily draws lines and and compares weapons that are clearly not on the same tier.

Whether its on their priority list or not its irrelevant


Its not balanced


For the longest time invincibility wasnt either which was my point


Power progression is fine until we go far beyond the enemy


Then its just power creep for the negative gain

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Whether its on their priority list or not its irrelevant


Its not balanced


For the longest time invincibility wasnt either which was my point


Power progression is fine until we go far beyond the enemy


Then its just power creep for the negative gain


I quoted two of your posts for a reason.


DE decided they wanted to go in a different (few situations of true invulnerability) direction, I don't see why you're bringing that up. Prior to them deciding to purge it, it wasn't all that bad, not when so many frames had it.


No, then it is still power progression, the issue is that at that point the content needs to catch up (which it has technically already done via endless game modes but those are certainly not what the game should be balanced around).

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Dont make me bring my 7 forma mk1 to wave 40 of t4 def once again...

But w8, we have latron, braton, boltor, burston and boar from prime primaries.

why boltor is 30% stronger than any other prime rifle and 15% stronger than boar and trivializes all content that is supposed to be balanced??

You say that soma should be even better to trivialize content which de doesnt even want to balance for??

No one ever want for mk1 to be as good as boltor.

What ppl want is for primes to be at least close to each other in terms of power, syndicate weapons being close to each other in terms of power, for clan tech to be at least close to each other in terms of power, for argon requiring weapons to be closer to each other in terms of power and finally all other weapons except mk1s being close to each other in terms of power.

Thats what tiering is and you might not really know it, since it never existed in warframe.

So what is the point of you complaining about a soma prime before it is even out if your mk1 braton is so powerful? If your MK1 Braton is that wonderful then surely you can turn any lowly weapon into a corrupted shredding force of destruction right? And if that's the case then there is no point in you starting this thread.

Also Who are these "people" you speak of and who are you too collectively know "what people want" and be able to speak out on their behalf. It just sounds like your disgruntled to me and basically asking for DE to nerf the Boltor Prime and make the Soma Prime weak before it even makes an appearance. I know you have certainly missed the mark on what i want.

Edited by (PS4)NavajoShaman
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I quoted two of your posts for a reason.


DE decided they wanted to go in a different (few situations of true invulnerability) direction, I don't see why you're bringing that up. Prior to them deciding to purge it, it wasn't all that bad, not when so many frames had it.


No, then it is still power progression, the issue is that at that point the content needs to catch up (which it has technically already done via endless game modes but those are certainly not what the game should be balanced around).

Youre arguing for unvulnerability and infinite content here


Im hoping you dont want scaling powers as well because thats just a flatline for every game mode on near every level


Min/max because you dont have to worry about dying or CC


Just dont get touched by that thing that eats your powers because thats the only way to die


Power creep earned its name and negativity for a reason


What were in isnt a progression


Its a creep and im not going to argue this further

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Whether its on their priority list or not its irrelevant


Its not balanced


For the longest time invincibility wasnt either which was my point


Power progression is fine until we go far beyond the enemy


Then its just power creep for the negative gain

Cept we're not beyond the enemy, we're actually struggling agesnt them, and people keep thinking stuff needs nerfs instead of buffs. Its unbalanced, yeah, in the othersides favor.

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Cept we're not beyond the enemy, we're actually struggling agesnt them, and people keep thinking stuff needs nerfs instead of buffs. Its unbalanced, yeah, in the othersides favor.

I havnt seen a defense yet that couldnt be massively trivialized with RD + vauban


Even with the new corpus units its still possible to trivialize enemies this way


Though at the very least its much more difficult


If you feel youre behind the enemy you might want to step back and rethink your builds

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People who whine about Boltor must all be noobs who don't play surv t4 beyond wave 30... seriously. And people are pissed off because Boltor Prime can be used by low rank players? Frack, how are people even supposed to level up and progress in this game if they can't even have decent weapons to start with?

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Youre arguing for unvulnerability and infinite content here


Im hoping you dont want scaling powers as well because thats just a flatline for every game mode on near every level


Min/max because you dont have to worry about dying or CC


Just dont get touched by that thing that eats your powers because thats the only way to die


Power creep earned its name and negativity for a reason


What were in isnt a progression


Its a creep and im not going to argue this further


No, I'm actually not. Re-read my post.


I'm going to strike through all the irrelevant bullcrap that I never said or argued in favor of that you're attempting to pin on me in what seems like some sort of shoddy poisoning the well scheme.


Power creep got its negative connotation from people like you who spam it in conversations in an attempt to garner support for your side via the assumption that power progression (power creep) is inherently bad and anything tied to it must also be bad. 


Good, because you're completely wrong.

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No, I'm actually not. Re-read my post.


I'm going to strike through all the irrelevant bullcrap that I never said or argued in favor of that you're attempting to pin on me in what seems like some sort of shoddy poisoning the well scheme.


Power creep got its negative connotation from people like you who spam it in conversations in an attempt to garner support for your side via the assumption that power progression (power creep) is inherently bad and anything tied to it must also be bad. 


Good, because you're completely wrong.

