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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Will there ever be a wide range of weapon rebalancing like what happened back on Damage 1.0's upgrade to Damage 2.0? It is understandable that some weapons are weak while some are very strong but there are also some which are unreasonably weak and unreasonably strong, will this issue ever be looked at?

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Will you consider adopting an approach to balancing content that is more befitting of a "beta?" 


As it is, select changes are made on a rather irregular basis. This causes people to grow accustomed to a status quo among weapons and Warframes, and subsequently grow agitated when that status quo is upset. Balance is not something that can be gotten perfectly the first time around, so it is typically more efficient to make smaller changes more frequently


I'm not suggesting that the community be put in charge of balance changes, just that a wider array of changes be put into effect each week and adjusted regularly. This would, of course, require a larger staff devoted to making changes, but I think it is safe to say that the slow-and-meticulous method doesn't seem to be working very well. There is simply too much to be changed, and changes don't always work out the way they are intended. (Most recent example: Ember rework.) 


Simply put, it would be better to have the community grow accustomed to a constantly changing status quo and be allowed to provide insight on changes while they are still fresh on the mind. The devs should, of course, dictate in which general direction the changes are going rather than attempting to appease the various forum factions with competing interests. 

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Question 1:
not asking for a full reveal because that would take all the fun out...

Can you give us at least a hint on what the next frame will be..
there are a few concepts that would make a lot of people very happy *cough* Typhus/Dragon *cough*

Question 2:
will we see a Valkyr Prime this year? or at all?
there is some debate in de forums about wether she should get one at all..

Edited by BaIthazar
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Hey everyone. 


so let me start by asking about the next warframe.


1.so who is he or she?? (i wish it was Typhus). 


2.could we maybe see more Kubrow mods?? 


3.any news about Darvo's shop??


4.when will spectra get some love? my isaac clarke build i was over due.

Edited by TheAbyssWalker1
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Three questions from me; one repeated again.


1. Why does the game report a higher than 60fps framerate yet the game still feels like there's stutter and some animation delays?


2. Will Armor get a revision? If you try to solo some higher level areas (30+ grineer) with a frame who has 65 armor or lower, the amount of damage from the automatic rifles and slash procs are devastating. This applies to the low / mid level procs too; 0if you're a new player it can get bad considering some lower level planets aren't always populated.


3. Containers have a chance to spawn a rare version now, but I feel that the lockers aren't really worth opening aside from the health orbs and ammo (can just spam consumables.) Any chance containers can have better loot or maybe a rare / sabotage locker quality one?


Looking forward to the warframe traits (passives) and future reworks as always.

Edited by Someguy316
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Tenno can wear a additional armor pieces. Can the Factions of those armors actually can be worn by them ?

EGZ: Iliac armor can be seen on Ancients, Dendra on Corpus Crewman, Harkonar on Greenier Soldier.


It will give some Visual diversity to the enemy roster.

Edited by Cracken
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- Any new Sigils coming for Syndicates?


- How about changing the Syndicate ancient/grineer/roller/etc. specters, with a specter that is actually from the syndicate? 


- Any Syndicate specific missions that aren't rep missions? Maybe missions that expand on Lore?


Mission System


- Remove recruitment chat to make it easier to find Void/OD missions, while also allowing the host to set certain mission parameters such as frame type, and/or minimum conclave rating.


- Please fix the drop rates for Tower items. Its pretty disheartening to run T4Def missions all day only to end up with forma, gold cores and Lex prime blueprints. I realize that this game is about farming, and I have no problem with that, but even though I have almost 500 hours put into this game, even I am starting to think this is ridiculous. 


- Allow users to set their own preferences for squad mates when looking for missions. For instance, a high level squadmate who gets matched up with lower level squadmates. Its not fair to either parties since the lower level squadmates get killed easier, but also the higher level squadmates are put in a position where they can create a bad experience for a new player by having to choose to revive them or stay and defend the objective. While I enjoy helping new players, sometimes I just feel the need to play with a team that dont rely on one person too much.




- Add an option to assign a key for a HUD reboot/reset. There is nothing worse than having to completely quit WarFrame and start it back up because my menu is jacked up.


