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Stalker's Signature Kubrow


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I think it's a good Idea to buff Stalker with a Kubrow when he Spawn in a Mission, and the Kubrow will attack the targets team mate first, while the Stalker is busy with the marked target.

also its nice to add the stalkers signature kubrow design skin on the "What Stalker?" bundle so the 800plat bundle will be worth it.

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This guy still one-shots me when I'm going solo and people keep asking to give him allies/buffs/whatever. What he needs is a proper rework first to make it an interesting fight that scales properly and works just as well against a full cell than against a solo player, then we can start talking about things like these.

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Stalker really needs to be more than just a contest to see who can oneshot each other first. His damage really needs a look before he gets more stuff imo, but stalker kubrow seems like a coolioz idea *o*

I dont think his damage needs to be looked at (personally) but more of his technique pool

As when you are with others, you pretty much cant fail if you are moving

but if you are alone you have a higher chance of losing simply because its harder to keep moving and shooting at the same time

Stalker just doesnt take into consideration that other tenno might be around that one guy


If you want it to be a challenge, I would recommend that Stalker teleports you x meters away from your location once he spawns, as then you will be separated from the group. It might be a little much to pluck a player from game simple due to host migrations and what not but that is also an option. 

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I dont think his damage needs to be looked at (personally) but more of his technique pool

As when you are with others, you pretty much cant fail if you are moving

but if you are alone you have a higher chance of losing simply because its harder to keep moving and shooting at the same time

Stalker just doesnt take into consideration that other tenno might be around that one guy


If you want it to be a challenge, I would recommend that Stalker teleports you x meters away from your location once he spawns, as then you will be separated from the group. It might be a little much to pluck a player from game simple due to host migrations and what not but that is also an option. 


I solo a lot, sometimes moving is a little more problematic, since he is only targeting me, but this idea is awesome! +1 mate

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For all loki players saying he is too hard. HE IS SOO EASY! And all I use is QT. This is what you do, Decoy to distract him and turn invisible and shoot. He wont know where you are.

if stalker i falling for decoy, i seriously question his abilities as an Assassin.

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With all the divided responses, it seems Stalker is working as intended. Obviously not everyone is wrecking him, so there isn't anything wrong with his damage or hitpoints. He already nullifies just about every power.

I wouldn't say that. Most of the people that have an easy time with him are either Loki users, or those that have at least one insanely OP weapon. The fact that he either one shots you or you one shot him is indeed a flaw in his design. Solo players have an especially difficult time with him. At no point does it feel like you stand on even grounds with him. He either towers over you or vice versa. I think it's reasonable to want Stalker to scale better in Solo play.

If Stalker needs a buff in anything, it's his spawn and drop rate. Mods like Serration shouldn't even be in his drop pool.

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For me stalker should have some kubrows or mates (more stalkers?), but according to the teams size, like the hiena pack.

That would give a more balanced challenge instead of a very easy/very hard encounter, like being invaded when soloing with rank <10 gear.

Being invaded, that remembers me Dark Souls. Do you imagine being invaded in the middle of a mission by other player?

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someone mentioned stalker as working as intended



let me say something on topic:


my stalker encounters:

1st: I felt not ready for the solo fight with him so abandoned mission

2nd: he was after some guy in a team never noticed his presence

3rd: he was after my friend - he stayed in one spot while I was smecking his face on hysteria - meanwhile he was pointing with his bow in direction of his target

4th: targeted friend standed (void defence)in very special place and when stalker appeared after him we killed both with laser plate

[phew more sits when he was obliterated by a team before I could do anything real]

N: he atacked me during some soloing on earth infestation outbreak when I was on valkyr - rollfaced him

N+1: he targeted teammate - we killed him in maner smiliar to - "you shall not make even one atack"

N+2 was running void mission on mag prime with friend who was playing freshly formaed nova - it took a while of "where the heck he is" then he teleported to the place in front of us put dread arrow in the face of my firend (effectively killing him)slash dashed toward him packed two melee combos into him to make sure hes dead (during that time ignoring a hail of my latron's pellets pointed to his head then teleported away

N+3: Mag pime void capture solo - I tried to be smart tried to do funny tricks with my orthos prime tried to block some of his atacks tried to polarise mah shields up to max when they've got down after some 2-3 hits with his hate and mission failed as I was out of revives [after all I should've just lure him into those laser plates that were 5 meters away but that was risky plan (one bad move and lasors kills me not him)

I was out of revives so mission failed



so basically suming all my experience up - with a team on so op gear that the oneshot stalker in melee without even noticing that he spawned - hes obliterated

against lifestrike valkyr - he dies as well quite easilly

against frames that are not considered as most tanky or which survival depends heavily on abilites (mag's shield polarise f.e.) - he obliterate you unless you have op gun so you can oneshot him before he will have chance to retaliate


yup I think he needs some reworking - so he could be actually chalenging to everyone but not imposible to defeat (considering as well players playing solo and in team) so basically I think it may be issue with his scaling.....

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Stalker isn't too op. Whenever he spawns and i happen to be alone, i switch to melee mode and block most of the time and attack in between his attacks. 


What kind of powers would his kubrow have though? I imagine it being all of the kubrow breeds in one or a mix of some powers.

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Stalker isn't too op. Whenever he spawns and i happen to be alone, i switch to melee mode and block most of the time and attack in between his attacks. 


What kind of powers would his kubrow have though? I imagine it being all of the kubrow breeds in one or a mix of some powers.

That Sunika finisher. What it would feel to be on the end of one of those....

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The stalker encounters.


None of them can beat a certain meeting the two of us had, it lasted 1 crit to the face, a friend just said "Oh lord, it looked like an execution..."


To be truly honest, yeah, I wholeheartly agree with everyone who says that Stalker needs a rework on skills, stats and attack patterns.


Right now is: I toss a lot of heavily damaging kunais at you. I slashdash with my heavily damaging scythe. I shoot you with my heavily damaging bow. I dispell your powers everytime you try to cast one. I use that smart bomb if in a pinch. I have a lot of HP to sponge your damage.


Not really willing to give DE ideas, but he just needs to be able to become invisible and have his strikes ignore shield to be the epitome of the mindless grunt.


A companion, maybe some sort of shadowbeast unique to him, would be a welcome change if DE would agree to rework (Read HEAVILY NERF.) his stats. As someone said, it could be something that used the Sunika Finisher and allows the Stalker for extra damage upon the downed target, if the shadowbeast is damaged it moves back. It would make teamplay against him more important and interesting than just running around the stalked player to headshot Stalky until he falls down. And would let players choose whom to prioritize between the beast or the stalker.


But this would work only if, something that seems to go against their current directives, DE would agree to reduce the damage and life pool of our resentful assassin. Otherwise I can foresee thing going just:


Shadowbeast pins target down after sponging up the firepower of the whole team, Stalker oneshots the victim with the bow.


Shadowbeast pins the target down, Stalker oneshot the victim with the bow after sponging up the firepower of the whole team.


Tactical fights are cool only if you're allowed to be actually Tactical...

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