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I Like This Game But.......


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I HATE the "leveling system".......SO much.  The enemy level system I mean.  I am in a clan but they often are not on when I can play, this means I have to try and play by myself a decent amount of the time.......and you just.....CANT.  Level 6-8 or 10-15 enemies, especially corpus ones, just overwhelm me with numbers every time (even if Im using Volt).  Its so @(*()$ frustrating it makes me want top break my damn monitor.  I've got 125 hours in this game and I still cant even do missions by myself on @(*()$ MARS without dying probably 60 percent of the time.  I have level 25-30 gear.  I have at least partially upgraded mods to fill out my mod capacity with intelligent mod choices (Flow, Power Efficiancy, vitality, redirection, serration, elemental stuff, blah blah).  I try to use cover, but either its never available or it doesn't matter because the enemies spawn right the F*** behind you or around you and your just screwed.  Stealth gameplay is completely impossible unless you have one of what, 2 frames?  The levels just don't have enough ways around enemies.  I cant do ANYTHING profitable by myself, absolutely none of it past about Mercury without burning through all my revives or just crawling my way through specific exterminate missions, its horrible.  Im not "good" at the game, but I've played enough shooters and games in general it isn't just all on me.  Would it kill you guys to make a level system that makes some damn sense?  Gee like maybe have it so level 6-8 enemies can actually be handled by players with level 6-8 frames and gear, you know, like something intuitive and sensible.  Or how about making it so enemies have a little longer of a delay before more spawn in so I don't just get bogged down and trapped in one area because I cant kill things fast enough to get out (and yes, I hack alarms when I can). 


Look, Im really tired of having to have my hand held through every mission by clan members and waiting for them to get on so I can do anything, and then being completely useless in all their high level stuff they do.  Pugging blows because nobody has even the slightest care in the world about sticking with the team at all, I just have to relegate myself to not getting the mission credits because F*** it they wont wait anyway and I cant run or kill as fast as them so I get left behind to wander the map in search of lockers and crates.  It isn't terribly fun or rewarding, and it slows the grind down in a very grindy game.  The sum here is that as a sometimes solo player, missions that I should and NEED to be able to do by myself for resources are either nigh impossible, or way too easy when Im grouped up with pugs or clan members who just do void runs all day.  For that matter, theres NEVER anyone on any of the planets doing anything except boss runs or infestations, so you HAVE to either drag your clan members away from more profitable things to babysit you through the planets, or you have to solo them.  The Corpus can suck the biggest back of $&*^s.  And Ive heard people say "oh well this game is really easy, I solo X tower mission by myself all day".  Yea?  Well your conclave rating is 1200, you have everything all optimized more or less, so good for you, but how does a newish player play this game solo when you don't have catalysts and reactors and credits?  Is there specific builds?  Am I really just that bad?  Can any solo players give me advice or am I right that you really just cant play this game by yourself until you are all pimped out late in the game?  I apologize for my ranty tone, I just have been having this issue ever since I started playing and I just cant take it anymore.

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well, this game is a team game, solo is really hard sometimes, specially if you're new to the game, trust me, I remember when I was new, it was so hard doing mission other than the "exterminate" ones, and I know that feel when a "runner" teammate just doing give damn about the new players are just blasts through the map........seriously if you can do it by yourself why the hell do you play on public?
anyway, I suggest you find someone nice, kind and smart, specially patient experienced player that will help you go through this hard stage of the game, but believe me when I say that when you get the hang on this game, you'll have so much fun

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Yes Mr. Prodman, I have been told that, and I understand it, but its stupid and illogical and I don't like it, part of why I'm here.  Its all about the mods and level means nothing, I get it, but my point is IT SHOULD.  I still think in non-exterminate missions they need to make it so enemies don't spawn behind you in rooms you just cleared or make the delay a little longer.


Mr. Wynn, I do pug sometimes, but either no one is doing the mission I want to do (just to unlock more places to go or so that I can go to any alert mission) or I just hate pugs because as I explained above, they just run ahead and steamroll everything and you get no XP at all.


Don't get me wrong, I really like my clan mates, they are great and helpful.  I have learned a LOT in the last 3 weeks, but I just feel like something is wrong if 125 hours into a game, I'm still very co-dependent even for early-mid game stuff.  All I set out to do this morning was just get myself some morphics and neurodes, but its SO hard by myself.  I beat 2 missions on MARS and failed three.......and I really felt like it wasn't my fault.


