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Vaykor Marelok......


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Why has Vaykor Marelok, same Psychical DMG as the normal one ?

while Synoid Gammacor has like twice the dmg or so ? 

I mean......a bit more crit and status on marelok isnt bad...but its minor difference...

I hoped for much more from super marelok

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It's a Marelok, it's already super. If syndicate weapons are supposed to be of a certain strength (looking at you Rakta Ballistica), then the Gammacor had a lot more distance to cover than the Marelok in the upgrade process. A little extra crit, status, and magazine size was all they could really offer the Marelok because it flat out didn't need anything else.

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It's a Marelok, it's already super. If syndicate weapons are supposed to be of a certain strength (looking at you Rakta Ballistica), then the Gammacor had a lot more distance to cover than the Marelok in the upgrade process. A little extra crit, status, and magazine size was all they could really offer the Marelok because it flat out didn't need anything else

Marelok could use more puncture......I mean the Vaykor has 160 total dmg, but it has more impact than normal one, but less slash than the normal one....so why not take Vaykor, lower slash to liek 10 or 20, and buff puncture ? 

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The base damage types are pretty irrelevant with numbers that high. Heck, that's just as true for the Synoid Gammacor with its goofy base Magnetic. Even without any extra puncture, both Mareloks will still take down any Grinner/armored Void target easily. If anything, the Vaykor's major impact focus is only going to make it stronger when the 120% impact mods inevitably come out.

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If anything, the Vaykor's major impact focus is only going to make it stronger when the 120% impact mods inevitably come out.

Math time!

If a weapon has 100 impact damage only, then an impact mod would give it 120 more damage.

If a weapon has 80 slash and 20 impact, then an impact mod would give it 24 more damage.

Unless the weapon is 60% or more impact, it will not benefit from such a mod, and Vaykor's ratio is 58% 60% impact.

Edited for morning math mistake

Edited by Archistopheles
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Well, the math may not be perfect but his point is correct.


It's more like 80% of base damage needed before the 120% mods become viable alternatives.


96 x 120% = 115.2 extra damage from an impact mod.

160 x 90% = 144 extra damage from a 90% elemental mod.


If the Vaykor had 80% impact, the calculation would be :


128 x 120% = 153.6 (so, just under 80% base damage bias is where these new damage mods become useful).

Edited by Egg_Chen
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The buff to magazine size is awesome, you don't even know.  Plus the 5% extra crit adds to the dps as well.  It also requires less status boost mods for max status.  Also, the Syndicate proc that adds 3 more benefits.  


This gun is fine as is.


If anything, the Vaykor's major impact focus is only going to make it stronger when the 120% impact mods inevitably come out.


Using those 120% slash/puncture/impact mods is a bad idea in this case.  



Unless the weapon is 60% or more impact, it will not benefit from such a mod, and Vaykor's ratio is 58% impact. Womp, womp :(


To be on par with a 90% element mod, you would need 75% base of that damage type.

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so why not take Vaykor, lower slash to liek 10 or 20, and buff puncture ? 

because no matter how you spread your Damage, somebody won't like it for their playstyle preferences.




as for calculating Physical Mods, ultimately, Elementals are better unless a Weapon is like, 90%+ weighted into a Physical Type.

because when i do the math, i include expected Enemy Resistances and Weaknesses. Physical Damage is just about always neutral or a small bonus, while single Elementals are usually going to be small or medium bonuses, and if you allow combo's to compare, large bonuses.


75% weighted brings the Damage about even... on paper. but not in the actual game. and the actual game is all that matters.

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... except you never mentioned the other event mods.

That's why we're still discussing it :P


Barrel Diff

Lethal T

Impact Event mod

90% elemental x 4

Top build for pure number pr0n. Like taiiat said, the actual resistances are heavily skewed against impact/physical damage.

Edited by Archistopheles
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The crazy thing about the Vaykor Marelok is that it only even needs 2 status mods to get up to like 98% with multishot considered (lol 35% base status), so amusingly there are 3 mod slots on it that are totally up for debate.


with 4 damage/status mods every single bullet (that means 3-4 fired per shot) have >100% status proc chance, add seeker -> column of enemies  in perma-stagger (or even blast if you mod it for blast/corrosive) and damage x 5 (the number of enemies it will hit)

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Why has Vaykor Marelok, same Psychical DMG as the normal one ?

while Synoid Gammacor has like twice the dmg or so ? 

I mean......a bit more crit and status on marelok isnt bad...but its minor difference...

I hoped for much more from super marelok


This is valid because all factions are ever so annoyed by that accursed magnetic damage lol.

"Vaykor Marelok will release an AoE radial blast that deals 18px-Blast_b.png Blast damage and staggers enemies for Finisher attacks, restores 25% of the Warframe's maximum Health, and temporarily buffs maximum Armor by 25% for 30 seconds."

"if it activates while the player is downed, JUSTICE will revive the player"

some say 25% of overall = better for low armor frames, a 1260 valkyr goes up to 1575

+100% base = amazing for armor heavy frames, a 1260 valkyr goes up to 1860.

Clip went up 4, and your issue is quality of life for this gun?

You don't call that super? ...


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