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Spitters Still 1 Shotting You.


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There's your problem. There's currently an issue with mobs basically aimbotting for the host of a given mission. The complaints have been mostly towards Corpus and Grineer, but I'm willing to bet it affects Infested too.

This could be, if anyone has further feedback on hosting specific issues I would love to see it!

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They get hit by them because people are getting killed standing in one place on Sechura leveling for mastery. "Wait i have to actually move out of the way of the spitty spitty thingy now?" "Screw that ill just not even move at a... WOW ONE SHOT"


Each globule will do tons of damage, scaling with level. Also they hit you easy because you aren't moving. I remember this type of complaining when the Mutalist Osprey started kill ppl standing in green stuff. WoW mechanics, move out of bad stuff and always be looking for bad stuff and prioritize the most lethal enemies. Healing Ancient > Tar Moa > Mutal Osprey... if you have a Healing Ancient out you arent gonna barely kill anything specially if they are level 60+.

Actually in my case your argument about not moving is invalid. I am one of the few players that is constantly in motion unless I happen to be stuck in Peace Maker on Mesa. And what we are talking about is the propensity for the enemy to one shot you with that single stray globule that hits that is a RANDOM occurrence and as such leads us to believe that it is not intended since most often it does not one shot you on a direct hit.

Edited by geninrising
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Three problems with Tar-Mutalist Moas at the present moment.


First, they can spawn at literally any level - 5 waves in a DSD on Venus and there they are. They're essentially part of the first pack of Infested enemies that new players will encounter, but require perhaps the most finesse to avoid dying to. They need to have a limiter on the planets they can spawn on, to the higher end of the Starchart; it would both give newer players the same breather we had when we joined the game while providing an aesthetic of flooding outward from Eris.

You know it's a problem when you take max-level equipment to the lowest-level mission with these guys and still are pretty shaky at Wave 15. Yes, a mission that's engaging at all levels isn't a bad thing, but how would someone who is just seeing this faction react?


Second, speed (in relation to output). Yes, I've heard the arguments that the projectiles are slow (which I disagree with - they may have travel time, but so does Lanka), but regardless, they also have a wide damage radius. If you're at a range that they're aware of you, and aren't already moving literally the moment you see them tense up (assuming you can see them at all), you will be hit. They aren't unavoidable, but you have no forgiveness for lacking in spatial awareness.

When you say 'slow' projectiles, I think Napalm blasts or Bombard rockets; if you aren't point blank, you have a good 2-3 seconds to be moving once the projectile is produced, and if they're behind you then you can hear them coming.


Third, four projectiles. That's one for every member of your team, and Lotus help you if any of you are close enough together to give it a free shot at the cryopod or terminal too. The damage wouldn't matter so much if it were a focus-firing mechanic, rather than an instant kill of your three teammates who had their backs to it. They're better at taking out an entire squad of snipers than factions with actual snipers - including Tenno.


I don't mind the fact that they can potentially oneshot players; I don't even particularly mind the fact that they make it so much more difficult to build defensive stats against the Infested. We can all agree, however, that they do need tuning.

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Just got one shot on my Rhino while Iron skin was still up.  He has 645 shields (frozen hive already destroyed) and 420 health.


Worst case scenario I was at 1 durability on Iron skin before it went through all of that armor, shields, and health.


that Rhino sure smokes weed everyday


Has happened to me A LOT. I'm just standing there and BANG dead, and then I can't move out of the field, because I'm slowed, and I have to wait till it's gone so my teammates can come to revive me.

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The problem with these, and I feel its the same problem napalms have, is they are just another variety of Bombard.


I wish Tar Moas and Napalms spewed lots of low damage projectiles that covered the ground in areas of guarantee'd proc fire/corrosive as well as the slow.


Having them be designed around doing lots of damage in 1-shot is sort of a problem, not just because it blows away frames, but it also sort of makes the rest of the infested look pointless in the process.


Tar Moas have

- good armor

- very long range

- enough damage to 1 shot almost any frame

- can fire very rapidly

- can move like Lebron trying to outrun a lawyer


I mean.... if Tar Moas are so good why do we even need leapers or chargers or even ancients? None of them are even remotely as dangerous.

And to me that's the worst sin of all.

Tar Moas do everything all the other infested should be doing, and thats part of what makes them so obnoxious.