I guess I just have to go back re-evaluate my builds, find some way to get Catalysts and Reactors, and just use Volt all the time.......*sigh.  Heaven forbid I try to use a different frame against the corpus (I have an Excal, Volt, a Hydroid that I bought, and a Saryn, Rhino will be done in a day or so).


EDIT:  I also want to say its not all negative, I DO have fun with the game despite feeling completely useless pretty much all the time.  I mean literally every frame and weapon almost looks fun to use, the void has cool little secrets in it, good graphics, good combat mechanics, etc.

Edited by Skrotacus
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Strange you are still struggling 125 hours into the game my friend and i love using Volt against the Corpus. Its perhaps maybe time to suit up a different warframe or two so you have prefered options against different enemy types like Corpus or Grinner and weapon loadout/mod loadouts too as they are vastly different. If your sticking with Volt though dont be disheartened as hes extremely balanced - one of the better frames in the game IMO and whilst hes not great for the hardest planets in the game for that level of corpus he is more than good enough to handle what they throw at him in most game modes.


I can solo missions on any planet (depending on mission type naturally - Interception and the likes is a no thanks) with care and no im not one of those Conclave 1200 type, i dont even use Prime gear. I would just suggest keeping the faith my friend as you will find yourself a pro in no time... you will have learned the enemy types and their attack patterns by now - as said before consider weapon load outs (the mods you mentioned are merely essentials... cheaper spells, more energy, more health etc are great on any frame but wont give you an edge against ANY enemy types particularly) and also make sure you grab a companion be it Kubrow or Sentinel and maybe a spectre or two just so your not out and out "solo" all the time when playing alone.


I can trust it gets frustrating and ive been there myself but its a GOOD thing in my opinion, I help new players a lot but the problem is whenever i do so i always see the same problems. Instead of wanting to learn the game and take the bumps and grinds that comes with making progress in it they mostly want to "get frost" or ask "help me farm Orokin Cells" and the likes which was all stuff i certainly could not do personally only 15 hours into the game. I can only honestly consider myself half decent at the game because i struggled and mastered the tough learning curve so hats off to you to still be here over a 100 hours later whilst so frustrated with the game, trust me you will thank yourself for it soon enough.

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Strange you are still struggling 125 hours into the game my friend and i love using Volt against the Corpus. Its perhaps maybe time to suit up a different warframe or two so you have prefered options against different enemy types like Corpus or Grinner and weapon loadout/mod loadouts too as they are vastly different. If your sticking with Volt though dont be disheartened as hes extremely balanced - one of the better frames in the game IMO and whilst hes not great for the hardest planets in the game for that level of corpus he is more than good enough to handle what they throw at him in most game modes.


I can solo missions on any planet (depending on mission type naturally - Interception and the likes is a no thanks) with care and no im not one of those Conclave 1200 type, i dont even use Prime gear. I would just suggest keeping the faith my friend as you will find yourself a pro in no time... you will have learned the enemy types and their attack patterns by now - as said before consider weapon load outs (the mods you mentioned are merely essentials... cheaper spells, more energy, more health etc are great on any frame but wont give you an edge against ANY enemy types particularly) and also make sure you grab a companion be it Kubrow or Sentinel and maybe a spectre or two just so your not out and out "solo" all the time when playing alone.


I can trust it gets frustrating and ive been there myself but its a GOOD thing in my opinion, I help new players a lot but the problem is whenever i do so i always see the same problems. Instead of wanting to learn the game and take the bumps and grinds that comes with making progress in it they mostly want to "get frost" or ask "help me farm Orokin Cells" and the likes which was all stuff i certainly could not do personally only 15 hours into the game. I can only honestly consider myself half decent at the game because i struggled and mastered the tough learning curve so hats off to you to still be here over a 100 hours later whilst so frustrated with the game, trust me you will thank yourself for it soon enough.


Well said fellow Volt! I use mine as a melee fighter. His hidden potential is a plain fact, that of versatility.

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Yeah. The game is extremely punishing to new and solo players right now. Since you're both: double-whammy. Keep grinding out cheesy missions until you can get Serration n Hornet Strike close to maxed out as well as the multishot mods for each.

