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Rep Exploits Need A Stop


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It isn't an exploit for ONE reason.

They're not using any loopholes or cheating in any way.


If they're exploiting then I must be exploiting too....


I run the Archwing mission on Jupiter solo to rank up my Imperator Vandal....I just fly back and forth in enemy heavy sections of the map until I get bored before and after destroying the reactor..

Endless enemies+no real threat= more xp and power for my gun.

If rep/exp farming is an exploit (even when done within the parameters set by DE) then I guess I'm an exploiter too...


Why not go a step further into the absurd while we're screaming "burn the witch!!"?

Since most people that aren't new to the game know all the basics and don't need weak,tutorial like levels how about we call anyone over MR4 an exploiter if they run any planet under Saturn? It is the same as running high content with new players just the other end of the spectrum...


Oh but I forgot....there's NOTHING that says to or forces you to play in any specific way....Which is good because sometimes for fun I like to go stomp the crap out of Grineer on Earth with my high ranked frames and weapons...I suppose THAT is an exploit too....


I am FULLY aware of how ridiculous all this sounds....It's what every single person sounds like when they try to sabotage optional playstyles so everyone plays the same way...

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im going to be too lazy to read everything past the first page but, i always thought that locking in trinty's energy vampire range to be a static range on how far the energy is pulsed would be the best nerf to people not really trying. (like lock it at a 15-20m distance so it's harder but still plausible)

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Can't say I see an exploit in this. Choosing mission types or their 'output' as it were is the standard of Warframe ever since we had Endless mission types. Whether its the rewards or affinity, they are farmed missions with easier methods of farming these days.


So true xD

Sorry, why did you make this thread then?

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I say let them continue. This rep farm fiasco has highlighted many of the uninspiring(some might say "broken") core mechanics of the game - like the way powers and energy work - to the point that DE is actually trying to improve them.

Farm on peeps.

Edited by Jeigo
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Recruit chat as a constant "draco/stephano please exca+trin" over and over every 5 seconds.

Players are still on that?


Boy those were the days, i kinda gave up on that after finding out the new farming and before you ask, i won't tell......muahahahahaha

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I was doing some rep farming yesterday on Augustus Mars, I've maxed out both New Loka and Red Veil and thought I would try to get into the positive with Cepelon Suda when it came to me, Why? I already have the best mods and weapons any of the syndicates can offer that are worth using so why continue with the syndicates? I realized once you acquire either the mods or weapons you feel are worth getting it kinda makes fighting for a syndicate irrelevant. So as of today I took off my syndicate symbol and just got back to being a mercenary.

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doesnt really matter since its capped daily..


it isn't even an exploit just a method of farming


@op what needs to stop are people like you who create all this nauseating rants about how they think their opinion is a fact.

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Excal+Trin are not the only efficient warframes.  But, people like to believe there is only one best way.  One Trin + 3 excal is beneficial for someone who wants to make use of new players because excal is a starter warframe.


And, the farming method is about dragging out the rounds.  Which is weird because you get more eximus in latter rounds and they give more affinity.  People just want to fight easier high level enemies.  That's really the farming strategy.  They do not want to face tougher enemies.  They do not want to Space Ninja.  They just want to sit on a pod and Drink with Homer's Drinking Bird.  They are probably gold farmers.  DE is enabling this by putting the best rewards on the most sedentary missions instead of making Space Ninja Missions the most rewarding missions.  If people are rewarded for Space Ninja, they will Space Ninja.  If people are rewarded for sitting around doing nothing, they will sit around doing nothing, especially if they are trying to fill acounts with plat and stuff to then sell the accounts.

Edited by ThePresident777
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try using Banshee with savage silence on draco or stephano its the same thing, in your rage of a complaint you forgot 2 factors in power leveling and only talked about the ability used so let me enlighten you with whats left out.


1) high level enemies


2) endless mission types


 without these two key factors the game would be ultra boring and only you would play, and gaining exp, rep, affinity etc would take forever and eternity+ infinity to level stuff up. there is no wrong way or right way to play so just get over it  and stop being an old fart that wants to spoil the fun for the younger generation.

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Ever run with a MR18 saryn doing exterminate missions?  Dual ichor coptering + nonstop 4 spam.  Everything melts right as you're about to attack it, no matter how fast you are.