Power creep came from countless game where players progressed but the game didnt progress enough with it


You know that as well as i do


Until recently warframe has been long in this state and thats why its negative


Endless game modes arent actually endless


Theyre supposed to end but the power creep i keep mentioning to you allows us to go further than intended

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Power creep came from countless game where players progressed but the game didnt progress enough with it


You know that as well as i do


Until recently warframe has been long in this state and thats why its negative


Endless game modes arent actually endless


Theyre supposed to end but the power creep i keep mentioning to you allows us to go further than intended


Watch this:




"Power progression came from countless game where players progressed but the game didnt progress enough with it
You know that as well as i do
Until recently warframe has been long in this state and thats why its negative
Endless game modes arent actually endless
Theyre supposed to end but the power progression i keep mentioning to you allows us to go further than intended"
Two changes, totally different feel. Also, I completely disagree with you.
Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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People who whine about Boltor must all be noobs who don't play surv t4 beyond wave 30... seriously. And people are &!$$ed off because Boltor Prime can be used by low rank players? Frack, how are people even supposed to level up and progress in this game if they can't even have decent weapons to start with?

first off, survival does not have waves, most people who say the boltor prime is op and it is are people who can take weaker weapons and do whatever you are talking about. no prime weapon ever had twice the base damage of its original version, none, not to mention all the perks that came with it. the boltor prime is not a decent weapon it is a top tier weapon and by that it should be at the end or there of of a players progression not at the beginning. how did everyone else get to higher mr and endless waves before it? this must be a troll post.

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Watch this:




Two changes, totally different feel. Also, I completely disagree with you.


Youre confusing the two and ive already explained why


It gained negative use because enemies didnt balance in properly (Power creep)


Im not here to argue useless semantics with you either


A power creep is a power creep whether you want to call it an apple or an orange

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People who whine about Boltor must all be noobs who don't play surv t4 beyond wave 30... seriously. And people are &!$$ed off because Boltor Prime can be used by low rank players? Frack, how are people even supposed to level up and progress in this game if they can't even have decent weapons to start with?

You must be new here. Could I just point out some of the flaws in your argument? 



You're not a noob if you don't bother with 30 MINUTES of T4

Maxed Boltor prime makes the first 40 minss of t4 survival boringly easy. 40-45 mins are alright. Past that everything's still easy to kill: it's just that you're too fragile.  

Difficulty in this game is (well, new infested do help) almost entirely down to numbers. Saturn isn't harder than mercury: It just requires higher numbers. T1 isn't harder than t3: It's just down to numbers. If it werent for overpowered stuff like the boltor prime: T4 wouldn't be a thing: T1,2 and 3 might have gotten more attention though. 


"How are people supposed to progress if they've got objectively the best weapons from the start. Each new item they receive is therefore a downgrade and a regression rather than progression. 

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Youre confusing the two and ive already explained why


It gained negative use because enemies didnt balance in properly (Power creep)


Im not here to argue useless semantics with you either


A power creep is a power creep whether you want to call it an apple or an orange


They are two sides of the same coin. One is generally accepted as being positive while the other has a negative connotation.


No, it gained its negative connotation exactly as I explained.


A buzzword is a buzzword.

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They are two sides of the same coin. One is generally accepted as being positive while the other has a negative connotation.


No, it gained its negative connotation exactly as I explained.


A buzzword is a buzzword.

Power creep(its not progression and ill explain why) is the thing here.


Only 1 thing in game actually gets better with every patch.

That is weapon dmg.


Enemies dont get stronger though they get more varied with recent additions.

Our powers get stronger only if new mod is given, which happened at u15 with transient previously on u10 with blind rage and even earlier at u7 with mods 2.0. We however get new stronger weapons every update.

Our hp/shields/armor didnt increase since dual mods were added with vigor, which is also really weak.


Tell me why is there not even a single frame ability that can match dps with even karak.

Because only 1 aspect of our arsenal progressed leaving everything behind. 


If we get better at tanking, our space magic gets stronger and we receive missions which are actually balanced around our stats, then ill call it a progression.

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Power creep(its not progression and ill explain why) is the thing here.


Only 1 thing in game actually gets better with every patch.

That is weapon dmg.


Enemies dont get stronger though they get more varied with recent additions.

Our powers get stronger only if new mod is given, which happened at u15 with transient previously on u10 with blind rage and even earlier at u7 with mods 2.0. We however get new stronger weapons every update.

Our hp/shields/armor didnt increase since dual mods were added with vigor, which is also really weak.


Tell me why is there not even a single frame ability that can match dps with even karak.

Because only 1 aspect of our arsenal progressed leaving everything behind. 


If we get better at tanking, our space magic gets stronger and we receive missions which are actually balanced around our stats, then ill call it a progression.


What is a game with a solid progression system (choose an RPG with leveled enemies)? Have one in mind? Now, take the rest of the leveled content out of the game except for the lowest level enemies. Does that progression of power suddenly turn into power creep? No, it doesn't. It is just ill-supported by the rest of the game. What makes this game different from the example game (depends on the game you chose) is that Warframe isn't technically finished (it is a beta) and is thererfore not going to have reached its end as far as content goes. What DE has done (and continues to do) is sate the fanbase by continuously releasing new weapons (some stronger, most weaker) while they slowly work on trying to get the rest of the game's content caught up. As much as most of us don't seem to want to admit it, our weapons haven't technically outpaced the game's content as endless missions do exist. It is power progression.

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