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So, Modding For Void.. ( 15.10 )


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if  your entire team uses corrosive projection, viral + fire, else corrosive + fire


You can also replace fire with cold to give you a little more oomph against the enemies sporting Alloy armour.


I'd also recommend keeping one of your weapons on Radiation + Viral to get rid of the Corrupted Bombards when there's too many around.


Example for me:


Primary -> Corrosive + Fire/Cold


Secondary -> Radiation + Viral


Melee -> Either

Edited by Cyborger1
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Radiation, Corrosive, Viral (if you have armor shredding stuff), Fire (if you have Ember).

When I go with my Ash, I get my Primary with Corrosive, to take down Healers, secondary fast and with Radiation, to take down everything else. (Heavy units become paper after Seeking Shuriken), and Melee with Viral, when heavies get too much hp.

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if  your entire team uses corrosive projection, viral + fire, else corrosive + fire

Fire is not efficient if they have armor. Cold makes more damage to crewmen, nullifiers and Fusion MOA shields. And grineer with Alloy armor (Butcher, Bombard and Lancer). Fire only + damage to Ancients which they are already very easy to kill since you're using Corrosive.

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Fire is not efficient if they have armor. Cold makes more damage to crewmen, nullifiers and Fusion MOA shields. And grineer with Alloy armor (Butcher, Bombard and Lancer). Fire only + damage to Ancients which they are already very easy to kill since you're using Corrosive.

Not correct. 


Corrupted heavy gunners are weak to fire, and acutally so are bombards(both cloned flesh, same as heavy gunners, just the armor type is different).  Also Ancients are not weak to fire.   But, because of bombards, I like Corrosive + Ice for a team not running corrosive projection, because alloy armor is slightly weak (only 25%) to Ice and the ice is helpful for shields(even though the fusion moas aren't really that big a deal).  Otherwise Radiation + Viral is best (with corrosive projections auras).


It also depends on what type of weapon you are using, like does it have a decent proc rate, or is it pure damage etc etc etc....

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Personal opinion has me leaning towards Viral as of late. Level 30 enemies and below dont' have enough health for it to really matter *that* much what I'm using from personal experience. Everything dies in a couple of seconds regardless of whether or not I have +75% type advantage against them with 1/3 of my damage. When I really care about my elements is later on when the enemies are a stupidly high level with a stupidly large amount of health; cutting that in half is a massive amount of damage. Therefor I've been prioritizing Viral + Fire/Radiation.

Radiation is preferred over FIRE or electricity. It's a really useful proc effect in higher levels because it usually prompts enemies to turn their attention away from you and towards the thing with 18 million HP you are trying to take down. This helps kill the enemy faster and gives you a little more breathing room.

Corrosive is *nice* and it can help things go down faster, so if you can pack Corrosive Projection instead of Energy Siphon you're in good shape. Spend some time farming Large Team Energy Restore before you go into T4 and you should be fine.

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Not correct. 


Corrupted heavy gunners are weak to fire, and acutally so are bombards(both cloned flesh, same as heavy gunners, just the armor type is different).  Also Ancients are not weak to fire.   But, because of bombards, I like Corrosive + Ice for a team not running corrosive projection, because alloy armor is slightly weak (only 25%) to Ice and the ice is helpful for shields(even though the fusion moas aren't really that big a deal).  Otherwise Radiation + Viral is best (with corrosive projections auras).


It also depends on what type of weapon you are using, like does it have a decent proc rate, or is it pure damage etc etc etc....

Right, Ancients take normal damage from Heat. I was mistaken about that.


But Grineer take extra damage from Heat ONLY when they have no armor (x4 Corrosive P.)


So yeah Corrosive + Cold is more effective than Corrosive + Heat (Armored grineer)


and Viral + Heat would be the most effective when they have no armor.


(Obviously if the weapon is slash based is more effective on unarmored enemies than a Puncture based one)

Edited by CookingFood
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corrosive still works on void ? or should i use viral ? 


I reallty dont know now..... most of the enemies are grineer....so i think viral.... please help ?! :3


If you don't have a top tier weapon then bring a corrosive stacked primary and a radiation secondary to switch to on occasion. The highest HP enemies (Corrupted Heavy Gunners and Corrupted Ancients) are both weak to corrosive. Corrupted Vor and Corrupted Bombards are weak to radiation.


If you are feeling pretty good about your strength you can go Corrosive+Cold with one weapon. Cold is good vs Alloy like Radiation is, but not as good. The cold proc will slow them though so if you need to chew on them a bit it's not a big deal as long as your proc rate is decent compared to your firing rate. I would still bring your best DPS gun with rad in the other slot for Corrupted Vor.


In non-endless a top tier weapon can slaughter everything even with the wrong damage type, though you have to chew on Heavy Gunners a little bit. That's just where we are with power creep vs the offense-oriented nature of T4 where enemies also kill you right back just as quickly.

I take radiation so that I drop bombards like a bad habit since I hate knockdown spam, and because I don't really fear Heavy Gunners in non-endless because of their looney-tunes-stupid A.I. that will spray into walls that they're looking over... but that's just my opinion. You could bring gas damage on Boltor Prime and still do just fine in non-endless T4. It really doesn't matter.


For endless you still bring CPx4+Viral stack. Armour is armor is armour is armor. CPx4 removes it all. Then use Viral because it's awesome and we don't care about armor resists anymore.

Edited by VKhaun
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Even though I was absolutely sure, I still went and checked and guess what, I am right. So if anyone needs to apologize its you.

If you did it in the order I put you get both I have both, your order is still wrong then try the exact one i put the order does actuall matter you can flip the electric and cold if need be for forma slots but the toxics have to be on the outside of the chain one on either end if you are just finding this out im glad i could help someone :)

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If you did it in the order I put you get both I have both, your order is still wrong then try the exact one i put the order does actuall matter you can flip the electric and cold if need be for forma slots but the toxics have to be on the outside of the chain one on either end if you are just finding this out im glad i could help someone :)

Don't spread misinformation.  The only way you can get two combined elements that use the basic element is if the weapon already has that combined element on it.

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Don't spread misinformation. The only way you can get two combined elements that use the basic element is if the weapon already has that combined element on it.

Was it changed recently and im not aware of it I haven't been able to login into the game for computer reasons so i am on my phone so of it is out dated please disregard and n i am sorry

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Was it changed recently and im not aware of it I haven't been able to login into the game for computer reasons so i am on my phone so of it is out dated please disregard and n i am sorry

It has literally never been that way.


I suspect it's because all of the Toxin elements are great and allowing us to put both Corrosive and Viral on any weapon we choose would immediately become the best element combo in the game for raw DPS.

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