It takes awhile, but the difficulty curve eventually breaks with enough mods installed.

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Well Im glad its not just a case of me just bleating like a whining fool.  Like I said I have built a couple new frames my clan helped me farm for, but see I need to farm by myself to get all the goodies to make some weapons for them.  I thought "hey by now that Ive actually started upgrading my mods and Ive practiced more, I should be able to handle this, I've been doing void runs with my clan all week!"  NOPE.  Go back to school n00b, lol.  I mean, Im hooked on this game, no doubt about it, my patience comes from being one of those crazy Dark Souls cultists and being a semi-competitive player in the only game more grindy than Warframe: MechWarrior Online.  I have a Volt like I said, and hes my favorite so far, I guess you really do have to just be that much smarter about how you build your frame and weapons when attempting solo.  Anyway, my main point here with this thread really is: the game needs to either explain to new players that enemy levels and YOUR levels aren't correlated, or they need to change it so that they are.  Because a new player who just walks in and wants to play, or someone who isn't very social, or someone who is just really used to games like say Borderlands is in for a very rude awakening.


EDIT:  I just saw how many posts you have Archistopheles..........like......whoa.

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Yes, the game is a bit unforgiving for new player sadly, I remember when I first started out, just the thought of using melee gave me nightmares. I could barely survive hiding and shooting. But it won't stay that way for long, I promise, I'd suggest leveling as many things you can at a time and stay in groups until you get around Mastery Rank 4 and some good mods. Also, I would suggest running Vault runs in Orokin Derelict Exterminate missions with a group, there are quite a few mods there that can either help your builds a lot, or can be sold for a nice amount of Platinum.


Also If you like Volt though for when you get to higher ranks, I would love to suggest something, give an amprex a try and make a crit build out of it. When you see a group of enemies throw up a shield between you and the enemies and aim for the sturdiest enemy. I don't have a Volt, and I never really tried it to be honest, but unless they changed it, Volt's electric shield will massively increase the distance Amprex's shots will go, and will chain to all enemies around them. You can also set up multiple electric shields if they are needed. It will be a bit slower than using Valkyr, Loki, Ash, Rhino, ect. But you should be able to solo content with it if you are a bit careful.


You don't really need a high Conclave rating to be able to solo Tower Fours either, just a good build, I farm T4 Captures solo quite often and easily with around a 700 conclave rating. Try getting a Valkyr and build her for strength, efficiency, and duration, and get a good melee weapon, I suggest something like Dual Ichor, Scindo Prime, or Jat Kittag, buy an energy restore blueprint, and you should be able to solo most things in the game that aren't defense based. A Frost can solo those much easier however. Quite a few frames can solo with a lower Conclave, some easier than others, but the key to all of them is synergy.


I hope this all helped, and good luck out there!

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Id say check your loadout and strategy a bit


Alot of missions are gonna trouble you early on but you need to cherish them


The challenge wont last long


Once you get a bit higher itll all be cake


For now take a step back and try to get some cores and credits to rank up a bit


Avoid solo if possible for tougher missions



Corpus are the bane of my existence as well in this game


As a melee valkyr i know too well how scary they really are...

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That is how the game works, it is almost impossible when you are a noob, so you need some experienced players to help you. I remember the time when I just started with my Mk1-Braton, Lato and Excalibur, and I was trying to kill Captain Vor. I got wrecked every single time lol. Even now, I still have to ask some of my buddies to help me do the missions, because it can be just too hard to do it yourself. Solo mode is insane, unless you are playing on the early planets Mercury, Venus, Earth...

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Well said fellow Volt! I use mine as a melee fighter. His hidden potential is a plain fact, that of versatility.

Amen to that. Volt is very tactically sound and balanced. The shield alone is an amazing panic button (esp. Vs. Infested Mesa)

On topic.... I play solo very often because of the same frustration: I get into a mission and then a bunch of warrior demi gods join in an literally fly through the mission in about 3 minutes with 1 shot kills on everyone. Even with maxed rush, marathon, and quick rest, my poor volt is left in the dust. I think this is a problem, but it is best addressed by fixing the existing movement/parkour system (yes, coptrring HAS to go). The fix here would result in less movement exploitation, and fewer players left behind.

