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Excalibur Prime In Profile


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I get the whole Founders Exclusive stuff . But can you at least remove the excalibur prime from the profile stats among warframes ? As a collectionist , It really bothers me to not being able to get something that wasn't by my choice .


I'm NOT asking you to bring back excalibur prime , or remove him completely , I'm just asking maybe you should remove him from the profile stats for Non-founders , I recently found out about this game , so it wasn't my fault not knowing about it back then .


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As for the idea of removing the items from the Profile Stats, this came up when the Codex was first launched, and the founder items were visible. Eventually they were removed from the Codex, unless you had the items. The same approach here would probably be a good idea.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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I get the whole Founders Exclusive stuff . But can you at least remove the excalibur prime from the profile stats among warframes ? As a collectionist , It really bothers me to not being able to get something that wasn't by my choice .


I'm NOT asking you to bring back excalibur prime , or remove him completely , I'm just asking maybe you should remove him from the profile stats for Non-founders , I recently found out about this game , so it wasn't my fault not knowing about it back then .


I'd rather they stay. It just wouldn't give off a very good feeling if DE was hiding everything founders related from non-founders. I've also seen people who (despite being non-founders) were upset with the idea of founders items being removed from the codex of those who don't have them.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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I can kinda see the OPs point. If you're a completionist, then it's probably not a lot of fun to see a 0% rating on something you cannot have, so maybe remove it from these statistics or put it in a seperate section or something? It does seem a bit unfair to people who didn't want to or couldn't buy founders' packs.

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I'd rather they stay. It just wouldn't give off a very good feeling if DE was hiding everything founders related from non-founders. I've also seen people who (despite being non-founders) were upset with the idea of founders items being removed from the codex of those who don't have them.

How about a compromise. If you have them, they show in your profile, and if you don't, they are hidden.

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What about event exclusives? Should they be removed from the player codex too?


I see the point of founder stuff being removed for a complete profile, but the event exclusives would also cause an incomplete profile.


Personally I don't think it is a bad idea, I just think its a pointless fix for pretty much no gain.

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How about a compromise. If you have them, they show in your profile, and if you don't, they are hidden.


How is that a compromise? I thought that's what you were originally asking for. And that's the very thing I don't want. I do not want items that I don't have hidden just because some other players don't like it.

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How is that a compromise? I thought that's what you were originally asking for. And that's the very thing I don't want. I do not want items that I don't have hidden just because some other players don't like it.

Because people will still be able to see that you have them if they look at your profile, but it won't trigger the OCD of players that cannot ever get them when they are looking at their own profile.


I wonder if DE knew the Founders program was going to cause them this much trouble.

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Because people will still be able to see that you have them if they look at your profile, but it won't trigger the OCD of players that cannot ever get them when they are looking at their own profile.


I wonder if DE knew the Founders program was going to cause them this much trouble.


I do not have them (founders items), but I do not want them removed from my profile just because some other self-proclaimed OCD players don't like it.

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I do not have them (founders items), but I do not want them removed from my profile just because some other self-proclaimed OCD players don't like it.


But it's not about "hiding" the founders exclusive item. It's more like you won't have it anyways, why show it there as if it's obtainable? I honestly think if it's not obtainable by everyone, it shouldn't include mastery rank and be in the profile at all. It should still exist in the codex and won't be hidden, but I don't see the point of those items that won't be obtainable being in profile.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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But it's not about "hiding" the founders exclusive item. It's more like you won't have it anyways, why show it there as if it's obtainable? I honestly think if it's not obtainable by everyone, it shouldn't include mastery rank and be in the profile at all. It should still exist in the codex and won't be hidden. I don't see the point of those items that won't be obtainable in profile.

So you'd remove all the mastery points from the old beta weapons? That's heresy. Don't punish the older players to make it fair for newer players.

Edited by Mikovsky
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So you'd remove all the mastery points from the old beta weapons? That's heresy.

I would like them to be. But I know, as you say it's "heresy," - I found that funny -  it will be super controversial. So I'll withdraw that statement on mastery rank. But in profile, they should be taken out from people who dont own founders exclusive items.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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How about things staying as they are?


So people are "completionists" are they? Well, good luck filling the "Grand Master" badge in you profile, since it will take around 2 EXTRA more times what it takes players to get to Rank 17.


That's right kids, we will need 378 MORE weapons, 60 MORE Frames, 22 MORE companions, 14 MORE sentinel weapons, 6 MORE Archwings, and 20 MORE Archwing weapons in order to get MR30.

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I get the whole Founders Exclusive stuff . But can you at least remove the excalibur prime from the profile stats among warframes ? As a collectionist , It really bothers me to not being able to get something that wasn't by my choice .


I'm NOT asking you to bring back excalibur prime , or remove him completely , I'm just asking maybe you should remove him from the profile stats for Non-founders , I recently found out about this game , so it wasn't my fault not knowing about it back then .

Well, i see this is your first post.


Anyway, it's just a image, i don't know why it bothers you.


The stars you get from Forma'ing a weapon annoys me, but i won't complain.


By the way, i have sold many weapons, with Catalysts and Formas just because i didn't like the Polarities.

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You know. This complaining could probably be fixed if they added a tick box saying "display founders exclusive", and "display event items".




No, because then it becomes "another" thing that we have tick boxes for. THOSE tickboxes things should be for important stuff.


I have a thing about shaking, and I would still NOT want a tickbox to be put somewhere. This one is not a game mechanics problem. Not a Game Engine problem. Not an anything problem.


This is a problem in people's mind. Adding tickboxes to fix those is not a solution. A box, hidden in a part of the game people only go into once a month is displaying another box that reminds them of something they can't get.


They need to get over it and move on.

Edited by DSpite
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I'm against any proposal made on the basis of someone's feelings. That includes something bothering, bugging, or not sitting well with someone. It's not a gameplay issue. Best to leave it alone.

Some might think, "Out of sight, out of mind." Others will think DE is hiding something. The end result is nothing changes because now another group is feeling the bad feels.

As a great poet once wrote, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, RNGesus will screw you over no matter what you do."

Edited by MisterUltimate
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I think the reverse should happen, all exclusives should be in the codex, I want to check out all the closed beta vandals, Lato Prime as well as the Twin wraith vipers and Gorgon wraith I missed.

Having all of that stuff in the Codex was GOOD. You got to see it like it was yours, without having to level/forma anything. Hassle free ownership and just a little incentive giver to try and not miss anything.

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