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Anyone Else Dissapointed With The New Prime?


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I'm disappointed in all the primes. I hate their higher stats and being forced to play a 70's disco warframe. I hate the gold look on all of the frames.

A prime color pack (or alloy pack or genetic color pack for you few brainwashed lore followers) is long overdue.

I'd love a black/chrome volt. Black gold is nothing but mastery fodder. The problem is, all of the prime frames now have better stats; it's not just weapons anymore.

I'd prefer no prime warframes at all. There is not one better model than the base frames. All of them look sub-par and take away from the game.

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Objectively speaking, this could actually be simply DE's easiest way to quash the rumour that x-Frame cannot be primed once and for all. *insert Vay Hek here for appropriate hamminess*


Nova was, after all, up there for the 'cannot be primed' arguments. Her now imminent Prime shanks that rumour and brings doubt to where the line is drawn; namely, DE says what and what cannot be primed.


Now, personally, I don't really see what the point worrying about it all is. So I now will have 3 Prime Frames to acquire, not 2. An objective increase, can't really complain. I'm actually concerned about how they handle Saryn and Trinity, being two of my favourite frame's to play, as I really don't want to end up in a situation where the Prime is buffed to the point it invalidates using the normal one as it has less going for it.


Other than that...I just hope, in the corner of my being actually capable of comprehending that notion, that when they get around to Valkyr, they don't just make her 'Same, but with gold and white bits on it'. That would be not only plain lazy and well...would beg the question 'So how exactly is she tortured and damaged then?'


Seriously, I've seen some of the lovely pictures of Valkyr Prime concepts that float around the Fan Art sections from time to time. I'd love to see a Valkyrie Prime for the sheer 'damn...the damage was extensive. Let's go cream Alad V again...for reasons...'

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I'm disappointed in all the primes. I hate their higher stats and being forced to play a 70's disco warframe. I hate the gold look on all of the frames.

A prime color pack (or alloy pack or genetic color pack for you few brainwashed lore followers) is long overdue.

I'd love a black/chrome volt. Black gold is nothing but mastery fodder. The problem is, all of the prime frames now have better stats; it's not just weapons anymore.

I'd prefer no prime warframes at all. There is not one better model than the base frames. All of them look sub-par and take away from the game.

I think I remember Reb saying they wouldnt make a metallic/prime color pallet just because we would have people making fake prime weapons or something like that

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I think I remember Reb saying they wouldnt make a metallic/prime color pallet just because we would have people making fake prime weapons or something like that

How can one make fake prime weapon?



If this is true, then this is one of the biggest bullS#&$s for not making something i ever heard.

Edited by RoboDoge
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They said older frames would be more likely to get primed.


And it would have been a female frame anyways, as that is the order.   It's weird that they chose nova instead of trinity, saryn, or banshee who are older female frames, so i would suspect they chose nova because she would sell better.  Which is fine, imo.

But we just got Nyx Prime, so by that logic we should've had a male prime.

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I'm disappointed in all the primes. I hate their higher stats and being forced to play a 70's disco warframe. I hate the gold look on all of the frames.

A prime color pack (or alloy pack or genetic color pack for you few brainwashed lore followers) is long overdue.

I'd love a black/chrome volt. Black gold is nothing but mastery fodder. The problem is, all of the prime frames now have better stats; it's not just weapons anymore.

I'd prefer no prime warframes at all. There is not one better model than the base frames. All of them look sub-par and take away from the game.


It makes sense and it should be retro applied to all the other Primes.


Sure, Primes should be also released with more frequency than now tho...

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