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Soma Prime's Underwhelming


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IF its gets HEADSHOTS. Oh great... so if the boltor headshots it still out DPS's it. 




Boltor Prime headshots deals x1.5 as all normal headshots.

The beauty of the Soma/Prime is that the Headshots makes the x6.6 crits turn into x9.9 (6.6 x 1.5 = 9.9) 



Basically the Headshot DPS of the Soma Prime is 3.3x higher than the body shots.

While the Boltor Prime Headshot DPS is 0.5x higher than the body shots.

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So, you're pointing out the difference between a single shot of the two crit weapons while completely ignoring their massive firerate differences and projectile types. Why?

Okay doke:

1760 * 1.5 firerate = 2640 DPS ( Charged shots being fired off as fast as possible)

... oh S#&$ Soma Prime (Vile Accel)  4479 DPS...

Whoops you guys were right.

F*** me.

Sorry XD. Its fine DPS wise.

Guess I really wanted to see it red crit. And not be overshadowed by the Boltor Prime. A Weapon that at non prime status was S#&$ compared to it.

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The Soma Prime is in a wonderful spot as is. It looks good, it sounds good, and in my builds at least, it out-damages the Boltor Prime. It's hit-scan even, so no need to "lead" your shots. Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, it picks up 50 ammo from rifle drops instead of 20 ammo. It spools up faster, that too.

The Soma was my first "must have" weapon I worked towards when I first got into warframe. And now I own the primed variant. I love this gun.

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Boltor Prime headshots deals x1.5 as all normal headshots.

The beauty of the Soma/Prime is that the Headshots makes the x6.6 crits turn into x9.9 (6.6 x 1.5 = 9.9) 



Basically the Headshot DPS of the Soma Prime is 3.3x higher than the body shots.

While the Boltor Prime Headshot DPS is 0.5x higher than the body shots.



It actually looks like body crit shots do the normal x6.6 and the headshot crits do x6.6 x4 (x13.2) as host while normal shots do 2x headshot damage.


I assume this becomes x6.6 x8 (x52.8) as clients.

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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Okay doke:

1760 * 1.5 firerate = 2640 DPS ( Charged shots being fired off as fast as possible)

... oh S#&$ Soma Prime (Vile Accel)  4479 DPS...

Whoops you guys were right.

F*** me.

Sorry XD. Its fine DPS wise.

Guess I really wanted to see it red crit. And not be overshadowed by the Boltor Prime. A Weapon that at non prime status was S#&$ compared to it.

 much approve, now people should back off, and judging form the comments alot of people just replied to the first page... :/ sorry being a jerk

Edited by -Ignis_Fatuus-
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It actually looks like body crit shots do the normal x6.6 and the headshot crits do x6.6 x4 (x13.2) as host.


I assume this becomes x6.6 x8 (x52.8) as clients.


Yes but let's not consider the client critical multiplier glitch, that's probably gonna get fixed. (At least it should)

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Warframe is no longer in beta. It went out of beta after it was released on the Xbox. Furthermore do some people not understand that the soma outdpses the boltor prime. Increasing the crit chance Further increases the damage by a huge margin. All I seem to hear bububu soma p isnt op as duck and makes any other weapon UN-viable for end-game.

Get over it the soma prime is a good weapon be happy with it

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It already has twice the magazine size and increased ammo. It even has a shorter wind up time. I'm pretty sure it does not need anything else, maybe a reload speed increase, but other than that, IT'S FINE. There are tons of other weapons that require more attention, we don't need you guys to make the soma a world destroyer.


Even the braton prime that just got buffed is still weaker than the soma prime, AND it had an ammo nerf. I'm still doing fine with the braton prime on T4 missions, the Soma Prime does not need to be stronger.

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Personally i also believe Soma Prime needs something more. Either it needs the 45% crit increase that OP suggested, or it needs 2 more base damage to be on par with Boltor Prime. As of now Boltor P still seems to retain the biggest heavy hitter title and sustainability in 35+ wave T4D's and 40 min + T4S. Up until that point Soma P is great, but then it has damage falloff. Maybe its just me, but i don't think an old prime should supersede a brand new one. Thusly, Soma P should get some kind of buff so its at least obviously a little bit better than Boltor P. 


That's my opinion on the subject anyway.

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Warframe is no longer in beta. It went out of beta after it was released on the Xbox.

I'd love to see a source for that statement.


'Cause the Open Beta agreement is still in effect.  Here's the location and a small screenshot of the file you agreed to when signing up for and installing the game, in case you forgot about it.



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The current buffs: faster spool time, larger magazine, and larger reserve are buffs that pretty much have nothing to do with how the Soma should be used. You can drop all those and add the 100% chance on max Point Strike and it will still be a much better upgrade. 90 count magazine was perfectly fine, so was a 540 reserve, and even the snipe friendly spool up time, the buffs to those were just thrown in for the sake of making the Primed version "stand out".


People that have reviewed it like Mogamu, or whatever his name is, have said that the weapon lacks the "Primed" feel, all this is just a Wraith version.

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Its about getting justice for the gun! The gun deserves better, if I want to mow people down, I break out my braton prime, or my Amprex, or my boltor, hell my soma, but the soma prime. Just feels wrong right now, it doesnt crit enough. seeing 300 damage come out of your soma 25% of the time, its annoying, and very dissappointing. 


So Soma > Soma Prime?


Damn, better shelve my newly acquired Soma Prime and dust off my Soma.

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So Soma > Soma Prime?


Damn, better shelve my newly acquired Soma Prime and dust off my Soma.


Not at all.


Here's the numbers, according to wfbuilder. I'm using the same build for both, Serration, Split Chamber, Heavy Caliber, Shred, Vital Sense, Point Strike, Stormbringer, and Infected Clip.


The regular Soma does 23196.22 burst DPS, and 14634 sustained DPS. The Soma Prime does 27835.08 burst DPS, and 21535.85 sustained DPS.


The OP is most likely forgetting how crit and mod damage calculations work.

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Not at all.


Here's the numbers, according to wfbuilder. I'm using the same build for both, Serration, Split Chamber, Heavy Caliber, Shred, Vital Sense, Point Strike, Stormbringer, and Infected Clip.


The regular Soma does 23196.22 burst DPS, and 14634 sustained DPS. The Soma Prime does 27835.08 burst DPS, and 21535.85 sustained DPS.


The OP is most likely forgetting how crit and mod damage calculations work.

I think he/she was being sarcastic. :P

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