Edited by Kruglov
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I think it really is a bug.

I can report taking damage from said Tar MOAs while no pools of tar formed anywhere near me. Or even when MOA had no clear LOS to fire at me to begin with (since I had no LOS to fire back either).

More so, damage on direct hit seems to vary greatly. From about 150-200 to 800++ on the same level of ODD or ODS.

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I've said it once and I'll say it again, Tar moas need to be more focused on [sUPPORT] rather then using their tar to deal dmg. having a mob that can undoubtedly backstab you with all four, I repeat, Four globs concentrated into one cannonball seriously needs a re-adjustment.



why doesn't little brother swarmy have that kind of killing power? because they're strength relies on giving their infested allies armor. tar moas are that one type of person who's just played too many CoD games.


I mean, why can't tar moas give the infested (besides ancients) a speed buff? that would make alot more sense making its role more of a support then being a onetrick pony of both.

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My 2 cents on the side of "spitters are annoying".


* They are brown.

* Most of the level they appear on is brown.

* The way they jump, land and fly through the air defies all laws of physics. They manage to fall from the air jumps faster then gravity would allow. I know it's a game, but it's very counter-intuitive to track something that moves totally unlike us. Space Ninja acrobatics should be OUR thing.

* On radar, they have exactly the same red dot size as one of the Maggots from Brood Mothers, add to that that often even friendly units are bugged with showing a red dot, and I might as well not have a damn radar.


If they are meant to make us be more aware on the battlefield, then to me, they fail on one major point, that being that I'm not Omniscient.


I should not be required to avoid getting hit by such a unit by constantly moving like a madman, or finding an incredibly high perch and sniping them, I should be encouraged to easily locate them, engage them specifically, and outsmart them, say by faking a few move, making them fire and miss, and then punching them in the face when they try to "reload".


Right now it boils down to spinning around frantically, locating one, and holding down the trigger while dodging, hoping that it drops before it can spit on your team mates that are already busy with 400 other units on the field.


TL;DR - We are given WAY to much to deal with regarding the number of enemy units for a Tar Moa to "make sense" as a new unit on the battlefield. We should be engaged in much smaller battles, and the Tar Moa's should be acting as a force multiplier, while now they are simply acting as a cheap land-mine launcher that can technically only kill you because you ran backward into fire because your attention was focused elsewhere.

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i dont really care if they are strong or can one shot you but DE needs to place some sort of telegraph to grenades and attacks like this. It really feels cheap when it spits out of nowhere and you cant even tell where it is.

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Three problems with Tar-Mutalist Moas at the present moment.



My 2 cents on the side of "spitters are annoying".






All that said, though, my biggest problem with them is the... unclarity.

Sometimes they slow and tickle (and annoy).

Sometimes they straight up wtfmurder you.

And I have no idea what the difference is.

That is my biggest problem with them.


Dying is part of learning.

But to learn, the lesson needs to be clear.

It ain't.

Edited by Chroia
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Dont stand in the tar.

You can shoot the tar.

The tar does less damage to sheilds.

The tar will F*** your health.

The tar moa dosent to much when you get close to it besides try to leap away.


Using all of these things, you too can slay tar moas.


the pool isn't the problem. its the fact that those tar moas are programmed to shoot these as if they had a gun dealing direct dmg and they aren't afraid to do so.


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Bring Loki and it should be able to disable Tar Moas attack.


Mesa's whirly twirly disarm thingy also does a good job at not only disabling them briefly but making them STOP MOVING ENTIRELY.


I've found having a Loki and Mesa together in ODD makes it amusingly easy like it once was.

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Dont stand in the tar.

You can shoot the tar.

The tar does less damage to sheilds.

The tar will F*** your health.

The tar moa dosent to much when you get close to it besides try to leap away.


Using all of these things, you too can slay tar moas.


I lol'ed at this




The issue isnt if they're too effective or not, its the fact of the matter that DE hasnt put in much work

into balancing these before pushing them into production.


I'm talking about damage that a player takes with lower end ranked mods and players with maxed ranked mods.


It should at least nuke your Shields or health by at least 1% or 2% of your base hp/shields

The dot I think is fine for now.  The snare that the TAR has is another issue as TAR mutalist

will gladly cough up another booger at you to finish you off.

Good luck when it comes to the game spawning 2 of them, if you didnt get one shot with one.