If one does solo, patience, stealth, and an awareness of when it's time to cut and run is essential. I have a conclave rating of around 510, depending on if I'm carrying my best or not, and with these, I can solo most missions, especially capture and exterminate through Uranus, and defense and interception up to mars. Ceres is a no go through; the enemies are just too numerous.

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Yeah. The game is extremely punishing to new and solo players right now. Since you're both: double-whammy. Keep grinding out cheesy missions until you can get Serration n Hornet Strike close to maxed out as well as the multishot mods for each.


What's worse is that as of right now, once you get past the first few missions you're going solo whether you want to or not (at least on PS4). There's just not enough interest in Phobos Spy Mission #3 or Uranus Mobile Defense #2 for people to bother playing them unless it's to unlock the starchart for the first time.


I was lucky when I started playing because I joined the game with two other friends, so even though we rarely had a random to complete the cell we at least weren't alone, and by the time those guys quit the game I was able to mostly carry myself to the end of the starchart.

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Try asking in the recruitment tab for people who can help you get through the levels, not rushing. Usually there will be some helpful souls, or try region. 


Otherwise, definitely max out serration/hornet strike or the multi-shot mods. And try running some Orokin Vaults to get corrupted mods, especially mods like Fleeting/Blind Rage/etc. Those will help with energy costs and make your Volt very good for clearing levels 25 and under. With Fleeting and Streamline, Flow, Stretch, and Intensify/Blind Rage he can one-shot everything up til around level 25-30s with just Shock. Low energy cost, and high warframe ability damage. 

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The only issue I have come across, going on a solo/pug Excalibur account since U14, is that mission progress on the Solar map basically "forces" players to go into Defense, Interception and Survival maps to unlock all the nodes. If you can't get a random PUG and don't want to stare at "waiting for players" for hours, then ... you're screwed?


I restarted a Defense map ... 5 times? I think? Until on the 5th I got a different layout, and that layout let me solo it, because the others were too open, and things spawned and in a few seconds got LOS to shoot the pod.


I have 14.2 million/45K kills with a Glaive since U14 - and I share time between two accounts - so you don't need too fancy gear to get by, it's just trickier in some setups.


I get murdered in games like CoD4 because I can never spot anyone before they spot me, so too me that is FAR more frustrating then this game.


My advice here would be to multi Forma your fav weapon to do overkill damage for low end maps, like Exterminate missions. Yes, it's basically a "crutch" system, but if your mod collection is a bit lacking, then a "training wheels" setup will at least help you quick-farm lower maps by brute force for better mods.


Exterminate missions are FAR more forgiving then any other mission to run through and pick up spare stuff on.

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Wait until you get to T3/4 void, rapid fire rocket launchers with 150% blast proc chance, nulifiers, moas that 1shot you with perfect accuracy when you're invisible and possibly more to come.   


This is what I keep saying all the time. Game is not too easy, it's easy because players make it easy. All the topics about "nerf efficiency" and stuff, what's that going to do? Ppl will still use trinity and spam 4, while newer players will get shafted like they always do.   


The game is hard if you make it, ignorant people will always run around with maxed gear and cry how everything is too easy and DE still keeps catering towards those people and it's starting to make the game not fun.

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Ok cool, thank you for the responses.  To answer some questions:


1: Im mastery rank 5 well on way to 6......


2: Volt and Hydroid are probably my two best/favorite frames (I did some research and found Hydroid was hardest to get so I bought him).  Im trying to get used to Saryn but so far shes a bit harder to use than I expected, I really suck at getting her little viral ball things to explode on her #1 power, I was using Drakgoon as main weapon, perhaps its best for a different frame?  Drakgoon is a darn cool weapon though.


3:  My mods are all pretty much rank 3, cant afford to go much higher just yet.


So a question then: is it better to use mods that do bonus damage to specific factions if you are playing by yourself, or just slap more elemental damage they are weak to instead?  Like say would it be good to use Smite Grinner and maybe viral or corrosive damage mods together?


EDIT:  I have tagged along on some void runs......if I use my Hydroid I can be almost useful by activating puddle power at the right times I have found.  Anyway again I apologize if I seem like a clueless n00b complaining before I should be.  I do like a challenge, like Dark Souls for instance, I will try and relax, take missions slower, and make some specific builds for specific enemies using specific frames I guess.  It was probably dumb of me to try and use Saryn in corpus planets.  Tonight I have had much more success using Hydroid and Volt.

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