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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Will nulllifiers be reworked? They currently make any crit or slow weapon (weapons like snipers and bows) extremely weak.


Synoid gammacor nerf? I see 4 of them in 90% of games. And people thought boltor prime was bad...


Rakta ballistica rebalance/buff/increase all stats by 1000%?


Void loot table rework? Adding T1/2/3 interception? Removing duplicate drops? 


Mag's shield polarize scales infinitely and is gamebreaking. Any fixes?


Buffs for weaker frames/frames that don't add much to the team? ember, rhino, oberon.

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French questions:


Trichouette asks: Is there an Aklex Prime planned for soon?


.OAI.Baka01.FR asks:



1: Would it be possible to have a system to fuse our duplicate weapons into our main to get an enhanced/buffed version of it (random polarities, stats slightly increased)?


2: When will we have new rooms for the Dojo?


3: Will the number of decorations available for rooms and rails be increased?


4: Will we have new colors for the Polychrome?

5: Could we have a way to change the appearance of the walls (Dojo): patterns/textures/frescoes, etc?


6: Are there any new planets with new missions planned?


7: Can we expect new ship types in the future? (different architecture outside, a bigger indoor than the Liset)


8: Some new weapons/sentinels/warframes planned for the Dojo Labs?


9: Can we have a "Treasure" room in the Dojo where we can see mountains of credits and resources? (and check stats of contribution (global/per person, etc))


Q-Nel-974 asks: Can we expect the ability to fistfight in Warframe some day? (no weapon, just martial arts).


manosolo asks: we talked some time ago of a room in the dojo (or virtual via the Arsenal) to test the efficiency of our builds without fear for our Revives. What is the state of this project?


Daturawar asks:

1) Would it be possible for Clans/Alliances to send mass messages to all their members? They would recieve them in their inbox. This ability should be controlled as a "permission" given by the Warlord, and could be restricted (once a day) to avoid abuses).

2) Would it be possible to have more info/stats in the UI for Alliances: numbers of active members in a Clan, name of the Warlord, activity of its members, etc.


Ph0be asks: When the HUD will finally be customizable? (mainly the placement of the elements, not necessarily change the appearance of them).


Claymd asks:

1) What will be the conditions/restrictions to reduce the size of our Clan?

2) Can you provide more informations about the changes incoming for the Dark Sectors? The last devstream wasn't very clear about this...

3) Will we have a Quest to introduce the Stalker and dig into its origins/mysteries?

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Appearance items/changes for Kubrows? I Would like to see them with armor, maybe a special collar (or Prime collar) that makes the dog more powerful, and more reliable. Maybe some training settings for Kubrows so that you can edit if you want the Kubrow to go off and fight for you more or an option that makes it fight people near you and be more on the defense. 


Shotgun/Ember buff? When will it be coming? (This is is especially dear to me because I want to be able to use my Boar Prime in the same missions I use my Soma Prime in. NOT saying I want it to be the best buff ever and make shotguns crazy good, but they need to be effective, because as of right now taking a shotgun in to late game is not viable (unless it's the Brakk).


Wyrmius available to people who don't have Wyrm? (Is this going to happen, or am I going to have to build it again...)


People are going to hate me because I must have missed the devstream, but what is the Focus System? And when will it be coming?


Is a new trading system going to be implemented?  I am just tired of going in to the clusterf*** that is trade chat. Here Is my concept if you need ideas. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/350709-trading-20-concept/


What is the progress on Parkour 2.0? Can you show us anything that you have done with that?


That is all! Thank you DE!

Edited by The_Real_007
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Are augment slots going to happen?


also... same as a lot of other questions here... What happened to rotation C drops? Derelict is litterally the worst now, all you get is T1 and 2 keys with the occasional Mutagen Mass thrown in the mix. How do you expect us to ever get anything usefull out of all our time?


How do you go about balancing a certain weapon or frame?

I'm not relating to the recent Ember changes just to clarify but let's just take it as an example: So lots of people complained about Ember being "underpowered" compared to the competitors. Whenever you take a look at a frame or weapon, what is the process you go through for coming up with improvements? As in: What takes priority (in what order) when balancing? 


Or in a better phrase: What were the steps taken to come to the result of (in this case) Ember's changes? (you may of course provide an example with a gun or different frame but I thought Ember would be appropriate here)

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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I m having problems with how the DMG the player gets is communicated to the player. I mean ´,sometimes i get like so little DMG and sometimes i m dead in second. The UI changes are already good but maybe more are needed, like optional health&shield bars around the crosshhair, or thresholdbased red dimming of the corners of the screen (playerconfigurable). Or a black&whiteshader of the warframe which grows based on missing health.

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Even though it is early in the year, when could we realistically expect a more lore grounded progression for new players and old alike?


In your bugfixing projects, which area is your focus? Are you going to take a look at the reliability of the speed of weapon changes in-game, and other animation queued actions?


What's the progress of  the fix to strict NAT?


When is RNGesus going to be fixed up? There is nothing rare about getting reflex guard every second drop on Mercury, yet getting denied a heavy calibre out of countless runs.


I really feel that there needs to be more diversity in gameplay between planets, and outcomes for taking out the boss e.g. when we kill Sargus Ruk, the quality of drops increase in survival missions because he has been a pest for Tenno excavation efforts (part of the dialogue, not mission set). By diversity I refer to mission types and tileset differences. Actually make us feel like we are doing something different, in a different place and that what we do is contributing to the balance. This is something that has come a very, very far way, but it really needs more attention.



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Why has it taken so long to get around to fixing Mag Pull and why are we only seeing fixes to the Augment when the base skill has been broken for quite some time when running Mag as a client?

Pull Augment now drags drops to mag even as a client BUT

Drops are not synched so host etc still sees mods in original location and not the position the mag client drags them to.

Mag pull as client is still just flipping enemies around in the air on the spot.. they are not moving as they do when used by a mag that is the host.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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Can we address many Augment mods being used as band-aid fixes to skills that are underpowered?


Excalibur's Slash Dash Augment and Nyx's Pacifying Bolts come to mind immediately, as well as the Elemental Frames 1 abilities.


While some Augment mods are great and bring a lot of new aspects to already interesting skills, a lot of them are really just buffs to skills that are lackluster on their own.


Would also like to ask about their thoughts on Ember's 4, because it kind of sucks currently, even after the recent buffs to Ember.

Edited by lZerul
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1: Will everything the syndicates offer us be tradeable? Or do i have to get the sigils, team restore BPs and specters myself?


2: When the past event will be converted to quests, will we be able to get the event rewards, like weapons, mods, and badges if we do these quests?

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