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People Already Getting Bored Of Medals?


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i know its stupid question but

can someone pretty please enlighten me a little about these medals things. what do they look like?, can you put one on the frames?, what the do? and how to get them?

thank you for the info.

medallions are collectible objects you can find on syndicate missions. you pick them up and after you finish said mission you go to relay and give them to specific syndicate. there are three types of medallions based on value and rarity.


here are some screenshots i made few day ago where to find them. use loot radar, it helps a lot.




EDIT: clarification: medallions on those screenshots are for Red Veil ans Steel Meridian, other syndicates have different design, but you will recognize them when you find them :)

Edited by turbinea
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The idea is good, and creates more content in each mission, but, in the end, the reward inst worth the time :/

Couldn't be more wrong. It's already been obvious to me that the medallions have set points within a room to spawn. Most of these locations are scattered about while you head toward your objective. Spend the time to learn the spots(loot radar helps massively here) and you'd probably add no more than five minutes more per daily than you already were spending. Given that the tier 3 medallions are anywhere between double and quintuple the base mission award(and are not super rare spawns) it's absurdly worth it.


i know its stupid question but

can someone pretty please enlighten me a little about these medals things. what do they look like?, can you put one on the frames?, what the do? and how to get them?

thank you for the info.

While much of the info's been mentioned: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Syndicate_Medallions has some more info and some screenshots.



Very much this.

Theres too much RNG involved on whether you get a worthwhile reward for your time or not, especially since you could be spending that time on rep farming

Dailies/Medallions don't count for the daily cap. Do them AFTER you rep farm...

Edited by Enepttastic
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medallions are collectible objects you can find on syndicate missions. you pick them up and after you finish said mission you go to relay and give them to specific syndicate. there are three types of medallions based on value and rarity.


here are some screenshots i made few day ago where to find them. use loot radar, it helps a lot.




EDIT: clarification: medallions on those screenshots are for Red Veil ans Steel Meridian, other syndicates have different design, but you will recognize them when you find them :)

thank you kind sir. now i know what im gona look for when i do syndicate mission

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I actually think they're great and I'm not getting bored of them. Running a 15 min Daily worth 2k rep and getting 1.5k medallion rep during and then doing a 25 wave or more defense for 4k rep it is a lot more fun and a lot less burnout-inducing than running a 40-45 wave defense for 6-8k rep every single day. 

40 wawes of T4 defence ~20k syndicate rep with full team and no booster.

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I usually do the syndicate dailies and search for medallions after capping my daily standing, can't help but noticed I got about 100+ common medallions and 30+ uncommon meds and very little rare meds after 5 days of grind. And as Storchenbein said, DE should either buff the points given out by common medallions or at least increase the drop rates for uncommon and rare meds. 

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The idea is good, and creates more content in each mission, but, in the end, the reward inst worth the time :/


Well, basically this. I'm keeping the large one, though. Incase DE buffed the rep reward.


Despite that, it's still a decent fun finding those. Practicing pathfinding and parkour.

But, I only do the search if others in party agreed to that, doing it solo, or with clan mates.

Edited by Lorche
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I like looking for them, but I've gone 40 minutes of searching and only finding 1/3 before.. I've had times of finding every single one too, but even that takes forever, maps are huge and some of those are really well hidden in extremely dark corners that're impossible to see.

It hardly seems worth it, even as someone who always goes to the cap every day, when in my experience all but one have been the lowest tier when doing max rank missions.

On the bright side the high rank one with it's glow was the nicest to find.

I heard something about loot detector seeing them on map, is that true? I'll start searching more if I do have at least a hint towards finding them. (Reading thread, sounds like they do, good to know.)

Well, that makes my outlook on em a lot brighter.

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