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Trinity Prime Concept


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I love it, but its very minimalist when compared to the other Primes DE has made.

It's a better mix of old and new primes. No part that's overly primed (Nyx Prime) and no underprimed areas (Frost P) I'm fine if this was the prime if the OP worked on the head abit.

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I don't really like Trinity's design for the most part (due to the lobster tail) but this design is elegant and simply beautiful. It would be nice if DE used this design or something similar to this for Trinity Prime, but I highly doubt it which is unfortunate. But again, nice work! 

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I really love what you did. I hope you don't mind I used your image to get an idea across.


I was thinking since Nova Prime had special animations and effects that more could be added. I wasn't patient enough to attempt a good of a job as you did though. I was thinking DE could add wings to her that either fold up when she uses an ability or starts out larger based on duration of Trinities Blessing and shrink according to time left. I also thought a pure energy halo was in order for the prime helmet. I made halo rings on her arms and dots on her knees. I really hope they show Trinity some love upon releasing her prime version.


Again sorry about the crudeness of detail...



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Gotta say, I really dig this. I've been hoping for Trinity Prime for a while now. I don't main her either (I don't really main anything. I'm pretty fluid when it comes to gear,) but I really want to be the golden healing angel. >w<


Seriously, this is amazing. I don't even think it needs anything, except maybe more detail. (Can't really have too much detail.(Except in the case of our lovely Nekromancer's obscenely obvious... yeah.))

Keep refining, and I'll do my part in making DE Senpai notice this. =D

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As a Trinity main...

I'd suggest more things on her butt. Just feels empty without dat lobster tail. Or, maybe just cover it completely and make a skirt. Nobody looks at her majestic, sacred !.

Removing the "lobster" from trinity wouldn't make her trinity anymore tho, at least not to me. I like trinity as she is now, she to me got that calm and "medic" feel. But nice to hear you're using Trinity as a main, there's way too few of you out there.. So hats of to you:)

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