There is no real build diversity except in endless missions when the 4 spam ceases to be an effective way to kill quickly.  At which point people just pull out their gammacors and boltor primes.  


Playing any mission in this game with people is getting old really ****ing fast.  The rep farm is just showing the flaws of the community and the game, taken to the extreme.


Not only that - but it's making everyone who plays really bad at this game.  I ran a T4S with 3 MR15+, they had no idea how to play without camping off in some desolate corner of the map (I asked them not to because that is boring as ****).  Going down every 5 seconds, failing to sustain life support after just 25 minutes.  Same thing happens on defense missions.  Without a frost and his globe, people just don't know what the hell to do.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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you should've been around in ember prime's released days or vaubans  or even oberon when ult spamming was really in effect, your complaint is moot  and ultimate spamming has always been the norm in warframe. The only time it was kinda cooled down was the birth of melee 2.0 induction when everyone was doing ground slams and coptering.

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It sounds like you're burned out....rep farming doesn't show flaws....it shows that SOME people want to get their rep in one shot and go do other things...That isn't a flaw,that's the same as taking the garbage out early so you have more time for enjoyable endeavors.

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stupid thread...


of course if you kill lot of enemy = more exp = more rep


its not exterminate that you have to kill limited number of enemy = less exp/rep


the thing about draco is more exp/rep = less time


if there is no draco I go to void survival or def . = more time but 5 r5cores (for easy mod upgrading)+ prime parts (if not needed sell it for ducats) + exp for unrank weapon

Edited by Mistyclown
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All this rep exploit is turning the game into something very very stupid.


Recruit chat as a constant "draco/stephano please exca+trin" over and over every 5 seconds.

If the host doesn't have a exca or a trin, why would anyone join him anyway, seems like he inst bringing anything to help the squad...

Also, someone invented that awesome exca+trin combo, doesn't mean its the ultimate best, so try to be original and inviting new ways to win or new formations.

But worse, ppl spent their hours playing draco/stephano over and over, they will end up saturated and give up this mindless game on its totality.


I also go to draco, but I never recruit, I just get on the map, either ppl join or not, either its good players or not, either they bring good frames or not.

After wave 1-2-3-4 I'll just measure the team and see if it worth going further.



But today I got unlucky, I entered in a exca & trin idiotic-exploit-farm-500-turbo.

Not only I was criticized for not standing still and leech, but I was pressured to leave on the next round, somehow me going around killing enemies with my secondaries, was interfering in their leeching leisure time O_O

Didn't bother reading. It isn't an exploit. DE made the mechanic work the way it does.

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Who care? Interception mission is boring anyway. Instead of killing stuff, we are forced to run around in circle like a headless chicken. How is that fun? Fix the stupid pointless capturing one point after another. The mode may work for pvp game but it's definitely too boring for pve

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 All you're gonna achieve is to get trinity nerfed again.



75% power efficiency is the problem.



While this could be a problem just adding a cool down timer on warframes number 4 ability is another solution. Have you every heard a nyx complain about chaos not been able to be spam?

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For the time ive been playing Warframe, Ive always looked for the most efficient method to maximize my gains in a given session. This is merely human nature to perform mundane tasks with the most efficiency as to not waste time.


if i wanna max out my rep, Ill go to draco, take my best frame, and a grind it out. its simple, i dont waste hours of a day and i can use that time for something else.


If i want Orokin cells, i go to Draco, with a booster and come out with 10 cells every game, in 1 hour, i can farm up 50-60 Orokin cells, as opposed to half that in double the time.


When i need polymer bundles or any other resource by the truckload i slap on a resource booster and go to town and farm for an hour on a map that wont be too taxing or too time consuming, why? because im human and have other things to do.


I am not going to sit there for 4 hours grinding my life away simply because "someone doesnt like the way i play". Warframe in its core promotes these type of missions. After hitting a certain rank , that new car smell is gone and you fall into a cycle, of grind, grind, grind. Its not peoples fault that some frames excel at killing things and coupled with the way exp works you have farmers. This can be said for any MMO or online game. If there is a way to do something efficiently why not?


Dont blame the player, blame the game.

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