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Update 15.5.8 Still No Ability To Craft Multiple Of The Same Item


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Forma is one of those items that is used for everything, and to wait for 24 hours to craft just ONE is ridiculous.

Please make them 8-12 hours tops.


I am not upset about grinding and RNG but the huge TIME WALL between items that shouldn't take that long to craft, come on DE you're not in baby alpha stage anymore.


I would also like the change of warframes to be limited to one day and it's individual parts to 12 hours.


Support your timelord, thank you.



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Well, let's put it this way. DE needs to make money. after all, it is a company, and cannot survive without it. If you were able to build multiple at once, that would diminish the time-wall specifically set up to make money. If you want things faster than 24 hours at a time, go to trade and get some plat to rush things or buy it yourself.


Just a small disclaimer, I used to support this idea until I got a basic grasp on business theory. With a F2P game, it is much harder to make money than another kind of game because you can have people who play your games that don't pay anything. Time walls are mere... encouragement for payment, shall we say.

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Pay-or-Wait is a very cheap and poor way to gain revenue. If DE wants people to spend money in their game, inconveniencing the players is one of the worst ways to go. If anything, it pushes new players away. I just hoped that DE getting new shareholders would decay their income strategies, if even a little bit.


For example, when you go to your arsenal, you see everything you have...and everything you COULD have. With a nice, shiny platnum tag on the corner. In my opinion, that crap should just stay in the market. It already tells you in the market screen if you have one or not. (e.g. 1 owned) No need to clutter the space with worthless stuff you're not going to buy in the arsenal anyway.

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Well, let's put it this way. DE needs to make money. after all, it is a company, and cannot survive without it. If you were able to build multiple at once, that would diminish the time-wall specifically set up to make money. If you want things faster than 24 hours at a time, go to trade and get some plat to rush things or buy it yourself.


Just a small disclaimer, I used to support this idea until I got a basic grasp on business theory. With a F2P game, it is much harder to make money than another kind of game because you can have people who play your games that don't pay anything. Time walls are mere... encouragement for payment, shall we say.

With the amount of success DE has so far, money is not a problem for them, this time wall was implemented somewhere around launch because it was relatively new, now that we are at this point in time, Warframe being a succesful game and all, I think they should alter this feature to not put people off by long timers.


This would of been fine at the start, but now with a huge fanbase that Warframe accumulated, this will put people off and force you to pay out of frustration, which in my opinion, isn't healthy for a large community.


Especially for anyone who's trying to start playing, he/she joins and she works hard to craft a weapon only to realise it will take a day to be able to use it, which then brings a chance of making that player not wishing to continue until after that weapon is done, but more often than not they don't feel coming back.

Edited by Demo102
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We need:


1- A queue


Objects still build one by one, but you already put that 4 formas, 50 big energy restores or whatever on a queue so you dont have to worry about for some time


2- An option to send finished objects automagically to your inventory when building finishes, and removal of several confirmation messages when picking stuff by hand ("X thing has been sent to your inventory" thing, complete with ultraflashy effect)


Thats all i want.


Your suggestion makes sense, but i doubt it will happen for reasons stated above. 


Edit: Ultraninjaed

Edited by Zafarrancho
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I wouldn't even ask for a "multicraft" system. All I need is a queue system so that it can automatically craft another forma when 1 is finished cooking.

That also would be sufficient as a stepping stone to a better system in the future.

Edited by Demo102
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Explain to me why you need forma faster than once per day on a regular basis. Also, can't you just stockpile the built forma beforehand? As for warframes, it's not like you have to build them all the time. 


I'm just having a hard time why people have such a hard time with the current waiting period. I think the suggested queuing system is a good QOL suggestion though.

Edited by EetNotErn
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Explain to me why you need forma faster than once per day on a regular basis. Also, can't you just stockpile the built forma beforehand? As for warframes, it's not like you have to build them all the time. 


I'm just having a hard time why people have such a hard time with the current waiting period. I think the suggested queuing system is a good QOL suggestion though.

why ? you know MOST  of warframes and weapons require at least 3 forma to be viable i dont know at which point you are in game but leveling stuff is easy enough to put 3 formas on 1 weapon a day so why would i want to wait 3 days just for my warframe to equip maxed mods ? or weapons like paris p you will have to put 3 forma at least now amount of frames and weapons multiplied by 3 ( one day/forma ) i would rahter not play the game until all those formas built that means de will loose a plat buyer and an active gamer. there you go an EXPLANATION . multi craft would be good queue also with queue i would first farm those rare resources enough for a month and then good bye warframe 

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I would like to see this applied to formas, potatoes and possibly Vay Hek triangulators. Forma specifically, I feel like the blueprints are too common and formas themselves are very needed as to make a frame viable for late game missions, as well as to craft certain items (dojo weapons mostly), with that said obtaining a forma (built) should be easier, I too think 24 hours for one forma is pretty annoying, I'm fine with the rest

Also, aren't warframe parts already required 12 hours to craft, each ?

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People rush stuff so why should they change those timers? Multiable items with stacking timers would be fine.

People pay 10 plat to rush a blueprint that costs 20 p to buy a whole forma in the market?

Crafting a forma total is cost: 20 p each for rare resource... You get the idea.

Sorry if it's off topic, but this seems like madness.

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