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Who Is The Most Outcasted Frame?


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If I had too rank from least too semi least id say:


1. Ember

2. Banshee

3. Zephyr

4. Hydroid


Then again pretty much all these guys have the least amount of screen time then many other Tenno, heck even Excal has more then they do and I cant see why anyone really ever picks him too begin with. But that's just me.

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What frame needs some love? Who do you not see often in game?

Excalibur is the most loved and the most hated frame. 

He's the first people use, yet the last they want to keep. 

He's the best, yet the worst. 

He's the alpha and the omega. 

Excalibur had birthed all Warframes, and then was thrown aside and forgot. 


Excalibur Master Race. 

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Ember doesn't have a single skill that stands out or remains useful past lvl 20.

Mag... somewhat also needs a bit of love mainly in damage department.


Banshee doesn't need love... it just needs competent people who can appreciate massive damage boost(upwards to 14ish times? nobody else comes even close) sadly it requires aiming... which rhinos with S#&$or prime can't handle and that's where the problem is.


Hydroid is fine... just needs more damage on his abilities... kind of like mag.


Nekros shadows of the dead needs to lose duration... if gooks were alive until they get tanked... every nekro would probably have an orgasm , right there on the spot.


Zephyr is fine... so are most other frames which have at least 2 abilities that excel at something.


Someone just reminded me... vauban isn't really viable anymore due to moas. But that's the problem with DE being anal and introducing broken enemies regardless of wtf it means or who gets shafted into use of S#&$or prime over other things that they actually enjoy...*cough*nullifiers*cough*snipers/bows....

Edited by HiSaZuL
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Ember doesn't have a single skill that stands out or remains useful past lvl 20.


A twenty-meter radial stun that has an almost instant cast isn't useful past level 20? I agree she needs a lot of love, but Accelerant is very useful.

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A twenty-meter radial stun that has an almost instant cast isn't useful past level 20? I agree she needs a lot of love, but Accelerant is very useful.

Saryn #4 stuns... Lokis #4 stuns... Exalibros #4 stuns... would you like me to continue or you get the drift? Torid can perma knockdown.... that stagger effect on embers #2 is like a tear in the ocean...

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Banshee doesn't need help I use her all the time. Sonar is key but much easier to multi cast it to get more than one glowing spot to hit. Silence is a great skill specially the stun effect all enemies who get near have happen. Sonic Boom good for CC and Sound Quake is usefull but you have to know when to use it is all.

The main thing with her is to use competent weapon sets to use in tandem with her abilities. 

Example is using Sonar with a Penta and watch the crits pop up.


The weirdess thing I've seen while playing her was a capture run on Jupiter...we had Three Banshee's in one group o.O  other wise she's a rare bird.

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All ya'll leave Banshee alone - she's fine the way she is! Though she could do with a spruce up visually.


Ember needs some love - boring frame in her current state if you ask me. Only one I've sold cuz I felt she wasn't worth a slot - and that is a shame.


Other than that - the only one crying out for attention is Limbo. Things like the damn bubble preventing pickups at the end of a defense run have got to be addressed.


Someone just reminded me... vauban isn't really viable anymore due to moas. But that's the problem with DE being anal and introducing broken enemies regardless of wtf it means or who gets shafted into use of S#&$or prime over other things that they actually enjoy...*cough*nullifiers*cough*snipers/bows....


He's still totally viable - he's just not "stand on a box for 40 waves" easy mode anymore. Personally, I'm fine with that, I finally get some use outta Bounce!

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Ember. Her only useful skill past low-lvl planets is Accelerant which is not much. She needs some love (a lot actually).


Hydroid is a good area-denial frame, his cc skills seem inferior to Booben's, but are "hitscan" and frame itself is mobile and durable.


Banshee is ok. It is just a niche frame. I also dislike how range mods affect the usability of Silence. I want the range maxed for all other skills, but not for Silence.


Zephyr is awesome. No need to change anything.


I believe that Nekros can use some buff. He is a bit of one-trick-pony and maxing the effectiveness of this trick totally ruins all other skills. Ult used to be a cool move against infested but now it just spreads the swarms.

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Every time i join a t4d, t4md or even t3 stuff i am asked to change my frame to something else since zephyr is weak, even when my conclave is almost 1800

Had to +1.....  MS Z can tank better than Rhino lol  and her Ult in late game can make some great CC  to give some breathing room..

Hope you find host like me who don't care what frame  people use 

Edited by SlapClown
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Ember is the only one that I think needs some help. She's still viable in some ways, but not before a very fun margin. I'd like to see her mechanics fall somewhere between limbo and frost. Not mirroring their abilities but a fun connection between how they work and their usefulness/fun factor.

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Every time i join a t4d, t4md or even t3 stuff i am asked to change my frame to something else since zephyr is weak, even when my conclave is almost 1800

Zephyr's late game really depends on the weapons she has equipped I think as I can score 40-50% of the damage in a defense mission normally with a Conclave of 1300 (my weapons of choice are Dread, Telos Akboltos, and Obex). People will ask me before the mission if I can ghange to something else and I usually fib with "Oh my - frame just got forma'd...this is the best I have". Those who keep me around are very quickly humbled as I can outstrip their Rhino Primes armed with Somas and Boltors.

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Quite surprised no one said Valkyr yet.

Sure, Valkitty has insane armor, hysteria invincibility, crazy melee builds and whatnots, but when have you ever seen any organized party look for one in their squad loadout?

Valkitty's a great frame... For solo. For team play she is outcasted, being overshadowed by pretty much every other frame.

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I never understood why no one runs banshee. I don't like her concept and look myself which is why I don't but in terms of utility...jesus, frame is oppa dendi as hell (for non dota players very op). My friend ran her specced for maximum CC range and he could disable every enemy in range of shooting at you, defense missions were absurdly easy. I mean you could argue that it's not fun doing that but neither is it fun for most people running nekros in survivals.


Zephyr...why would anyone question Zephyr's viability...It was one of the first frames I aimed for (she came out a bit after I started playing) and she's very very powerful. She has absolutely absurd mobility in terms of getting out of dodge, if you have the right mods the divebomb skill can be used as instant cc if you just jump and divebomb, she has a huge ranged damage reduction skill that makes her 2nd or 3rd most tanky behind Rhino (and maybe mag) and her ult is some of the most absurd cc in the game on top of being very good in terms of damage potential. 

Edited by HalcyonH66
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Saryn #4 stuns... Lokis #4 stuns... Exalibros #4 stuns... would you like me to continue or you get the drift? Torid can perma knockdown.... that stagger effect on embers #2 is like a tear in the ocean...

Other frames having a similar crowd control ability makes Ember's useless? By that logic, everyone's crowd control skill is useless and everyone should be chainstomping with four Rhinos. Every frame's CC is useless because someone has a slightly better CC is what you are suggesting.

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Oddly enough... I always 'glare' at a Limbo when I see them even if they are nice.  Usually after the first few minutes I end up being less tense.  Though I cannot help remembering how it was before I could 'roll' out of their banishment and the dread of having one after another join a mission and 'save' me by BANISHING ME for the whole mission where I couldn't do anything  :/


Oh, and being taunted by not being able to pick up any loot... and neither could any of my other team-members when he used his ult.

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You don't see Hydroid so much because he's a nightmare to farm. Many Hydroid players bought him and players who spend plat.. well they're rarest of breeds. He's a good frame IMO, very good.


It´s more that most players farmed him when he was released [ like me], the beacon farming was way easier.

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