Then another will do the job.


Why I lol'ed at the quote:


"Tar less damage to shields" 

Right.. sure they do. I've seen pugs and clan mates get their shields taken clean from them

and nukes their HP down to double digits in ONE FELL HIT. 



"You can shoot the tar"

Good info, but keep in mind that your reaction = different from every other player in this game.

This means that you will be moving AND shooting too slow to be effective. So throw that out the window

while you have that same TAR shoot you again.   Then what brow cow?



"Tar does nothing while close, except move away"

My own experince, they still hit Regardless. Would you please add the fact of the matter

stands that they dont come alone.



How about some legit advice?


1) If youre going to deal with Infested Tar and you have space in your mods (doubt it atm)

Antitoxin (maxed rank) would be your best bet


2) Look for tar spitters first and take them down as fast as possible

(unless you have a higher Threat on hand)


3) you go "Down but not out" Try to take it out while you can.

Give your Reviver a chance to clear out or revive you without worriying abut them.


4) Try to keep out of their range

This one is a tricky thing to do as you will have chargers and more coming at you.

Dont be afraid to back out as they come at you.


5) Punch through weapons

Bring these as they will help clear out and get a good chance to take the Tar out with

any infested




6) If you have stuns/AOE shields/blind/dis-arm

use them when. other wise cover or LOS can be abit of help.





Done with this thread, Keep in mind folks. DE's balance is a WIP (work in progress). Should

the player base/community see it as it being off balance. Come together and point it out so they can

take a second tak-look at it.

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I lol'ed at this




The issue isnt if they're too effective or not, its the fact of the matter that DE hasnt put in much work

into balancing these before pushing them into production.


I'm talking about damage that a player takes with lower end ranked mods and players with maxed ranked mods.


It should at least nuke your Shields or health by at least 1% or 2% of your base hp/shields

The dot I think is fine for now.  The snare that the TAR has is another issue as TAR mutalist

will gladly cough up another booger at you to finish you off.

Good luck when it comes to the game spawning 2 of them, if you didnt get one shot with one.

Then another will do the job.


Why I lol'ed at the quote:


"Tar less damage to shields" 

Right.. sure they do. I've seen pugs and clan mates get their shields taken clean from them

and nukes their HP down to double digits in ONE FELL HIT. 



"You can shoot the tar"

Good info, but keep in mind that your reaction = different from every other player in this game.

This means that you will be moving AND shooting too slow to be effective. So throw that out the window

while you have that same TAR shoot you again.   Then what brow cow?



"Tar does nothing while close, except move away"

My own experince, they still hit Regardless. Would you please add the fact of the matter

stands that they dont come alone.



How about some legit advice?


1) If youre going to deal with Infested Tar and you have space in your mods (doubt it atm)

Antitoxin (maxed rank) would be your best bet


2) Look for tar spitters first and take them down as fast as possible

(unless you have a higher Threat on hand)


3) you go "Down but not out" Try to take it out while you can.

Give your Reviver a chance to clear out or revive you without worriying abut them.


4) Try to keep out of their range

This one is a tricky thing to do as you will have chargers and more coming at you.

Dont be afraid to back out as they come at you.


5) Punch through weapons

Bring these as they will help clear out and get a good chance to take the Tar out with

any infested




6) If you have stuns/AOE shields/blind/dis-arm

use them when. other wise cover or LOS can be abit of help.





Done with this thread, Keep in mind folks. DE's balance is a WIP (work in progress). Should

the player base/community see it as it being off balance. Come together and point it out so they can

take a second tak-look at it.

That snot does radation damage, which is why it kills the hell out of you. and yeah it does less damage on your sheild.

So youd want that radiation damage mod. Ever thing else looks good, except about staying out of their range. you dont get to do that cause their range is stupid. If you rush them, they dont know what to do and act like tards giving you time to blow them up.


Really they used to be so much more fun.

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Thanks for the feedback guys now I am sure it's not just me and my clan having a problem. We still definitely need the damage looked at by the devs as it's inconsistency is appalling. It is extremely weird to me that the very same moa hitting you 2 different times(both moving/flipping around so motion is not a problem) can do completely different damages to you.


I am all for a new enemy type anywhere they want to give them to us but at least make them consistent and balanced(unlike these and the Nullifiers who are weighted towards high ROF and disregard critical hits).

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