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Why Do People Want To Know Your Mastery Rank For Games?


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It makes no sense other than to promote their sense of elitism, hek even a mr 4-5 player usually already has the Latron P or Paris P forma'd and has some decent mods. I can understand how they might be afraid that some people might aren't "smart" enough or ready for a certain mission but does it really matter? They will already have a handful of frames by then, and although they may not be fully maximized they are perfectly usable (Perhaps unorthodox but still useful nonetheless). As for whether they know not to be a hallway hero or not its quite obvious once you see lvl 40+ enemies start swarming and you need to stay together to survive. Higher mr doesn't mean they are more knowledgeable or better at playing the game, so why should that be a restriction? For one they could have simply viewed your profile instead of asking rather than making a big deal out of it. I might sound entitled and all, but they should have made it clear in the first place what MR they wanted rather than ignoring people once they pm. 


They might wish to stay 40 minutes/waves but does it really matter when half your members are carrying a Boltor and one of them only has 1 job?

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Because they think that the higher your MR is, the more skilled you are at the game.

Pretty much this, since there's no good way to judge skill levwl. Though, people asking for M15 is just plain dumb imo, since I've seen a goos bit of them who get themselves killed often.

Ugh. I hate typing on a phone.

Edited by Yazeth
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Earlier, I was running the archwing Uranus interception. I followed your logic because it made sense at the time. Grabbing the first three people from recruiting, I picked up a mastery 15, a mastery 5 and a mastery 7. Me, at 18, and the person at 15 spent the entire game reviving the 5 and the 7.

I wanted to be optimistic so I tried again, and spent the entire round picking up low mastery players, who all just died as soon as I revived them.

These are just some of my findings. With lots of playing I can tell you that all my evidence points towards mastery rank having correlation with skill. I am now checking people's profiles before I invite them to high level content. You are, to some extent, correct. I know a number of mastery 7-10 players who are incredible at the game, one of whom is one of my closest friends. I also know a lot of mastery 15-17s that are absolutely terrible. I will however say, that it is a good place to start by checking their mastery rank.

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I'm going to add a tangent here and say:  As a person who doesn't want to waste time and energy putting together teams that can't perform a mission well, my choices are to either:  1.) never play with people that I haven't played with before to get a personal sense of their skill, or 2.) screen incoming people.


Given that #1 is a logical paradox and also prevents me from ever meeting any of the hordes of people out there,  #2 seems the most reasonable. So I need to screen people before inviting them to a team.  If you don't like mastery rank as an admittedly crude but fast approximation of how invested a player is, what do you suggest instead?

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This I can answer, some people think that if your mastery rank is higher they'll think you're more skilled in the game and only do missions with higher rank players thinking they'll survive better.

Another reason one time was when I was playing there was this player who asked what rank I was at and started showing off how high his rank was then mine thinking he was better then me. People lile that just wants to brag a lot just because you're MR is higher then others.

Third reason, sometimes there are new players who are at the low rank (rank to 0-2 for example) and feel the need to see if they want to help them out since they're new and all. That's how it was with me at first xP

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going off what otherws hve said, higher mastery means, if nothing else, longer played, and, in general, higher mastery correlates to higher skill. a mastery 18 player has ranked almost all, if not all, the weapons nad frames, whereas a mastery 3 has only used some of them. the mastery 3 may have a lot of experience with them, and be very skilled, but you cant really see that based only on the recruiting chat.


edit: higher mastery players also tend to have more/better mods, because htey have been playing long enough to collect and rank them.

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It's a somewhat good indicator for time invested, as they did grind out all those frames, weapons, sentinels, etc. 


While nothing in the game can truly be a label of skill, we're instead looking to alternatives such as conclave rating(how much mods you stuff into your arsenal) and Mastery rank(How many various things you've done grinding with).


I'm fine with people going by Mastery, but it does get to an extreme. Most non-completionist players find their sweet spot around MR 8-10 and they can be just as skilled and decked out as any other player. If you're below MR 5-6, to me you're still getting a grasp for the game and haven't tried out many weapons/frames. Especially since some higher "tier" weapons are gated behind higher MR. 


TLDR; I can see the justification of it, but people will always take it to an extreme.

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Depending on what Tier im playing, usually I'll put a restriction on my team for T4 missions so that only MR6+'s can join. I know it sounds despicable to do such things, but I can't tell you how many times I get new players joining my games when they don't even have all the essentials mods they should have, so they aren't really helping past 20 mins/15 waves, etc, especially when I aim up to 60 minutes in T4S'.


As for MR10 and over, it just sounds purely obsurd. There's no reason to need that much MR to join someone's game. IMO, most people of MR7 and over have and know how the game works.

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I use mastery not as a guide to skill, but about mods. There's a good chance an MR. 15+ will have R10 mods maxed, and generally gear with a ton of forma in it. In all my findings people below MR.4 can barely survive the first 5 minutes of T4 survival, and end up having to be carried, which in turn cuts my run short. 


As much as I hate discrimination against low MR players, sometimes you just have to pick what appears to be the better option. 

Hell I have a friend that is MR 5 and the best thing they have is an unformad latron prime without any R10 mods maxed. 

MR.10+ demands is a bit much though. I usually ask about 8 or so. 


Mastery is about time invested, not about skill. 


Don't get me wrong, I'm usually all for low level players, hell a lot of my friends started when I was in the 16+ ranks and I quite happily carried them. I generally don't check ranks when I'm hosting maps. But if I'm planning a long T4 run, the last thing I need is a newish player hoping for an easy carry, who can't support themselves after 5-10 waves/mins. 




They might wish to stay 40 minutes/waves but does it really matter when half your members are carrying a Boltor and one of them only has 1 job?


Also yes it does actually. I recently lost a 30 wave T4 defense because the Frost, who was a rank 6, didn't have the mods to cope with the damage the enemies were putting out. We ended up doing an entire wave without snowglobes because the person couldn't get energy. 


Nor did his guns do enough damage.


When the enemies start getting to the point they can one shot you can take  clips to take down, you need all the fire power you can get, and if one person needs to be carried it will hurt the team to the point of quite possibly losing. 

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Mastery is about time invested

The thing about Mastery, is that when it comes to time, it can't be used there for everything. Because not much ever relies on MR, I chose to simply not forma my Ash at all, and just stayed at MR4 for a loooong time. But even then, I still played a lot and with the gear I had, I kicked &#!.

MR shouldn't be use to discriminate, because in the end, it doesn't effectively show how the player acts in a match in any way.

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The thing about Mastery, is that when it comes to time, it can't be used there for everything. Because not much ever relies on MR, I chose to simply not forma my Ash at all, and just stayed at MR4 for a loooong time. But even then, I still played a lot and with the gear I had, I kicked !.

MR shouldn't be use to discriminate, because in the end, it doesn't effectively show how the player acts in a match in any way.

I agree, and I have met some really good low level MR players. But at the moment all we have to measure time invested is the MR rank. So at the moment it's best just going with what seems like the better option, and in most cases high level MR players will have at least one gun with a couple of Forma, at least maxed 10 mod, and most likely some corrupted mods.


This kinda discrimination won't stop until we get an actual way of viewing someone's gear/mods.formad stuff. Just telling us what guns they have isn't though. Though it does help. 

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Higher ranked players know better how to grind and how to optimize the invested time to get whatever, its about the mods you will most probably have, im just rank 10, i enjoy a lot playing with new players an bring some rank 0 frame to level in the process, but you cant take one of them to t4 defense(by example), no matter how skilled they are as shooters, neither does a boltor prime make you what those hard grinders are looking for, i built a vauban in order to be useful in such needs hehe

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