- Maybe add the same for a camera reset for when the camera gets bugged when performing certain stunts and maneuvers. 




- Bring back full interior Liset decorations like the Christmas one! If we are space hobos, might as well be space hobos with a nice van interior.


- Expand the interior to allow displays of your warframes and weapons? Walk up to the frame you want for a quick change into that frame? Same for weapons?




- Increase experience gain as it feels like it takes forever to level something up. This will entice more players to play WarFrame since most people see it as a chore to play.


- Tellurium. I have played alot of Archwing missions and only have 5 Tellurium to show for it. It is currently easier to get Argon Crystals (which do expire). Maybe a slightly increased drop rate? Maybe have a set enemy/requirements for it to drop such as Oxium?




Thanks guys! Keep doing an awesome job!




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Hate to be yet another person asking this, when are you going to give the Rakta Ballistics some love? We loyal Red Veils have been waiting very patienly for a buff to what is regarded by pretty much all players who have some experience the worst syndicate weapon. Maybe increase its accuracy slightly and buff the damage by a decent margin, so to make it competetive with the other syndicate weapons. We would also enjoy the option to change the colours.

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Are we ever going to get a "Prime Trim" color change color set / option? I like using my prime frames and gold is fine and all but I can't use alot of my colorschemes with gold. Perhapse different metal / rock styled colors? Obsidian, Silver, Platinum colors etc. It's a shame to have all of the color pallets and can't use them properly with gold trim.

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Damage 3.0 ? 

Damage 2.0 was implemented to resolve the persistent issues with enemy scaling versus weapon modding functionality (Rainbow builds, etc) in order to keep Enemies challenging.

With the addition of Corrupted mods, event mods, and general power creep, Enemies appear to have, again, been rebalanced to keep gameplay challenging. It's like we are back where we started.

What plans are underway to address this?





 While it offers a useful CC, it's not practical to use in groups as area effects break it quickly which wastes energy. As the ability is not hitscan even more energy gets wasted in the attempt to hit targets with it outside short range.

Is there any chance this ability can be made channeled or given a channeled option at it's highest rank?



In a Devstream a year ago, DE_Scott stated he would take a second look into the Bug fix regarding Avalanche's duration on targets it doesn't defeat.

While removing the duration was a bug fix then, it has been shown that other frames abilities have been allowed to keep duration bugs as it creates optional modding opportunities (M Prime).

Can Avalanche please have it's duration option returned to it now?

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Clan/Alliance Emblems

I remember one day we talked about clan emblems and being able to have better sizes of them rather then just the small shoulder emblem. This would be better for the decor in the dojo that make a nice emblem look stretched out.


Resource Vaults

We need a vault for just resources, or at least a new room called "Resource Room" so everyone can just go in there and anything they want to contribute, may be it credits or resources, can do so without having to run around the entire dojo trying to remember or figure out what needs contibution. Now I know we have the credits vault, but that's just credits.



1. We need to really scale out the requirements for pigments. Charger Blue is from Toxic Ancients and it is required 1800 (Storm Clan) and the spawn rate of those is like 2 or 3 per mission at best from what I heard.

2. We need better colour options. All we have is different shades of blue, red, & yellow.


Honestly, I think dojos and clan need more attention. This is just a small bit of it. I dont want to say too much now, just maybe touch a couple of these things at least.

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Are there any plans of re-checking the balance of melee channeling. As a concept it is often very cool to power charge your Warframe and decimate your enemies to atoms with your melee weapons. However looking at the mods available for melee weapons, their beneficial effects and doing a comparison between normal casual melee with those mods instead of with channeling based mods. It seems as though the damage benefits are the same and that you only end up using energy for a something that is much like a visual effect rather than actually beneficial effect.

To clarify my question. Are there any plans to re-visit channeling melee and re-balance it to be cost worthy investment?

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Will we be able to to downgrade, at least temporarily, maxed out mods?

For example I have a 10/10 Blind Rage, will I eventually be able to bring that same mod down to for example 5/10 to use on a different build without having to rank up a second mod?

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