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Do You Guys Remember?: "void Will Be A Unique Place For Players"


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Well that quote isn't exactly word by word but anybody who was there knows what I mean...



Taken from U8:

-An exciting new tile-set hidden within a dimensional fold!
-Players can buy or loot Void Keys to open up exciting loot runs in the Ancient Orokin Towers."
Well a year and half later here we are and what is the void? Certainly not a secret and absolutely not exciting.
Please DE do not ruin what the void was meant to be, you can still fix it!
To those who don't know when the void was released we are all astonished by it, the shinies were unreal, then more and more shinies came until we got the void.
It went from Orokin Void (which sounds exciting) to just void (which is "a completely empty space." aka dead.)
Just my opinion but to start a discussion, what do you guys think? Happy with what the void has become? No? Why?
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I also remember such classics as:


"the codex will be a place for information, so ppl wont have to get out of the game and into the wiki"

Codex is a backwards info gathering system, and even the current infos are non-essential.


"we will make both regular and prime frames viable and desirable"

Primes have better stats, and more polarities, making the regulars look bad and being inferior.

Edited by 7grims
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Everything becomes mundane with familiarity and repetition. The Void hasn't changed, it's still shiny as F***. It just lost that new car smell.

I see that point, but then there are quite a few things that you do over and over and it doesn't get as tiring. The grid, the sheer grind just makes me say "nope not gonna open that pandora's box"...the Ember Helmet fiasco killed my spirit :/

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At some point they will add new enemies, expand the tile and change that dam strun some void troops carry. Void dudes need their own arsenal.

Agreed. I would like some unique enemies, and some trickier maps. Although I dig the aesthetics of the Void.

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If they made the void a secret and hidden area for loot runs that got us excited, people would call it a grind wall just to farm useless bandaid mastery fodder, the forums would blow up, someone from DE would make an apology thread and the next Wednesday we'd be back to exactly what we have now. Easy to get, easy to play, easy to forget.

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This is in no way, shape, form, or fashion the Dev's fault. This is because of the players. Everything loses excitement if you play it enough. It's still the Orokin void they intended it to be. Besides, if they made it any more difficult to get there, players would whine & complain like they always do the moment they have to put in a little bit of work.


Then they will start throwing math at it like: 

"You have to go through 10+ grind walls just to get into the Void! First I have to make sure I can log into the game because sometimes my internet isn't the best! There is RNG grind wall #1! Then I have to feel like even playing the game! After that, if you multiply DE's Canada location by the amount of credits I currently have, then you add my Kubrow's slash damage to how many keys I own & then find the mean of all the data, it will take me 72 log-ins & 12 matchmakers just to get into the Void! Nerf it now! "


So on & so forth.  


Then it goes on & on & on. The complaints never end. 


That's not say it couldn't use some sprucing up, but it's unexciting for you because you're used to it now. 

Edited by Rexlars
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We just have to quietly wait for that giant serpent in the Derelicts to bust out and become a boss.


Actually... what if that ends up being a boss once swimming becomes a thing?


I... I really want this now.


They should release a portable harpoon cannon then.

Edited by Zafarrancho
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The only way I see the void getting back that mysterious feel is if they either limit you on how many keys you have and way up drop rate in there and mission rewards.  Or perhaps make the void keys harder to get, maybe crafting them takes like 3 days or something but running a void mission would result in insanely good rewards... that would make it exciting again.  Rewards would have to be like no lees than half a mill credits or something if not more and a bunch of rare mods or stances or something legitimately worth doing.  In my opinion something drastic like that will give it back that unique and "Orokin Void" feeling... otherwise its just another place to farm, which is fine too I guess its just lost that secret dungeon feel.

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They should add some void exclusive enemies. Mostly cybernetic being built by the tower to protect itself initially. Before the mind controlling enemies came into play how would the tower defend itself? How would it have captured trespassers to harness them? 

Some kinda interesting enemy might come out that, some kinda mind control mechanism what does not directly do damage, but obscures your vision and drains energy, longer it has chance keep up, it starts slowing your frame and eventually hurting your frame as you are loosing your own will.

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Pretty much everything that's been advertised by DE to be an exciting new thing to explore, placed to see, enemies to fight, loot to... loot, has been remarkably underwhelming.


Orokin Void was amazing when it came out because it promised to be a place where we could see new enemies and get valuable items. The 'new enemies' were retextured old ones, except the Orokin shield drone, and while it's true the 'valuable items' are still available, there's no way the community would have vouched for the system if they knew what a horrible, rng-fueled grindfest it would become.


The same applies to dark sectors, or 'the badlands' as they were once called. A more fitting name considering how bad they are.

When DE first released discussion on it's triad of endgame content early this year, the Badlands were described to be more difficult missions than we were accustomed to, new places to explore, with never-before seen enemies, all made worth it by the powerful and rare rewards that would be found there.

Hardmode: bumped up difficulty by 1-3 levels and made the nodes defense/survival. New places: none, same maps as usual. New enemies: none, except we could fight infested there, which was nice since at the time they had been removed completely. Rewards: nothing new or special, save about 4 channelling mods that were introduced around Melee 2.0


I fully expect the same to happen to Archwing, since so much effort is needed to make Archwings viable, with mods and weapons separate from the rest of the game, and there are so few missions to use them in, and the only rewards are yet more archwing pieces.

In fact, I fully expect ALL massively new systems developed by DE to be rushed out the door and then left to stew, with only a tiny glance every few months.

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Some kinda interesting enemy might come out that, some kinda mind control mechanism what does not directly do damage, but obscures your vision and drains energy, longer it has chance keep up, it starts slowing your frame and eventually hurting your frame as you are loosing your own will.

Perhaps even newer traps. A room that begins to collapse the ceiling on you in a very short amount of time. 


A floating enemy octapus robot thing with the tentacles doing some type of proc from basic fire to magnetic? In order to capture new subjects?

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